Foden Street Surgery

QIF 16 -

Patient Surveys

In 2012/13 the Surgery engaged in 2 Patient Surveys. The first was from a questionnaire produced by the practice in discussion with the Primary Care Development Unit and the second of was based on the original but agreed with the newly formed Patient Participation Group.

The first practice Survey undertaken in 2012

The first survey was designed by the practice using questions taken from a number of existing questionnaires used by other practices in the area. The questionnaire format and content was also discussed with the Primary Care Development Unit.

The main findings of the survey were:

  • 89% of respondents rated the doctor/nurse helping them to take care of themselves as good orexcellent
  • 89% of respondents rated the amount of time given to them by doctor as good orexcellent
  • 88% of respondents rated the telephone system as god or excellent
  • 88% rated the doctors explanation of things as good or excellent
  • 85% rated the facilities at the surgery as good or excellent
  • 84% rated the doctor allowing them to express concerns or worries as good or excellent
  • 84% rated the doctor answered their concerns or worries as good or excellent
  • 83% rated the appointments system as good or excellent
  • 78% rated the waiting time at the surgery as good or excellent
  • 62% rated the parking facilities at the surgery as good or excellent

The results were discussed internally and the action plan agreed was to audit waiting times for similar clinics with and without medical students present and, if necessary reorganise those clinics which involve medical students.

The report was not discussed with patients at this time and was not shared with patients

The second practice Survey undertaken in 2013

Many of the questions in the second survey were the same as in the first survey however the Patient Participation Group requested the inclusion of some additional areas around the receptionists, appointments system and waiting times

The main findings of the survey were:

  • 97% of respondents rated the helpfulness of reception staff as good or very good
  • 90% of respondents rated the amount of time the Doctor/Nurse gave to them as good or very good
  • 89% of respondents rated the facilities at the surgery as good or very good
  • 88% of respondents rated the Doctor/Nurses allowing them to express concerns or worries as good or very good
  • 87% of respondents rated the telephone system as good or very good
  • 87% of respondents rated the Doctor/Nurses explanation as good or very good
  • 86% of respondents rated the convenience of the day and time of their appointment as good or very good
  • 85% of respondents rated the Doctor/Nurses answering concerns or worries as good or very good
  • 84% of respondents rated the Doctor/Nurses help in enabling them to take care of themselves as good or very good
  • 77% of respondents rated the time waited from booking until the appointment took place as good or very good
  • 74% of respondents rated the car parking facilities as good or very good
  • 71% of respondents rated the time waited in surgery as good or very good
  • 66% of respondents rated the appointment system as good or very good
  • Overall 88% of respondents rated aspects of the surgery as good or very good

Overall the level of satisfaction with the surgery was high and this was recognised by the Patient Participation Group in discussions during meetings. However it was also identified that there was potential for improvement in some areas and so an action plan was developed by the group. The areas of focus in the action plan were identified as

  • The appointment system
  • Waiting times
  • Signs for toilets
  • Antibacterial hand cleanser in reception

Other areas which were raised in the questionnaire responses were discussed but the group felt that no action was necessary, the reasons for this and the areas raised were

  • Parking – group felt that there was little that could be done about parking as the surgery had a good sized car park
  • Reception staff should wear name badges – group felt this was unnecessary and could cause problems, staff should however always give their first name to a patient if requested

The second survey results and action plan will be displayed on the Practice Website Results and action plan will also be available to patients visiting the Surgery in summary form via a poster

Comparing Results from the 2 Surveys:

2013 –
Good / Very good / 2012 –
Good / Excellent
Rating of the helpfulness of reception staff / 97% / Not asked
Rating of the amount of time the Doctor/Nurse gave to the patient / 90% / 89%
Rating of the facilities at the surgery / 89% / 85%
Rating of the Doctor/Nurses allowing the patient to express concerns or worries / 88% / 84%
Rating of the telephone system / 87% / 88%
Rating of rated the Doctor/Nurses explanation / 87% / 88%
Rating of rated the convenience of the day and time of theappointment / 86% / Not asked
Rating of rated the Doctor/Nurses answering concerns or worries / 85% / 84%
Rating of the Doctor/Nurses help in enabling the patient take care of themselves / 84% / 89%
Rating of the time waited from booking until the appointment took place / 77% / Not asked
Rating of the car parking facilities / 74% / 62%
Rating of the time waited in surgery / 71% / 78%
Rating of the appointment system / 66% / 83%

Overall it was found that results from the 2 surveys were similar except for the waiting time in surgery and rating of the appointment system where satisfaction levels had reduced in both cases. The most notable of these was the reduction in the rating of the appointment system. A practice meeting is planned for early April to discuss the action plan from the survey in detail and to address the issues it identified both of these items have been identified in the action plan as areas for improvement.

Survey Plans for 2013-2014

The Patient Participation Group will play a big part in what Surveys we should conduct in the Year. The Group members are due to meet in May 2013, July2013, September 2013, November 2013, January 2014, March 2014 and surveys will be carried out in line with suggestions from the group. In addition the Surgery will suggest surveys to be performed based on matters arising throughout the year and allow the PPG to take this forward.

Date: March 2013

Review: March 2014