Student Orientation Tutorial
Duration: 8:20
Speaker:Welcome to Edmentum! With Edmentum, you can take interactive courses and assessments that fit your individual learning style. This tutorial will show you the features you’ll use in this program.
After logging in, you’ll see the Home dashboard where you have access to all your assignments. Use the icons at the top to navigate through the program. Let’s take a closer look at some of the program features.
The dashboard gives you a snapshot of all your active assignments. This area shows all your assigned courses or assessments, the most recent activity you worked on and when you last accessed it, as well as your current progress. Use the dashboard to navigate to a new activity or to all the activities in an assignment. The dashboard also helps you keep up with your daily progress and alerts.
Click All My Work to access all your courses and assessments. Your list of assignments includes information on start date, date last accessed, time on task, due date, and current progress. Click Views on the left side of the page to filter your assignments by status or to search for an assignment by name.
Click All Activities to view the details of an assignment. The All Activities page gives you access to all the activities in your assignment. You can filter your activities by status to see all of your work, your work in progress, and any work you haven’t yet started.You can also view all discussions and any notes you’ve taken in a course.
The program automatically tracks your progress through an assignment. Tiles with a gray tab at the top indicate that you haven’t started the activity or that you’re exempt from it. Blue tiles are activities that you’re currently working on. Green tiles are completed activities. After you master a module, for example, the tile will turn green and the progress circle will change to a green checkmark to show completion.
Courses are organized by units. Icons indicate each type of activity in a unit:
- Course materials have a document icon.
- Unit and end of semester tests have a paper and pencil icon.
- Discussions have a conversation bubble icon.
- Modules have an open book icon.
- And drop box activities have an inbox icon.
Click an activity to begin your work. Tutorials provide instruction through text, photos, diagrams, videos, and animations. You will practice and check your understanding of the content by working on multiple-choice questions, drag-and-drop activities, fill-in-the blank questions, ordered problem solvers, and constructed-response items. Tutorials are not graded.
The toolbar provides helpful resources:
- The table of contents allows you to find different sections of a tutorial.
- You can take notes while you’re learning, and study them before the test.
- Resources are helpful references that you can access any time as you work through a tutorial.
- Use the dictionary to look up unfamiliar words. To hear the text read aloud, use the text-to-speech feature. And you can translate text to another language with the translation tool.
If you need to leave a tutorial, click the Exit button at the bottom left of the screen. You can always return to the tutorial later.
Next, let’s take a look at drop-box activities. The drop box allows you to upload files that you’ve completed for a specific assignment. Drop-box activities will be graded by your teacher. This unit activity is one example of a drop-box activity. Click the unit activity to download it to your computer. After you’ve completed all the tasks, you’re ready to upload the file. Choose the file from your computer and upload it. The file will be listed in the File Center. Then, send your completed activity to your teacher. Be sure to submit the file for scoring.
If you need to record audio for an assignment, click Audio Recorder in the drop box activity. Then click the microphone to start or stop recording. Use the play and stop buttons to review what you recorded. Save the recording to the file center, and be sure to submit the file for scoring.
Discussions are also graded activities. To easily find the assigned Discussion for a unit, click Discussions on the All My Activities page. To respond to a Discussion, click New Response to Topic, and enter your response. Be sure to answer all parts of the question. Then click “submit response” to post your response. When you are ready for your teacher to grade your response, click “Submit for Scoring.” You’ll receive a notification that your response has been submitted. The discussion will be marked as complete in green once your teacher has assigned a grade.
Let’s go back to All My Work and take a look at reports. You can track your progress with two reports—the Progress Report and the Portfolio Report. To see detailed information about an assignment, choose Create Progress Report. This report shows how you’re doing on tutorials, mastery tests, posttests, and more. Generate this report anytime you’d like to check your progress. To see information about all of your assignments, choose Create Portfolio Report. The Portfolio Report provides information about all of your assignments in this program.
Use the Messages feature to send or receive messages from your instructor. Click New Message to begin a new message to your instructor.
Use the Notes feature to access all your course notes in one location. From here, you can review your notes for a test or add, modify, or delete your notes. A printable view is available if you’d like to print your notes to use offline.
Collaborations are a great way to interact with your instructor. Through chat and whiteboard features, you can get help with homework or ask questions. On your Alerts Panel, you can see when your teacher has added you to a collaboration. Live or upcoming collaborations appear on the Scheduled tab. Live Sessions are marked with a green banner. Future sessions are marked with a gray banner. You cannot access scheduled sessions until they are live. You cannot post anything to expired sessions; however, you can view files and posts from the session.
In a collaboration session, you can use the whiteboard, view videos and documents that your teacher has posted, and chat with your teacher. Your teacher may require that students have access to the whiteboard and chat features only when a teacher is present.
The whiteboard has tools that allow you to freehand draw, construct lines and arrows, highlight, draw shapes, erase, and add sticky notes. You can also type text, insert images, grids, or math equations, select areas of the whiteboard, and clear the screen. Many tools have menus to choose a color or other characteristics. These interactive features can help you communicate virtually with your teacher.
Your teacher may post videos that can help you through a tough concept. Your teacher might also post helpful documents or supplemental resources. If your teacher is present, you can communicate with one another using the chat feature.
This program has many tools and features to help you succeed. Thank you for taking the time to understand its features. Good luck on your next assignment!