-Eating so close to starting is likely to do more harm than good. Don’t start exercise hungry and don’t put off eating. If possible, eat at least an hour in advance of exercise.
- Consume approximately 200 calories about an hour-30 minutes before your exercise. You will want to take in most carbohydrates since those foods are the fastest, most efficient way to restore your glycogen or fuel. You definitely want to find foods that are lower in fiber as well.
Some examples of a pre - workout snack would be:
- 2 plain rice cakes, 1 T almond butter, raisins and honey on top
- 1 banana with almond butter
- Applesauce mixed with protein powder
- Fruit low in fiber with scrambled eggs
- Whey protein shake (more protein and less carbs)
- Sports bar with protein (this is the least attractive option, but it’ll work in a pinch)
-Don’t forget your fluids, especially water before a game or workout. Drink enough that your urine is almost clear, but don’t “over drink”. Remember, we are not camels, and if you “over drink”, you will probably feel sluggish and swollen.
-Eating during exercise is a learned skill that requires planning and testing. Don’t try something new in an important game. Try and work through this in practices to learn what is best for you. Don’t assume that just because something works well for someone else, that they will also work for you. Tolerance for food during exercise is an individual matter.
-It depends on your body weight, but a good rule of thumb is to consume about 200 calories per hour of exercise or training. Some of the best sources of this come in sports drinks or a “power gel” or “sports gel” or even Cliff Bar “Shot Block”. These are all sources of high sugar carbohydrates that will keep you fueled and keep you from “bonking”.