Due to popular demand the Oaks Teaching School Alliance is delighted to offer:
School Governor Training.
Outstanding Governance - what schools need to do?
Target Audience
The course is designed to support governors in developing their governing body. The course would benefit chairs of governors and/or the vice chairs of governors attending with their Headteacher.
Course Leader: Paul Davies
Course leader background: Paul Davies is an NLG (National Leader of Governance, designated by the NCTL - National College of Teaching and Leadership) and has been awarded the Chairs of Governors’Leadership Development Certificate from the NCTL. He is the chair of an ‘outstanding’ primary school governing body. In addition, he is also vice chair of another primary school and recently appointed as a Local Authority Nominated Governor to support a secondaryschool ‘requiring improvement’.
Paul was formerly Vice/Associate Dean of Education in 2 universities, Ofsted Inspector, Local Authority consultant/advisor and teacher.
This one day session will be held at the Acorn Teaching Centre,
Weyman Avenue, L35 2YW.
The session will focus on the following outcomes:
- Identify indicators of what characterises an ‘outstanding’ governing body using Ofsted ‘framework’ and ‘guidance’
- Present case studies, actions and “tools” to develop your governing body addressing:
-Auditing of Governor skills and development
-Governor improvement planning as part of school development and self evaluation/review
-Governor committee structures and terms of reference
-Effective agenda setting and minute taking
-Succession planning and models of dispersed leadership
-Presentation and analysis of school data on pupil progress and attainment
-Undertaking ‘learning walks’
-Support new governor induction
- Opportunity to discuss and share experiences and identifying next steps in developing your governing body.
It has been helpful to be able to think outside the box – giving us the confidence to change things that have been the same for a long time Headteacher
The training has helped me to understand and appreciate the weaknesses in the governing body and came away with lots of innovative ideas on how to improve the governing bodies overall effectiveness. Chair of Governors
This course will run on Wednesday 24th September 2014 from 9.15 am to 3.30 pm
Attendance at the training day costs £100 per attendee. This includes course materials, refreshments and lunch.
To secure your schools places on this course please complete the attached booking form and return no later than Friday 19th September 2014.
The Oaks Teaching School
Booking Form 2014/2015 - Outstanding Governance
Please complete booking form and return by Email: or Fax: 0151 433 2070
Names of Participants / Role (Headteacher/Chair of Governors/ Vice Chair etc).1.
School Name
School Address
School Telephone
Reply email address
Local authority
Authorised by
I wish to reserve places on the following date:
Wednesday 24th September
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations must be notified via email: by telephoning the office on 0151 443 2663, cancellation will be effective once you have had confirmation that we have received your request.
Cancellations made:-
- More than 2 full working days before the event takes place- will not be charged
- Less than 2 working days - 100% of delegate fee will apply
- Not notified / delegate non arrival on the day- 100% of delegate fee will apply
Invoices for course fees will be sent directly to your school office, payment can be made by school cheque or BACs.