Organization/Applicant Name: ______

Contact Person: ______

Position/Title: ______

Street Address: ______

City/Town:______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______

Federal Tax ID #: ______

Date Applicant/Organization began operating: ______

Is Applicant a 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization: ______

(If yes, provide proof of status)

Grant Amount Requested: $______

1. Describe in detail how you propose to allocate funds granted by the YTF. Attach a program budget if you have one. Please be specific as possible.






2. Describe your current programs, activities, and recent accomplishments.







3. Set forth your Mission Statement and/or a statement summarizing your history, objectives and goals.






4. Describe how, if at all, you are integrated with other tennis and/or youth organizations.






5. Describe how, if at all, you are integrated into your local and/or regional community.







6. Please answer the following questions about the format of your tennis program:

a.) How long are the sessions of your program? (weekly, two-weeks, four weeks, etc.)


b.) How long are the classes? (one hour, two hours, 6 hours, etc.)


c.) How many days per week is a child registered? (once a week, twice a week, etc.)


d.) What is the ratio of children per tennis instructor? ______

e.) How many children do you put on one tennis court? ______

f.) What is the range of registration numbers on a weekly basis in the summer? Highest

number per week and the lowest number per week.


g.) How many children attended at least one class last summer? ______

7. Please answer the following questions about compensation.

a.) How much is paid for administrative/managing staff in preparation, implementation,

and follow-up work?


b.) What is the highest and lowest hourly rate you pay for your tennis instructors?



8. Additional Information Requested (please attach)

a.) A copy of your Annual Report and Budget showing the applicant's income and expenses for the most recent fiscal year. If you submit a budget for your entire organization, please be sure to also include your budget for the specific program for which you are requesting a grant from YTF.

b.) A listing or organizational chart showing all of the applicant's current officers, directors and any other managing agents.

c.) A listing of applicant's major sources of funding over its past three fiscal years (including amounts received).

d.) A listing of applicant's anticipated funding sources and amounts for its next fiscal year (including any matching funds).

e.) A copy of your most recent tennis brochure and lesson schedule.

I, hereby certify, that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the foregoing

information regarding ______is true.

(Organization/Applicant Name)

Signature: ______

Print Name: ______

Title: ______

Dated: ______, 2014