Rules and Regulations

Dunes and Spring Mill State Parks Trips

The following Rules and Regulations are in addition to the Off Campus Code of Conduct and are meant to provide some trip specific guidelines:

  • There will be no alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, tobacco, or drugs permitted. Parents are advised to check luggage before the trip and Shortridge Staff and Administrators will be checking bags throughout the trip.
  • Medications are not permitted unless they are properly authorized on a medicine form. Chaperones will keep medications and dispense the medications as authorized by the parent signed form.
  • Final sleeping assignments will be made upon arrival at the camp site. At lights out, everyone is to be in his or her assigned tent. Once lights out, no one is permitted in or out of the tent without permission of the chaperone, and only in an emergency. Another check will be made later that night.
  • There will be no running, pushing or yelling at anytime while traveling or in any of the places of visitation. You must always obey the order of those in charge, be it teacher, tour guide, or driver.
  • While eating your meals, please use your best table manners. Be considerate of other diners and check in with your chaperone before leaving the group.
  • Whenever you are on the bus, you must abide by the bus driver's commands at all times. Listen to and follow all posted and verbal rules regarding movement around the bus, food and beverages and gum chewing. Extra care must be taken to assure a clean bus.Do not litter.
  • Gum chewing is not permitted in some cases. Government buildings, museums and historical sites do not permit gum, and the bus company may prohibit gum because of possible damage. Ask leaders or guides before the activity begins.
  • The tents are reserved in yourname, therefore you are responsible for proper use and care of the tents.The tents have been inspected before assigned to you and will be inspected upon return.
  • DO NOT BRING School issued electronic devices (laptops & tablets).
  • Students are strongly encouraged to not bring personalelectronic devices, expensive cameras or valuable items. Any such equipment required for education activities will be handled by the lead educator.
  • Cell phone and headphone use during tours and activities should be consistent with school rules and basic common sense. When the guide allows it, feel free to use your devices and headphones.

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  • You must abide by all school rules, including dressing appropriately. All chaperones can adjust rules on the trip and must be followed.
  • The parks, centers, locations will have rules and regulations. Follow all posted and verbal rules. Follow instructions regarding measures to minimize our human impact on the environment including (but not limited to) fire safety, liter removal, personal hygiene and noise.
  • Being overly affectionate creates an environment that is not conducive to learning therefore students should refrain from inappropriate, intimate behaviors on this trip. Students are expected to show good taste and conduct themselves respectfully at all times.