at Mount Elden Middle School

3223 North 4th Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 773-8250 Phone (928) 773-8269 Fax


PdH Language Academy is an accelerated language program to promote bilingualism through the study of either Spanish or Navajo for students 6-8 grade at MEMS.

Acceptance into PdH Language Academy is based on:

v  Language background & desire to learn language

v  Academic excellence and attendance

v  Teacher Recommendation

v  Student Essay

v  Completed application packet

Applications are due February 1st. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by mail by the beginning of April. Please be sure that the address listed is current.

Accepted students will be approved for open enrollment (provided space available) and do not need to complete a boundary exception form. In addition to this application, parents need to complete a school registration packet.

The mission of the Language Academy is to provide every student the Power of Two. The Power of Two is the ability to think, speak, read and write in both English and another language.

Academic Excellence Bilingualism Cultural awareness

I hereby certify that the information presented in this application is true, accurate and complete. I understand and agree that misrepresentation or omission of relevant facts

will be cause for rejection of this application.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date


Name of Student:

Address (include zip code):

Name(s) of Parent/Guardian:

Phone(s) of Parent/Guardian:

Email(s) of Parent/Guardian:

Current School: Current Grade:

Date of Application: Date of Birth:

Gender: Male Female

In which bilingual program will your child participate? (check one)



Is your child currently enrolled in the Puente de Hozho Elementary or Language Academy? YES NO

Did your child learn Spanish or Navajo as a first language? YES ______NO ______

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your child’s Spanish or Navajo in the following areas?

5=Excellent; 4=Good; 3=Fair; 2=Learning the basics; 1=Just beginning


How did you hear about the PdH Language Academy at MEMS?
(check all that apply)
School Visit
Open House
Friend/Current Student
Other (please list): / Grade level for the 2015/2016 school year:
Application Check List:
  Information pages
  Teacher recommendation

Submit your application by MEMS Office

Feb 2017 to: Attn: PdH Language Academy

3223 North Fourth Street

Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Puente de Hozho Language Academy - MEMS

Application: Language Teacher Recommendation

Please give this form to an adult who is not related to the student applicant who has worked with the student in an educational capacity, preferably in a language classroom.

Applicant Information:
Student Name
Current School Grade Level

Recommender Information:
Name Position/Title
Organization For how long, and in what capacity have you known this student?

Recommender: Please complete this application honestly. This student is applying to the PdH Language Academy magnet program, which is an honors program for language learners. This application will be a major factor in the student’s acceptance to the program.

Trait / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points / Score
Positive role model when working with other students / Never / Sometimes / Often / Usually / Always
Quality of work / Poor / Fair / Good / Great / Excellent
Completeness of work / Poor / Fair / Good / Great / Excellent
Percentage of homework turned in on time / 79% or less / 80-84% / 85-89% / 90-94% / 95-100%
Initiative/Self Discipline / Poor / Fair / Good / Great / Excellent
Attendance (average number of days missed per grading period) / 8-9 / 6-7 / 4-5 / 2-3 / 0-1
Time on task in class / 79% or less / 80-84% / 85-89% / 90-94% / 95-100%
Time management / Poor / Fair / Good / Great / Excellent
Knowledge/Comprehension of Spanish or Navajo / Poor / Fair / Good / Great / Excellent

If there is any other information about this student you would like to share with the selection committee, please add your comments on the back of this form.

Signature of Recommender Date

Please return this form along with the packet directly to MEMS OFFICE: Attn: PdH Lang Academy

PdH Language Academy at MEMS

Application: Student Essay

Student Name Date

Write a short essay (150-200 words, in your own handwriting, which answers the following questions (attach an extra sheet or use the back if needed).

1. Why do you want to be part of our Language Academy and study Spanish or Navajo?

2. Why do you think it is important to learn another language?