AUC Committee Meeting
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Miller Oval
3:30 p.m.
Attendees:Catherine Canney, Alberto Cardelle, Peter Staab, Audrey Joseph, DeMisty Bellinger-Delfeld, Christine Dee, Sara Levine, Kisha Tracy, Abigail Cochran, Aisling O'Connor, Laura Bayless, Thomas Satham-Fisette, Amy Wehe, & Laura Garofoli.
Guests:Charles Roberts, Marilyn Siderwicz, Kelly Norris
Recorder:Deresa Webb
Meeting called to order at3:30 p.m.
Approval of Minutes:
AUC September 14 Meeting
Motion to approve by Kisha Tracy, seconded by Laura Bayless
Approved unanimously, with no discussion.
Vote: 10/0/01
Minutes of Student Affairs, Academic Policies, and Curriculum
Motioned to accept by Sara Levine, seconded by Kisha Tracy
All minutes accepted unanimously, with little discussion, vote: 10/0/01
Peterstated that the updated course proposal form is missing the course capacity line.Mentioned they were renumbered last year, should be in line 16 D. Will work on getting the correct form added to the AUC web page
New Business (Proposals to Refer)
Motion: Amy WeheSecond: Laura Garofoli
Motion to refer AUC #2 through #6 to Curriculum Committee
AUC #2 New Course Request: Introduction to Sports Medicine
AUC #3 New Course: Assessments for Strength & Conditioning
AUC #4 New Course: Practicum for Strength & Conditioning (Semester 4 & 5)
AUC #5 New Course: Practicum for Strength & Conditioning (Semester 6 & 7)
AUC #6 New Program: Strength & Conditioning Concentration
Motion approved unanimously.
New Business (Proposals to Consider)
Motionmade by Alberto Cardelle and secondedbyLaura Bayless to discuss AUC #1.
AUC#1 (Richard Lapidus, Sponsor, Cathy Canney, Collaborating Party): Academic Calendars (2018-2019 & 2019-2020)
Noted that the contract requires a minimum of 155 days and no more than 160 instructional days. Proposed calendar has 155 instructional days in AY 2018 and 156 in AY 2019. Followed the footprintof the final approved calendar passed by AUC last year with the goal of trying to balance the semesters as best we can. Noted that the May development day is proposed for the Tuesday after commencement instead of the Monday.This will help to address the event logistics associated with 3 major events over a few days as well as building in a couple of days between Saturday commencement and Development Day.All dates highlighted on the calendar are countedas instructional days.
Some discussion on whether the December commencement snow date should be counted as an instructional day. Left as is.
Review of curriculum committee calendar amendments.
Committee reviewed curriculum committees recommended changes which were to move the mid-semester deficiency grade due date out a week later subsequently moving the advising and registration periods out a week further as well.
Committee discussed the term “mid-semester” deficiency grades being problematic as the date is not at the mid-point of the semester. Discussed changing mid-semester deficiency grades to potential other descriptors.
Peter stated AUC would need to communicate this tothe Registrar'sOffice if the committee recommends changes to the mid-semester deficiency language.
Kisha Tracy: Moved to make the academic calendar changes recommended by curriculum which are
Fall 2018: change mid-semester deficiency grades due to October 12; Advising period to October 15 – November 2nd; and Registration for spring classes to November 5 – 9.
Fall 2019: change mid-semester deficiency grades due to October 11; Advising period to October 15 – November 1; and Registration for spring classes to November 4 – 8.
Sara Levineseconded the motion.Voted unanimously.
Sara Levine:Moved to change “Mid-semester deficiency grades due” to “Deficiency grades due”.
Kisha Tracy seconded the motion.Vote: 13/0/01
Overview of Upcoming AUC Proposals form Academic Affairs
Alberto Cardelleadvised committee members that Academic Affairs would be putting forth a couple of proposals this year.
Program Review
Reviewing current program review guidelines to include more data and less narrative as well as lining up data collected with what accrediting bodies are requiring.Also looking at a potential 7 year cycle instead of 5 years. Will bring it to the department chairs first.
Transfer Credits/Students
Looking at processes and policies related to transfer students. Said that we are the least transferfriendly college of our sister institutions. We are more restrictive with transfer credits, soa proposal will consider acceptance of more transfer credits. There is a concern of the number of declining zero credit freshmen and the need to be ready to accept more transfer students.
Currently, we accept 60 credits from2-yearinstitutionsand 75 credits from 4-year colleges. Individual program requirements would remain.
The university’s marketing department has undertaken a branding exercise which includes interviewing stakeholders acrossthe university. Invited Marilyn to conduct a mini-focus group of faculty with the AUC faculty membership. Administrators and students will leave at meeting adjournment and not participate in this faculty focus group.
Motion: Laura BaylessSecond: Amy Wehe
Meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deresa Webb