Ephrata Baseball Association

Postseason Player Evaluation

Directions for completion: Fill in the available fields below by typing in your team roster. Then, simply follow the criteria for each column's heading by evaluating each player using a 0·5 scoring system. Save it and send it as an attachment. We will then add each of these scores, including the total, to a postseason evaluation database for all of the children in our system.

Please note: Certain components, such as pitching,will not apply for certain levels of play. Please only evaluate each player in the areas you have observed them performing.

(P) Pitching Criterion: (0) Did not pitch, not even practice, (1) May have pitched in practice, but not in games; (2) Pitched in a few games, but very erratic; (3) Able to throw strikes consistently, but may lack speed. A regular pitcher on the team; (4) The top pitcher on our team during the season; Throws hard for strikes; (5) One of the top pitchers in our league
(H) Hitting Criterion: (0) Seldom made contact; (1) Made occasional contact, but struck out frequently; (2) Good knowledge of strike zone, made consistent contact. (3) Consistently able to drive the ball, occasionally with power; (4) The top hitter on our team during the season; (5) One of the top hitters in our league
(T) Throwing Criterion: (0) Still trying to figure out which hand to throw with, (1) Throws the ball, but only at short distance and accuracy is a concern; (2) Throws pretty accurately, but no arm strength; (3) Able to make the throw from 3rd to 1st with reasonable accuracy and speed; (4) The strongest arm on the team; (5) One of the hardest, most accurate thrower in our league.
(F) Fielding Criterion: (0) Almost never able to get glove on the ball; (1) Sometimes is able to field slow grounders; (2) Can field balls right to him/her, but very little reaction; (3) Reacts to ground balls on all sides, but often has trouble fielding the ball cleanly; (4) Best infielder on our team; (5) One of the top fielders in our league. “All-Star Shortstop”
(FB) Fly Ball Criterion: (0) Always fields it on the bounce; (1) Ball will occasionally land in the glove; (2) Can catch, but always uses “basket catch” approach; (3) Able to catch most fly balls with good form, but may not have good range; (4) No one on team I’d rather have a ball hit to; (5) One of the top outfielders in our league.
(AA) Athletic Ability Criterion: (0) Baseball may not be their sport; (1) Slow or weak, but has potential based on great effort; (2) Good athletic ability, but still working on applying it to baseball; (3) Good athletic ability and able to use it for baseball; (4) One of the fastest, strongest players on our team; (5) One of the fastest, strongest players in our league.
(GK) Game Knowledge Criterion: (0) Which way do I run the bases?; (1) Doesn’t remember what to do even after being told; (2) Frequently confused on bases and in field; (3) Understands the concept of force-outs; (4) Knows nearly all the rules; (5) Excellent situational player.
League Level: / Team:
Manager/Coach: / Date:
Roster (Last Name, First Name) / P / H / T / F / FB / AA / GK / Total