Councillor Marianne Butler


Councillor Conor Keelan,

Ms. Vera Browne

Mr Paddy Malone


Ms. Sinead Mullen, Senior Executive Planner

Mr John Lawrence, Administrative Officer

Ms. Lorraine Quigley, Staff Officer


Councillor Martin Bellew

Councillor Kevin Meenan

228/10 Consideration of Minutes

On the proposal of Councillor Conor Keelan and seconded by Councillor Marianne Butler, the minutes of the Planning MPC of the 5th July 2010 were adopted.

229/10 Matters Arising

Councillor Conor Keelan proposed that the committee invite Ms Angela Dullaghan, Conservation Officer, Louth County Council to attend the next meeting of the Planning MPC to discuss the Record of Protected Structures. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Marianne Butler.

John Lawrence, Administrative Officer advised the committee members that Joe McGuinness, Director of Services, has been appointed NAMA Officer for Louth Local Authorities. He advised that he would invite Mr McGuinness to the April meeting allowing Mr McGuinness time to become familiar with his brief.

Sinead Mullen, Senior Executive Planner advised the committee members that the Retail Strategy for County Louth was adopted in 2009 and that the local authority were broadly happy with its content. Ms Mullen advised that a review of the strategy would be unlikely prior to the review of the National Retail guidelines and pointed out that the Minister was inviting submissions by the end of July. John Lawrence enquired what this committee’s contribution would be, if and when the new national retail guidelines are adopted. Councillor Marianne Butler advised that she saw the role of the planning MPC in this regard as a sounding board and an extra layer of scrutiny, allowing members to “drill down” more than possible at a statutory meeting. Paddy Malone commented that he saw the committee as having an observational role and that as a gateway town, we need to be informed. John Lawrence advised that this committee may be the forum to educate the full council. Sinead Mullen agreed to keep the committee members appraised in this regard.

The members agreed to defer the discussion of Section 254’s to the January Meeting. However John Lawrence advised the Members that as the law was clear in this area, it would be helpful if this committee devised a policy in this area. Paddy Malone advised that it is a live issue in the Chamber of Commerce.

John Lawrence informed the members that management of Urban Parks & Recreation would be done via the Environment MPC., but advised that there was nothing to stop the committee looking at the area of generating new parks from brownfield sites and devising a policy in this area., adding that there would need to be a linkage between this committee and the Environment MPC.

230/10 Presentation of Planning & Development (Amendment) Act 2010

Ms Sinead Mullen, Senior Executive Planner, outlined the main provisions of the Planning & Development (Amendment) Bill 2010 under the following headings:

∙ Purpose of the Act

∙ Strengthening Local Democracy & Accountability

∙ Core Strategy

∙ Structure of the Planning System

∙ Birds & Habitats Directive

∙ Retention Permission

∙ Substitute Planning Permission

∙ Extension of Planning Permissions

∙ Section 28

∙ Extension of Duration

∙ Extension of Life of Permission

∙ Material Contravention Process

∙ Further Information

∙ Default Provisions

Ms Mullen answered questions following her presentation and agreed to circulate a hard copy of the presentation to committee members.

231/10 Planning Enforcement

John Lawrence advised the committee members that the document which Lorraine Quigley prepared and circulated with the agenda on Enforcement was not a legal document, but a guideline, answering frequently asked questions about the area of planning enforcement. He advised that the Planning Authority were spending a greater deal of time on the area of enforcement. Ms Vera Brown commented that she found the guidelines very helpful in explaining enforcement procedures and, in particular, the areas that planning enforcement does not deal with. Councillor Marianne Butler agreed and thanked Lorraine Quigley for preparing the document.

232/10 Any Other Business

It was agreed that each committee member would forward their e-mail address to Lorraine Quigley to allow them to receive the agenda by e-mail, as well as hard copy.

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Planning MPC will be held on the 11th January 2011 at 5.30 pm.

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 6.30pm

Signed this ______day of ______2011


