Friday 12th May
Wednesday Word –TRUST
THIS WEEK – During our Come and See session, we have been finding out about Pentecost.
In Literacy, we have continued to work with the story of the Jolly Postman and have been writing recipes and potions for the Wicked Witch. Within Maths, we have completed our post learning activity on doubling and halving and have completed our Pre-learning task on odd and even numbers. In the afternoon, we investigated materials to find out which material was the best at keeping the Jolly Postman’s letters dry. The children have also started to make their vehicles using their designs from last week to help them.
During our phonics sessions our focusses have been -
Mrs Gills group – going over air,ure, ur and ear and have started phase 4 looking at reading and writing cvcc words and compound words. We have also learned the words do, have and like.
Miss Gorman’s group – oa and have learned the words they and you
Mrs Ryan and Mrs Ridings groups – going over air,ure, ur and ear and have started phase 4 looking at reading and writing cvcc words and compound words. We have also learned the words do, have and like.
NEXT WEEK – During our Come and See session, we will be continuing to find out about Pentecost and will be completing our formal assessment. In Literacy, we will be thinking about writing posters. Within Maths, we will be starting our next topic on odd and even numbers. During the afternoon, we will be using the beebots and directing them around the map. The children will be using their designs from this week to help them make their vehicle.
WEEKLY CHALLENGE – Thank you for all your pictures and information about Mary. This week we would like you to help the children play the doubling and halving game. The children can use their fingers and small objects like lego to help them when sharing to find half of a number.
CREATIVE CLUB – Next week Creative Club will be on the normal day of Tuesday sorry for any inconvenience with the changing of days this week. Please remember, WB 22nd May the session will also be on Thursday 25th May at the same time of 3.30pm until 4.30pm.
SEE SAW – Thank you to parents who have already made comments on their child’s profiles. Please continue to add observations of your children that you see happening at home.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Some important dates for your diary –
Half term – School closes on 26th May and re-opens Monday 5th June
FS and KS 1 Sports Day – Wednesday 14th June Reserve date Thursday 15th June
End of Year Assembly – Friday 7th July
Parent Interviews – Monday 10th July
Meet your New Teacher Morning – Wednesday 12th July
EMPTY BOXES AND POTS – We are running low on our found materials. Please could you send in any empty boxes, yoghurt pots, bottle tops, egg boxes etc so that the children can continue to make their models.
PROGRESS AND CITIZENSHIP AWARDS - This week the awards go to:-
Resourceful thinker of the Week – Class 1G – Logan Holding Class 1K – Daniel Simm
Ambassador of the Week – Class 1G – Dominic Colquitt Class 1K – Evie Sullivan
Congratulations to you all
Enjoy the Weekend and remember to attend Mass on Sunday.
Mrs Gill and all the Foundation Staff