P 198
Dunny→does not get job of Headmaster
Shadow →Boy
Cruel streakdoes not give
(he “gave” Leolathe job.
to Boy because Boy needed
more.) Dunny said, “when I needed a wife, I found that you needed her even more. – Boy refers to this as hitting below the belt.
Difference in view over Saints
Boy states on pg 198-99 that Dunny’s interest in Saints makes him seem Eccentric.
p. 202
When writing for an article for a travel magazine…
Why people need saints ?
- Faith is a psychological reality
-people need more than the factual and rational in their lives to give it meaning.
Liesl - 5
Faustina iconpretty princes
Liesl- “the ugliest human creature I had ever seen”
voice is beautiful / educated speech
Beautiful voicePerformer
EducatedNeeds to be admired
PoliteOuter beauty
Autocrat (organizer)
Inner beauty
Dunstan →biography of Eisengrim
-fact and fiction
p. 218
Dunstan is changing
“working with these illusions was delightful but destructive of my character. I was aware that I was recapturing the best of my childhood; my imagination had never known such glorious freedom….”
Reverting to a little boy
-untruthful, unscrupulous, indiscrete talker, lying, boastful, and selfish - in love with Faustina
p.224 - Liesl tells Dunstan
“You are just like a little boy.”
“a man of fifty whose bottled up feeling have burst their bottle and splashed glass and acid everywhere.”
Faustina→has her own destiny
↓be glorious for a few years
Body is her
not for Dunstan
“pseudo cynical old pussy-cat”
“life is a spectator sport for you”
|”whimpering because it is rough”
Liesl’s opinion of Dunstan
“you don’t know yourself”
Reminds us of what Blazon said to Dunstan
“Forgive yourself for being a human creature”
Love ↔Hate
Feelings exploding
Sense of relief/release
Physical explosion
Giving into his desires
Dunstan meets the Devil like St. Dunstan (nose)
Shakes hands with his devil
Confronting his shadow
p. 229 Liels →Dunstan
How can you be really good to anybody if you are not good to yourself?
“This is the revenge of an unlived life.”
You must get to know your own personal devil
Liesl tells Dunstan
“I think you are 5th Business”
“You had better find out”
Blazon and Liesl help Dunstan to find out about his true self.
Hatesknows to much about Boy
Boy Staunton’s match
-smarter than him
-a plotter
-woman lib
Dunstan →Boy
“You created a God in your own image, and when you found out he was no good you abolished him.”
“It’s quite a common form of psychological suicide”
Boy has accomplished everything but says,
“I wish I could get into a car and drive away from the whole damn thing.”
p.247 Dunny’s response
“Whom the gods hate, they keep forever young.”
Blazon →Dunstan→Boy
Youth (everlasting) is a curse, for youth can’t mature, become whole, become wise.
(Individuation) can’t achieve
p. 247
Personal ↔ Mask
Boy(real Boy)↔Dunstan (real Dunstan)
- Bully- Sharp-tongued/cruel
- Bad loser- guilt (obsessed)
- Boaster- Passionate
- Wishes to dominate- Lonely
- Envious-
- Shallow
Boy’s CloakDunstan’s Cloak
- Family man- Respectable
- Succesful- Knowledgeable
- Strong- Trustworthy
- Powerful- Responsible
- Masculine- Calm
- Superior- Helpful
- Tough- Wise
- Smart- Accepts icon VC Winner
- Royal- Curious
- Competitive- Teacher
- Charmer- Aloof
- Invincible
*Traits that are strong in childhood never disappear. They reappear vigorously in later life. (2nd Childhood)
Liesl as the Devil
“Your life has been illuminated by your fool saint.”
“You are fit to be the Devil’s friend, without any fear of losing yourself to him.”
Dunstan has confronted the devil (his innerself, his shadow, his mask and has emerged whole, stronger.)
Little Madonna – found to have the expression of Mary Dempster – mercy and love, tempered with perception and penetration.
Dunstan would keep her in his memory forever.