Art 3DSketchbook Assignments

Due no later than 4:00 p.m. on the assigned day/dates

About Sketchbook Assignments:

  • Sketchbooks contain two types of graded assignments: DailyWarm-UpsandDetailed Sketches. They will also be used for additional notes, in-class sketching and planning.
  • Each daily warm-up assignment is worth 2 points (so a full week is worth 10 points).
  • Twodetailed sketches will be completed per quarter,each worth 20 points.
  • Detailed sketches will be completed on the white paper in the back of the sketchbook and graded using the detailed sketch rubric.
  • The first detailed sketch will be assigned in class. For the others, you can choose a subject to draw from the list below. You can only draw each item once for credit.
  • Art 3D classes will turn in sketchbooks on assigned Wednesdays to your hour’s bin in the tall cabinet. Due dates can be found on my web back pack.

Sketchbook Grading and Late Policy

  • Your work willnot be accepted for full credit after the assigned due date at 4:00pm.
  • If the sketchbook is turned in the next day after it is due, 2 points will be deducted for turning it in late. If you turn in your sketchbook any day after that it will only be worth ½ credit.
  • If you are absent, you may do the assignment on a piece of white paper after finding the assignment on my web back pack at completing the assignment, you must write your name, hour,the date of the assignment and the assignment description at the top of the paper in order to receive full credit.
  • Sketchbooks may be turned in late for up to halfcredit until 10/5/11 firstquarter and 12/14/11 secondquarter.

How to turn in your sketchbook:

  • Sketchbooks are turned in to the tote tray labeled with your hour on your class shelf in the tall cabinet. They will be graded and returned the next day.
  • Late sketchbooks are turned into the “Late” box on the table next to Mrs. Gilroy’s deskafter the assigned due date. Please write a note on the page if you were absent.

Detailed Sketch Drawing Subjects:

Try to look at the actual object if possible or a photo for a reference. Consider how to draw the dimension of the object accurately. The purpose is to improve your drawing skills to help with planning and sketching of 3-dimensional artworks.

  • A robot made from geometric forms
  • A food or drink package
  • Design a trophy and determine for what it will be awarded
  • A functional object from room
  • A decorative object from room
  • Your dream room
  • A new mascot for Westridge
  • Creative doghouse or birdhouse
  • Your choice

Sketchbook Detailed Sketches Grading Criteria Examples

Remember, I don’t expect you to be able to draw perfectly. That is why we are completing sketchbook assignments, so you have a chance to practice and grow your drawing abilities. However, I do expect you to try your best and put your full effort into your detailed sketches.

Example Grading Rubric:

Outline, details, and values are placed on the page neatly
Many details were used to accurately represent the object
Reflects minimum of 30 minutes of drawing
Drawing and values fill more than ½ of the page
Minimum of 5 values used (white, black, and 3 grays) with gradual changes in value
GRADE : /20