During your semester study

Please remember to collect your student’s ID card from the International Programmes Office (IPO/BPZ) at CUE. You will be given a Student’s ID number, which you will have to use for all student’s affairs (e.g. exams, grades, enrolment etc.);
You may also apply for the library card. The detailed information is available at the CUE Main Library Website: If you have your card, you can use OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS (login is your library card number and password will be given to you by the librarian)! Please go to the Library with your mentor/tutor;
At the campus you can have a free access to Wi-Fi, but you have to register your IP and you will be granted the login and the password. The Wi-Fi is available at the whole campus.
To obtain the access you have to fill in the form (in Polish):
The registration should be done at IT Centre (Building A, ground floor). Please do it with your mentor/tutor at the beginning of your stay.
You may also use the computer labs freely. For details contact Magdalena Krasowska from IPO.
Remember also that at the Library building there is a different Wi-Fi system, so if you would like to use the Wi-Fi in the Library, you have to register separately and use a different form! Details:
Within your stay at CUE, you should apply for @wizard.uek.krakow.pl e-mail. You will need it before your diploma exam! Please fill the form:
You can login at the:
Your login will be your Student’s ID number at CUE (ID for regular students, each Int’l Student will be given also the number of Int’l Student, but please use your regular student ID with the prefix ‘s’ (e.g. s196777).
Contact person for English-speaking students:IT Centre, Building A, Ground Floor, Room nr 03, Mr. Robert Pabian - e-mail: , phone: +48 12 293 59 50;
Your professors will be used the Moodle Platform for the communication. You may visit our Centre of e-Learning at:
Please remember that International Programmes Office will register you at the Moodle Platform. If any problems occur, please ask IPO/BPZ for explanations.
Your login is: your student ID at CUE (e.g. 196777)
Your password is: date of birth /European order!/ and 5 zeros, that is YYMMDD00000
Each professor will give you also the “key code” to access his/her course;
Each CUE professor will give you during the first lecture/class his or her office hours. Each professor is required to be available for students once or twice a week for 60 or 90 minutes. You may also check the office hours (in Polish: konsultacje or dyżur) at the Moodle Platform. Please use the professors search engine at the right top corner of the website. We recommend you to visit your professors, if you have any questions, doubts, requests. Don’t forget to visit your examiner a couple of times before your book exam, if you must take such a solution;
In Europe a student is responsible for everything. You have to take care of all your matters on your own. You are responsible to collect all required documents and to submit them in due time to proper offices, units, professors. If you miss deadlines, sometimes there would be no chance to repair it and you will have to stay in Poland longer. Please be responsible and make all the requested things in due time. The team will offer you a great help, which for example Polish regular students would never receive, but the person who is responsible for deadlines is you personally as a student – please remember about it.
Please be careful and be sure about the different university culture. Please be careful while planning and organizing your study stay. In Poland, there two types of university classes: lectures and classes (tutorials).
Lectures: During the lectures, a professor lectures the material and students are to make notes during the lectures and to take the final exam only (written works, multiple choice tests, written tests). Students must take the final exam during the examination period (2 weeks only, that is the first two weeks of February in winter semester and the last two weeks of June in summer semester), if they fail any exam, they have to retake it during the retaking examination period (also 2 weeks only, 2 weeks in March for the winter semester and 2 weeks in mid-September for summer semester). Please make sure you will not be forced to be in Poland in September. As you have to take ca. 5-7 exams during 2 weeks, it requires a very well-thought-out planning. Thus, don’t leave your book exams till the last moment! Do it as early as it is possible.
Classes (tutorials): During classes students must work systematically and prepare for all classes collecting the scores during the classes, but they are also required to take the final test at the end of the semester (2 weeks before the examination period starts).
The Polish language is very formal, and we don’t use our first names in public affairs, they are reserved for close friends only. In Poland, at the universities we call university professors using their scientific degrees: Professor (for professor degree), Doctor (for PhD degree), Mr. or Mrs. (for master degree). Of course you can call all professors by using the title ’professor’, which during the English–language at CUE is common and popular among International Students, and CUE professors, but using first names of professors is not recommended.
We advise you to visit your CUE academic supervisor from time to time and to solve your problems face to face. Before making all your decisions concerning the teaching and diploma affairs at CUE please consult your CUE academic advisor and make the proper arrangements. Please make sure whether you do everything in due time.