SAM Executive Council Meeting
Edinburgh 2pm Sunday 11th September 2016
Rooms 1&2, 13 Queen Street, Edinburgh
Invited Attendees
Mark Holland, President (MH) Attending
Nicholas Scriven, President Elect (NSc) Attending
Alistair Douglas, Immediate Past President (AD) Attending
Susan Crossland, Treasurer (SC) Attending
Hannah Skene, Secretary (HS) Apologies
Vincent Connolly, Medical Non-Trainee Representative (VC)
Roger Duckitt, Medical Non-Trainee Representative (RD) Attending
Nick Smallwood, Trainee Representative (NSm) Attending
Sanjay Krishnamoorthy, Trainee Representative (SK) Attending
Neil Patel, Trainee Representative (NP)
Jan Christian, Nursing Representative (JC)
Ian Setchfield, Nursing Representative (IS) Attending
Jennifer Willis, Allied Health Professional Representative (JW)
Runa Patel-Kumar (RP) Apologies
Mike Jones, Training and Education Lead (MJ)
Louella Vaughan, Research Lead (LV)
Matthew Watts, Communications Lead (MW)
Simon Fletcher, Intensive Care Medicine Co-Opted Representative (SF) Attending
Cliff Mann, RCEM Co-Opted Represenatative (CM) Attending
Nithin Narayan, Website Lead (NN) Apologies
Geoff Charnley, Lay Representative (GC) Apologies
Alan Sutton, Lay Representative (AS) Apologies
Sarah Donaldson, Administrator (SD)
Christine Lawson, Eventage (CL)
1. Apologies (MH)
2. Matters arising from the minutes (MH)
2.1 Minutes of Council Meeting Belfast May 2016
2.2 Minutes of Office Bearers Meeting July 2016
3. Conflict of Interest declarations (HS/SH)
4. Meetings update (AD/MH/CL)
4.1 Edinburgh September 2016 – Joint RCPE meeting
4.2 Cardiff Spring 2017
4.3 Birmingham Autumn 2017 – (Palliative Care Joint Session)
4.4 Spring 2018
5. President (MH)
5.1 RCP JSC Acute Medicine - ToR and membership
5.2 SAM RCPE administrator contract
5.3 SAMBA 2016
5.4 Junior Doctors Contract Dispute
5.5 Regional SAM representation – SAM Scotland
5.6 NCEPOD Young People’s Mental Health
5.7 MedicALS
5.8 SAM Improvement Science Group proposal
5.9 SAM Vision, Governance and Structure
5.9 RCP roundtables at Conservative & Labour Party conferences
6. Treasurer (NSc)
6.1 Journal Contract
6.2 SCE update
6.3 TakeAIM finance
6.4 PE study finances – Daiichi invoice
6.5 Critical Care Outreach Update
6.6 Specialty Certificate Examination MOU
7. Secretary (MH)
7.1 Elections - 2016
Trainee Representative (Neil Patel)
Research Committee Chair (Louella Vaughan)
Pharmacy Representative (Runa Patel-Kumar)
Non trainee medical representatives (regional reps?)
7.2 AGM 12th Sept
8. Trainees Report (NSm/NC/SK) 8.1 #TakeAIM
9. Nursing Report
9.1 Advanced Care Practitioners in Acute Medicine, Nuffield Trust Report (IS/JC)
10. AHP Report (JW)
11. Pharmacy Report (RP)
11.1 Beth Ward RPS professional development for pharmacy
12. Sub-Committee updates
12.1 Training and Education Subcommittee (MJ)
12.2 Research Subcommittee (LV)
- NIHR registration, grant fund with a competitive process
12.3 Website report (NN)
12.4 Communications (MW)
12.5 Guidelines and Quality Standards (AD)
NICE (current studies, NICE use of SAMBA data)
13. RCEM update (CM)
15. Any Other Business (all)
16. Dates and venues of future meetings (HS)