Dussindale Centre, Pound Lane, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0SR

Tel/Fax: (01603) 701048 Email:

Thursday 22nd March 2012

Notice of Town Council Meeting

A meeting of Thorpe St Andrew Town Council will be held at the Dussindale Centre on Monday 2nd April 2012 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Steven FordClerk to the Council


1.Attendance book and apologies for absence.

2.Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.

3.To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 5th March 2012.

4.Announcements (For information only)

To receive announcements from

(i) The Town Mayor

(ii) The Clerk

5.Public participation- To consider a motion to suspend the meeting to allow the following the opportunity to address the meeting limited to 5 minutes each.

(i) Members of the public

(ii) County and District Councillors- Report from Councillor John Ward

(iii) Norfolk Constabulary

(iv) Dussindale Park Management Trustees

6.(i) Payment of Accounts:

Voucher number –1062 – 1169, Cheque number 4951 – 4992 totalling £35174.24

7.Town Tree Warden’s report.

T.P.O. 2012 No. 26 Trees on land at 17 Boulton Road, 40a Harvey Lane & 12 Gordon Avenue.

Confirmation of T.P.O. 2011 No.59.

8.Town Amenities Officer’s Report.

9.Draft minutes of committee meetings.

Planning12th March 2012

Events19th March 2012

10Solution re resignation of gate opener/locker.

11.Gordon Avenue and Dussindale DriveTree Planting Scheme.

12.O2 Mast at the recreation ground.

13.Rough car park opposite the library, always full.

14.Memorial for Brian Fitzmaurice, Milestone.

15.Request for donation from Norwich Fringe Project.

16.Request for donation from Norwich and West Norfolk Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

17.To reconsider letter from Brownies pleading financial hardship, do you wish to make a contribution?

18.Request for donation from E.A.C.H.

19.Request for donation from AgeUK.

20.To consider quotation from Vincent Security to expand & upgrade CCTV system at Fitzmaurice Pavilion to cover solar panels.

21.Neighbourhood Planning. Please read report submitted by Councillor Laming and consider the questions this throws up.

22.To consider quotation and agreement for Street Lighting Maintenance from Pearce and Kemp.

23.To consider proposal by Mr S Ford to charge for requests to display non Thorpe St Andrew Town Council posters in our Notice Boards.

24.Highways Agency. The A47 Trunk Road (Postwick Interchange Slip Roads).

Response to objections. Public Exhibitions.

25.Future Agenda Items. (Not for discussion).

For information

A.List of ongoing items from previous agenda.

B.Morse Pavilion Project. Due to start June / July.

C.Norfolk County Council Proposal for new tree planting at Dussindale to mark Diamond Jubilee.

D.Letter to Norfolk County Council regarding parking at Hillside Road, Hillside Close.

E.Success on proposal to empower Town and Parish Councils.

F.Anglian Water. Drought situation and imminent hosepipe ban.

G.Letter of thanks from the Embassy of the Philippines, regarding the tree planting at the Jubilee Orchard.

H.Network Rail. Cutting back trees near allotment.

Publications available from the Clerk – The Playing Field Winter? 2011/12

Date of next Plans meeting 16th April.

Date of next meeting 14th May at the Dussindale Centre 7.30p.m.