Director of Business Services ~ Bruce Lamprecht

District-Wide Open House– A reminder to you that the District-Wide Open House will be held on Tuesday, October 4th. We have a committee that is working on getting everything organized and the timeline is tight to get it all put together. We realize that this may not end up having a huge turnout but also feel that it is important that we provide this opportunity to our community to see what is happening in and with all our schools. A very concerted marketing effort will take place to get the word out to our community.

2010-2011 Audit Update – The district office staff has been working with Hoffman and Brobst on the audit for 2010-2011. We do not have any final figures as to how we are going to turn out, but only through preliminary discussions the indications are that we should be in fairly good shape. There are a number of questions regarding revenue, especially special education aid and excess cost aid, which will need to be worked through in early October. General Fund expenditures are under budget some so that should help us in making our budget goals. I will be discussing this further with you in the near future as Hoffman and Brobst will be presenting their findings as this process draws to a close.

Library Progress – The targeted substantial completion date for the new Marshall/Lyon County Library is October 7th. The targeted first day of operations at the new building is November 1st. There still is quite a bit of work to get completed but it is coming along nicely. It will be a great facility for the community and area patrons to be able to utilize. It will be nice, too, to have the construction all done and things around the Middle School are back to normal.

Buildings Tour and Projects Completed – I hope that you found the facilities tour informative and helpful in seeing what is done to get the buildings ready to go for the start of school. It is also good to have the Park Side parking lot project substantially completed. I think it has turned out well and is very functional and practical with 43 additional parking spots. The ‘new’ tennis courts look great and are working out just fine. It is good to have these and other projects like the kindergarten lockers all done and being used.