Melissa L. Walls


211 Cina Hall4024 E. Superior St

UMD Dept of Sociology-AnthropologyDuluth, MN55804

(218) 726-8367 (218) 464-0858

AX: (218) 726-7759


2007 -Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, University of Minnesota-Duluth.

2006Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


2007Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Sociology. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dissertation: “A Mixed Methods Approach toward Understanding Indigenous Youth Suicide.” Adviser: Dr. Les B. Whitbeck

2004Master of Arts (M.A), Sociology. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Thesis: “Early Onset Alcohol Use Among Native American Adolescents: An Examination of Caretaker Influence.” Adviser: Dr. Les B. Whitbeck

2002Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.), Psychology; Minor, Human Resource Management. University of Minnesota-Duluth. Honor: Magna Cum Laude

2000Associate of Arts (A.A), General Studies, Rainy RiverCommunity College, International Falls, Minnesota. Graduated with Honors.


Sociology of Mental Health, Deviance, Substance Use and Abuse, Quantitative Methods, American Indian/First Nations Adolescent Development, Community Based Participatory Research


2010 Melissa Walls, Principal Investigator. “Contemporary North American Indigenous Families: Conceptualization and Measurement Issues.” Awarded $28,886 on 01/01/10 by the University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship program.

2009Melissa Walls and Les Whitbeck, Co-Principal Investigators; Mustafa al’Absi, Co-Investigator. “Stress Exposure, Response, and Mental Health among Indigenous Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.” Application in Progress for Submission to NIH, Spring 2010.

2009James Boulger, Principal Investigator; Nadine Hoven, Jane Hovland, and Melissa Walls, Co-Investigators. “Rural Tele-Mental Health Services Expansion.” Awarded $200,000 on 1/1/2009 by the Healthier Minnesota Community Clinic Foundation.

2008 Melissa L. Walls, Principal Investigator; Doris Isham, Julie Black Elk and Jane Hovland, Co-Investigators.Community-Based Participatory Research at NIMH (R21), “[Indigenous] Mental Health and Diabetes.” Application Revision in Progress for November 2009 Resubmission to NIMH($275,000 maximum direct costs over 2 years).

2008Mustafa al’Absi, Principal Investigator; Goran Hellekant, Melissa Walls, Ruth Westra and Larry Wittmers, Co-Investigators. “Mechanisms of the Stress Response, Appetite Regulation, and Food Choice.” Submitted to University of Minnesota Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute. Application Not Funded.

2008Les B. Whitbeck, Principal Investigator; David Goldston and Melissa Walls, Co-Investigators. National Institute of Mental Health (R34), “(Indigenous) Suicide Prevention.” Application Revision in Progress.

2007 Les B. Whitbeck, Principal Investigator; Cleve Redmond, Dan Hoyt, Melissa Walls, and ManSoo Yu, Co-Investigators. National Institute of Mental Health Research Project Grant (R01), “A Second Generation (Indigenous) Family-Based Prevention Trial,” Application Not Funded.

2006Melissa Walls, Principal Investigator. National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellowship Award. “Factors Associated with American Indian Youth Suicide.” Awarded 6/1/2006. $32,729 per year for 2 years.


Walls, Melissa and Les Whitbeck. Forthcoming. Maturation and Indigenous girls’ substance use: The mediating role of peer context. Accepted for Publication in Journal of Early Adolescence.

Whitbeck, Les, Melissa Walls, Kurt Johnson, Allan Morrisseau, and Cindy McDougall. 2009. Depressed Affect and Historical Losses among North American Indigenous Adolescents. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the NationalCenter, 16(3): 16-41.

Whitbeck, Les, Dan Hoyt, ManSoo Yu, and Melissa Walls. 2008. Diagnostic Prevalence Rates from Early to Mid-Adolescence among Indigenous Adolescents: First Results from a Longitudinal Study. Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47: 890-900.

Walls, Melissa. 2008.Trajectories of American Indian Alcohol and Marijuana Use Across the Middle School Years. Journal of Drug Issues, 38(4): 1139-1160.

Walls, Melissa, Constance Chapple, and Kurt Johnson. 2007. Strain, Emotion, and Suicide among American Indian Youth. Deviant Behavior, 28(3).

