Emergency Response Plan for St. Helena’s Early Enrichment Program

Critical Operations Assignments

Operations / Person in Charge / Action Plan
Emergency cards / Classroom teachers / -in charge of taking class emergency cards
Emergency supply kit / Tiffany Jureczki / -located in shelter in place room
Medications / Tiffany Jureczki / -take medication box
Utilities / Dawn Allen / -in charge of turning off utilities
Extra clothes / Classroom teachers / -grab basket of extra clothing
Extra diapers & baby wipes / Classroom assistants / -grab basket of extra diapers and wipes/class as needed

Records Backup

Tiffany Jureczki (Director) is responsible for taking laptop which holds critical records stored on laptop.

Collect Information for the Portable Emergency Records File

  1. Updated emergency information for each child- home, work, and cell numbers, e-mail addresses, cell numbers for others who are authorized to pick up children.
  2. Out of town contact number for each child.
  3. Medical information sheet for each child.
  4. Place emergency information in a portable container for easy transport in case of evacuation.

Emergency records are located: classroom emergency cards, director laptop, bottom right drawer of office desk

Parent Notification

We will communicate our emergency plans with parents/staff in the following way:


KSAT-channel 12 210-351-1200

Ranch Radio 92.3FM 1-866-923-7262

During an Incident

  1. Listen to emergency officials.
  2. Bring children and staff indoors to “shelter” room (3rd floor).
  3. Invite visitors to stay with you.
  4. Locate disaster supplies in shelter room.
  5. Close and lock all windows and doors and other openings to the outside.
  6. Turn off all fans, air condition and heating systems.
  7. Account for all children and staff; keep written log.
  8. Once everyone is in shelter room, seal vents, windows and doors with plastic and duct tape.

Medical Emergency Response

  1. All employees must have CPR/first aid training.
  2. Maintain fully stocked first aid kits.
  3. Keep up-to-date information on closest hospital.
  4. Boerne Methodist

134 Menger Springs, Suite 2000


  1. Keep emergency contact information for each child.
  2. Stay calm.
  3. Assess the severity/injury.
  4. Start rescue breathing or CPR if child not breathing.
  5. Call 911 for immediate help.
  6. Apply continuous pressure to the site of bleeding with a clean cloth.
  7. If suffering from a seizure, place the child on the floor with his/her head and body turned to the side.
  8. Do not move injured child unless they are in immediate danger.
  9. Stay with the child until help arrives.

After an Incident

  1. Staff will play organized games and sing songs with children.
  2. Staff will continue to supervise all children until parents pick them up.
  3. Staff will contact parents to inform them of pick-up time and location.
  4. Children will be reunited with parents or caregiver and staff will be released by the director.

Emergency Phone Numbers


Boerne Dispatch 830-249-8645

Poison Control 1-800-222-1222

Boerne Methodist Hospital 830-331-3000

Plan Ahead for Evacuation

  1. Meeting place outside of building for a head count – playground or church office if playground not available.
  2. Boerne Public Library is our evacuation meeting place if we must leave campus (unless otherwise told by local officials).
  3. Post evacuation plans.
  4. Inform church office of emergency evacuation plan.

Assigned Responsibility During Evacuation
Responsibility / Primary Person / Backup Person
Authorize evacuation / Director / Person in charge in director’s absence
Remove children from facility / Classroom teachers / Classroom assistants
Obtain headcount / Classroom teachers / Director for overall count
Shut down critical operations / director / Person in charge in director’s absence
Provide transportation / Classroom teachers / Classroom assistants

During an Incident

  1. Listen to local emergency authorities! They will instruct on specific evacuation procedures.
  2. Evacuate your facility immediately if instructed to do so by emergency management authorities.
  3. Bring along portable emergency supply kits, set of emergency records, and copy of emergency evacuation plan.
  4. Post the evacuation notification sign on the front door of the facility.

Fire, tornado and lock down drills are performed throughout the year. Specific instructions for each are kept on site.

In case of an evacuation the occupants St. Helena’s Early Enrichment Program will meet:

Location directly outside of the center for a head count ______

Primary Evacuation Location ______

Back up Evacuation Location ______

Evacuation/Transportation Checklist for SHEEP

Name of child-care facility / St. Helena’s Early Enrichment Program - SHEEP
Address / 410 S. Main Street, Boerne 78006
Name of persons responsible for transportation of children
Cell numbers of responsible parties
Total number of children
Total number of staff
Number of children and staff transported by vehicle
Make/model/license plates of vehicles used to transport
Name and phone # of transportation provider (if used)
Number of vehicles dispatched to evacuation site
Name & address of evacuation site
Name of contact person at evacuation site
Phone number at evacuation site
Number of children and staff gathered at evacuation site

This information to be turned into TxDFPS state licensing.