Kresson Elementary School

2016-2017 School Supply Lists

(By Grade Level)

Kindergarten Supply List

1 box of thin Crayola Crayons

3 Crayola/Elmers washable glue sticks

6 primary pencils (Ticonderoga)

1 big eraser

1 marble (hard cover) composition book

1 pencil box (labeled with name)

1 box of tissues

1 package of baby wipes

1 (8 oz) bottle of waterless hand sanitizer

1 pair of ear buds (for use with iPad/computers, child size)

First Grade Supply List

3 solid color folders with bottom pockets (red, blue, yellow)

1 marble composition book

2 Norcom or Mead primary composition level 2/3 notebooks

1 pair of scissors (Fiskars for either hand preferred)

1 box of crayons (16 or less)

1 box of pencils with erasers

2 glue sticks

1 box of tissues

1 pencil box that opens from the top (no zipper cases)

1 small bottle of Elmer’s glue

1 big eraser

1 pair of ear buds (for use with iPad/computers, child size)

1 liquid soap dispenser

1 bottle of hand sanitizer

1 container of hand wipes

Second Grade Supply List

2 solid color folders with bottom pockets (red and blue)

1 folder with bottom pocket any color or design

2 marble composition books

1 pair of scissors (for either hand)

1 pencil box (no zipper cases)

6 pencils

1 small bottle of white glue

1 box of 8 markers

2 boxes of tissues

2 glue sticks

1 highlighter

2 red pens

1 big eraser

1 pair of ear buds (for use with iPads/computers, child size)

1 stylus for an iPad

1 small pencil sharpener

1 small bottle of hand soap

Third Grade Supply List

3 solid color folders with bottom pockets (red, blue, yellow)

1 marble composition book

1 box of crayons (24 or less)

3 pencils

3 glue sticks

1 ruler

5 spiral-bound notebooks (no binders)

1 plastic pencil case (approximately 5 ½ x 8 ½)

2 packages of 3 x 5 notecards

2 highlighters

1 pair of scissors

1 pair of ear buds

1 stylus for an iPad

1 box of tissues

Fourth Grade Supply List

1 solar powered calculator

1 pair of ear buds

1 stylus for an iPad

1 8 GB flash drive

3 low odor dry erase markers

1 pair of scissors

3 glue sticks

1 small bottle of Elmer’s glue

2 highlighters

1 – 8 pack of markers

1 – 12 pack of colored pencils

12 pencils

1 box of crayons (24 or less)

2 red pens

2 blue pens

1 pencil box

4 solid color folders (red, green, blue, yellow)

3 single spiral-bound notebooks

2 marble composition books

1 large box of tissues or 2 small boxes

1 box of plastic baggies (sandwich, quart OR gallon size)

Fifth Grade Supply List

8 plastic folders with pockets (3 rings)

1 marble composition book

6 pencils

1 glue stick

2 – Five subject notebooks

1 pack of colored pencils

1 black permanent marker

1 ruler

1 eraser

1 red pen

1 pair of ear buds

1 stylus for an iPad

1 large ziplock box

1 – 3 ring zippered binder to keep all folders and notebooks

2 large boxes of tissues

1 bottle of antibacterial soap