Walls, Melissa, Les Whitbeck, Dan Hoyt and Kurt Johnson 2007. Early-Onset Alcohol Use Among Native American Youth: Examining Female Caretaker Influence. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69(2).

Whitbeck, Les, Kurt Johnson, Dan Hoyt, and Melissa Walls. 2006. Prevalence and Comorbidity of Mental Health Disorders Among American Indian Children in the Northern Midwest. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39: 427-434.

Walls, Melissa, Kurt Johnson, Les Whitbeck, and Dan Hoyt. 2006. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Preferences and Utilization Patterns among American Indian People of the Northern Midwest. Community Mental Health Journal, 42(6).


Walls, Melissa and Les Whitbeck. The Intergenerational Effects of Relocation Policies on Indigenous Families. Under Journal Review.


Walls, Melissa. Risk and Protective Factors Related to Indigenous Youth Suicidality: A Multi-Context Qualitative Approach.

Walls, Melissa. Thestress-buffering effects of Indigenous traditional spirituality.

Les Whitbeck and Melissa Walls.Early Adolescence in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (Book in Progress).


2008-Member, Duluth Medical Research Institute. University of MinnesotaSchool of Medicine.

2007-Member, Center for Rural Mental Health Research Working Group. University of MinnesotaSchool of Medicine, Duluth Campus.

2003-2006Research Assistant: Healing Pathways Project; Dr. Les Whitbeck, Supervisor. Responsibilities included: data analysis using SPSS, Mplus, AMOS, and HLM, literature searches, co-authoring papers, qualitative and quantitative data coding, measurement development, preparation for field entry, communication and collaboration with field staff and community partners (i.e. advisory boards), development of substance use prevention curriculum and facilitator training, preparation of yearly data reports, participation in weekly analytic meetings, and grant development.


2007 University of MN-Duluth Instructional Development Services Early Career Faculty Workshop Series (6 Sessions)

2003Workshop: “Teaching Students How to Learn,” Dr. Kenneth A. Kiewra

2003Professional Development/Teaching Seminar, Dr. Helen Moore


2006Melissa Walls. Healing Pathways Suicide Prevention Initiative. Report to Participating Reserves: Results from Focus Group Discussions.

2005-2006Kurt Johnson, Melissa Walls & Devan Starks. Healing Pathways Year 2-3 Data Reports to Participating Reservations & Reserves.

2004Kurt Johnson & Melissa Walls. Healing Pathways Year 1-2 Data Reports to Participating Reservations & Reserves.


2010Melissa Walls. “American Indian Mental Health Research: Translational Implications for Policy and Practice.” HumanDevelopmentCenter Brown Bag Seminar Series, Duluth, MN

2009Melissa Walls. “Succeeding as a Minority Junior Scholar.” Panel Organizer and Presider, Midwest Sociology Society, Des Moines, IA.

2009Les Whitbeck & Melissa Walls. “Promoting Indigenous family resilience: A culturally based prevention program for early onset alcohol and drug use.” National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2008Melissa Walls. “Making the Leap towards Independence: Successful Transitions.” Invited Speaker/Panelist, Navigating Your Way Through a Successful Research Career, National Institute of Mental Health Workshop. Bethesda, MD.

2008Melissa Walls & Les Whitbeck. “Indigenous Adolescent Historical Loss and Depressive Symptoms.” 2008 Int’l Conference on Social Stress Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

2008Melissa Walls. “History: How it Affects Today’s Health.” Invited Speaker, Ho-Chunk Nation Wellness Conference, Baraboo, WI.

2008Melissa Walls. “Historical Influences on Contemporary Health.” Invited

Speaker, Bois Forte Diabetes Conference, Tower, MN.

2007Melissa Walls & Les B Whitbeck. “Marijuana and Alcohol Use across Early Adolescence: Gender Differences Among American Indian/First Nations Youth.” SRCD, Boston, MA

2007Melissa L. Walls & Les B. Whitbeck.. “Puberty and Indigenous girls’ substance use: The mediating role of peer context.” Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL

2006Melissa L. Walls & Les B. Whitbeck. “Coping in Context: Sense of Control and Social Support among Indigenous Adults.” The Tenth International Conference on Social Stress Research, Portsmouth, NH.

