Sport / Basketball
Age Group / Years 78
Gender / Boys
Team / Squad Size / Each team should consist of a minimum of 7 players and a maximum of 12
BOYS who have played in competition for County Squads or hold National League licences before 31st March 2014 will NOT be permitted to play.
GIRLS who hold National League Licences before March 31st 2014 will NOT bepermitted to play.
GIRLS who have represented at CountyLevel but DO NOT play National League WILL be permitted to play in the games
Team Requirements
Each team should consist of a minimum of 7 players and a maximum of 12. All 12 players can play in the games. One of the team members shall be the Captain. Each team will also have a qualified coach and team manager (who must be a responsible adult).
A member of the team is a player when he/she is on the court and is entitled to play. Otherwise he/she is a substitute. All players on a team shall wear the same coloured uniforms and where possible shall be numbered on the front and back of the shirt. Teams shall use only numbers from 4 to 15.
Competition Format
The principle of a round robin format, or appropriately sized pools leading to a knockout in the later stages will be followed, depending on the number of teams entered.
Sports Rules
General rules are as per England Basketball rules with the exception of those listed below.
Preferably games shall consist of four periods, the length of each period will depend on the number of entries.
The game clock will only be stopped for time-outs, injuries, free shots or at the request of the referee.
Games will be played with size 6 basketball for boys and size 5 ball for girls.
No zone defences will be permitted.
Tied Games. During the pools, games ending in a draw will be the final score. However in the play-offs a one minute period of extra time will be played. If at the end of over time the game is still a draw. A free throw shoot out will take place.


During the 1st quarter 5 players must play, for the 2nd quarter a different five players must play. If a team has 12 players then the 11th and 12th player must start the second half. In the spirit of the games no player can play the whole game, they must have a quarter where they sit on the bench.

No substitutions are allowed in the first two periods except to replace a player who is injured, disqualified, or has committed five personal fouls. However every player must have at least a full period playing on court.
In the third and fourth periods and all extra periods substitutions are permitted. These can be made when the ball is dead and the game clock stopped. All substitutions must be completed before the first of any free throws.
For further clarification on eligibility or rules for Basketball please contact: Bev Guymon, 07793 279705,