DUNCHURCH FESTIVAL GROUPMinutes of meeting held on 15th March, 2016
17.30 hrs. at Dunchurch Village Hall, Rugby Road, Dunchurch
Apologies / Ann Wright, Marilyn Greenwood, Nigel Stott, Karl Stott, Les Pearce, Graham Jones,
Attendees / Rob Collings, Carina Haley-Doyle, Wendy Collings, Fiona Stevenson, Pete Trewren, Phill Freeman, Nick Jones, Fiona Stevenson, Rowan Moore, Mike Judge
Chairs Report
Correspondence / Rob congratulated Mike on his honours on behalf of the committee and Mike gave brief details of the day, which sounded wonderful.
Rowan informed the meeting that the site has move over to new server, he is hoping that we will eventually be able to put dates of meetings, minutes etc. on the site and extend invitations to representatives from all village organisations and groups to attend meetings and support the DFG.
Quiz night 26th February – went well and the evening was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Lizzy and Stuart they did well as the quiz masters. Thanks also to all who helped tidy away and set up, bar staff etc. We made £792.45
Big thanks to Pete for the entire stock taking etc. which helps Fiona when doing the accounts.
Rob has had correspondence from Archery group to say they will attend. / Rob
Treasurer’s Report
Events / Funds currently stand at £8,330.43
Egg Hunt 19th-24th March
School to print off the questions for the school children, copies in the post office which can be purchased there and on the festival web site. Large Egg already sourced, Carina to explain to Thornton’s Manger re mix up and donate their egg to local School or Charity.
WI in Thurlaston have an event on 16th April tickets from Ann Gilbert for the event
Music Night May 14th
‘Whalebone’ rock folk band at 8pm the village Hall, Posters to be put up locally.
Pete to source glasses, tickets are available at Wanda’s in the village.
Fete 18TH June
Posters and Programme to be pre printed with details already on it so the school children can decorate it around the details, which will make printing easier.
Copy of the risk assessment to be sent electronically to Rowan for the web site.
Contact for the churches Bob Fricker/ Margaret Little John Fiona to contact her.
Nick to do the Golf Game.
All members to contact the usual stall holders and ask them about the usual stalls.
Are Protheroe Family available to do the cake stall? If not we need to source alternative.
Letter to Parish council for funding for the BBQ.
New Gazebo sourced. Chris Carr and team to man the bar and? to set up the gazebo, if available on the day.
Go Kart risk assessment to be sourced.
Sailing club and diving club to be contacted.
Mike reported that the Jazz band from LS school is able to attend.
Theme of the festival/parade is ‘Disney’
Neil and Rod to sort issues around traffic and help Nick co-ordinate closure. Nick to speak to Tom re sound and has ask re using Bilton grange fields, still waiting on response. Risk assessment to be done by Rob
Volunteers to contact Nick please.
Gate rota to be sorted
Variety Night 23 24th
Anyone interested in performing contact Mike Judge. / Fiona
Mike Judge
Next Meeting / 18th April 2016 / ALL
Meeting Closed / At 20.30 hours