2006Melissa Walls. “Project Overview and Selected Findings from Published Papers,” and “Report of Annual Data Findings.” Presented to Advisory Board members and community representatives; Healing Pathways workshop series.

2006Melissa Walls. “Puberty, social context, and Indigenous girls’ early onset substance use.” Presented to Advisory Board members and community representatives; Healing Pathways workshop series.

2006Melissa L. Walls. “Community Based Participatory Research: American Indian Adolescents, Families, and Communities.” Session Organizer/Presider, Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE

2006Melissa L. Walls. “Parker’s Reflexivity in Focus Groups Part II: Remembering ‘My Girl.’ UNL Department of Sociology Colloquium Series.

2005Melissa L. Walls. “Lost in the Darkness, Hoping for Light: Native Youth Suicide.”Native American Graduate Symposium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

2005Melissa L. Walls. “Early Onset Alcohol Use among Native American Youth: An Examination of Caretaker Influence.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

2005Terceira A. Berdahl and Melissa L. Walls: “Patterns of Inequality Among Homeless Youth: the Role of Race/Ethnicity and Gender on Service Utilization Trajectories.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

2005Melissa L. Walls. “Homeless Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Multilevel Growth Model Test of Risk Amplification.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

2004Melissa L. Walls. “Alcohol Use and American Indian Youth: An Examination of Caretaker Influence.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO


2009Section 904 Violence Against Indian Women in Indian Country Researchers' Workshop. Invited Attendee. Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice.

2008 -National Institute of Mental Health/University of New Mexico Mentorship Education Program Annual Institute, Junior Mentor

2006 (Fall)Barriers to Success for Indigenous Researchers, Invited Attendee. Sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health.

2006 (Spring)Indigenous Suicide Prevention Research and Programs in Canada in the United States Conference, Invited Attendee. Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, Indian Health Service, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

2005-2007National Institute of Mental Health/University of New Mexico Mentorship Education Program Annual Institute, Mentee.


2009Workshop Participant, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis (Paul D. Allison, Instructor). Washington, D.C.

2009University of Michigan World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview Training and ReferenceCenter Information (CIDI Training and Certification Program). Ann Arbor, Michigan.

2007 (Fall)University of Minnesota Research Compliance Training and Certification (RCR)


2008College of Liberal Arts Faculty Research Award. University of Minnesota-Duluth.

2007Graduate Student Research Award. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Sociology. $250.

2006-2007Maude Hammond Fling University Fellowship. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Graduate Studies. $14,000

2006Alice Frost Howard Graduate Student Research Award. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Sociology. $1,000

2006J.J. and Eleanor S. Ogle Fellowship. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Foundation. $5,000

2006 Joyce O. Hertzler Graduate Student Research Award. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Sociology. $500.

2006National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Special Populations Office Travel Award.

2005J. J. and Eleanor S. Ogle Fellowship. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Foundation. $3,500

2005Joyce O. Hertzler Graduate Student Research Award. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Sociology. $500

2004-2006Larson Minority Fellowship. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. $6,000

2001Psi Chi: American Psychological Association’s National Student Honor Society


2009-Member, UMDCollege of Liberal Arts Student Affairs Committee

2009-Member, Admissions Committee, UMD Criminology M A Program

2008Native Research Network Scientific Program Committee Member for the 20th Annual Native Health Research Conference

2007-2010Co-Chair (Appointed): Minority Scholars Committee, Midwest Sociological Society

2007- Director, Center for Addiction Studies, University of Minnesota – Duluth (UMD).

2006-2007Member (Elected): Minority Scholars Committee, Midwest Sociological Society

2006 (Spring)Focus Group Facilitator: Substance Use Perspectives of Urban Indian Youth. Indian Center, Inc. Lincoln, NE.

2005-2006President (Elected): Nebraska Association of Sociology Graduate Students

2005Graduate Student Member: University of Nebraska Intertribal Exchange 13th Annual Pow-Wow Planning Committee

2004-2007Advisory Board Member: Great Plains Cultural Ways Mental Health Careers Program (COR: NIMH funded Honors Program for Undergraduates of American Indian Heritage)


2005-presentNative Research Network

2004-presentAmerican Sociological Association

2004-presentMidwest Sociological Society

2003-2007Nebraska Association of Sociology Graduate Students