1: The black ball must be on the spot before breaking and the balls racked correctly.
2:When breaking a player must either pot an object ball or cause 4 object balls to hit a cushion. Failure to achieve this and the balls are re-racked and the opponent has 2 visits. If the white ball goes into the pocket on the break the next player only has 1 visit and if the white ball leaves the table the next player has 2 visits.When a player has 2 shots the shots carry.
2a: Deciding colours- a player must nominate their choice of colour after breaking. If they nominate a colour that was potted on the break they don’t have to pot the nominated colour, however if they decide to change colour after the break they must pot the nominated to colour to remain on that colour. Failure to pot the nominated colour and the opponent has an open table on their next visit.
3: If the black ball goes from the break the game will be restarted by the same player (no foul).
4: A legal shot- you either have to pot an object ball or after hitting your object ball a ball must hit a cushion. Failure to do this results in your opponent getting 2 visits. If the cue ball’s initial contact is with an object ball that is touching a cushion, simply forcing the object ball into the same cushion does not constitute a legal shot.
5: Total snooker- when you can’t hit any of your object balls in a straight line. You must inform the referee of the total snooker. In getting out of the snooker you only have to hit your object ball for a legal shot to have been played.
6: Free ball- following a foul stroke if a player is unable to hit both sides of their colour they can either continue from their current position or ask the referee to lift the white ball so that it can be played from behind the baulk line. If a player continues from where the white ball landed they can nominate a free ball. The free ball must be nominated or pointed out to the referee and the nominated ball is deemed to be your object ball for the first shot.
7: If a ball leaves the playing surface it is replaced on the table on the black spot or as close to the black spot in the direction of the top cushion.
8: If a ball falls into a pocket without being struck it is replaced by the referee.
One Minute Rule
9: In all games a player has one minute per shot, the referee should advise when there is 30 seconds remaining. If the shot is not played the player has committed a foul stroke.
10: No jump shots allowed
11: If a player touches any ball with their clothes or cue, it is a foul stroke.
12: No coaching of any player from the sidelines is allowed.
13: All games to start at 9pm. Games can be claimed every 15 minutes after this.
14: If a game is played without abiding by these rules the match will be declared void.
15: Each team can have a panel of 8players.
16: Games should be played in order selected. If a game is not played the match can proceed by playing the next game. After this game the previous game has to be played (a sub can be used) otherwise this game is forfeited. If a player is barred from a venue the league can’t intervene to allow the player concerned to play in the venue.
17: The home team referees games 1, 3&5 and the away team games 2&4.
18: League points will be awarded as follows: 2 points for a win and if a team loses 3-2 they will get 1 point. If a team wins 4-1 or 5-0 they get 3 points. Results sheets must be received by midday on Tuesday, otherwise points will be forfeited.