AssignmentX: Team Charter (XX%)

Due: End of Week X(see course outline for specific date)

INSTRUCTIONS: Instructor, please edit the text that is highlighted. You may also need to edit the assignment description and instructions (below). Once complete, remove all highlights and these instructions and,if you are a new instructor or developing a new course, forward to your program manager for approval.

It is very important in group work to establish guidelines about how you will work together. Creating a team charter will help you to learn about your team members and put some structure or boundaries around the group process.

This process will help you to build the best team possible and mitigate potential conflict or stressors that can hinder productivity. Conflict in teams is normal but how you handle it makes all the difference. If you experience problems in your group, refer back to the team charter and revisit the guidelines and agreements you have made.

The purpose of AssignmentX is to establish the ground rules for how your team will work together

When to Ask for Help

If an issue or problem arises in your group that you cannot resolve or do not know how to handle, please talk to me about it. I will coach you on some potential approaches to resolve the issue or, if warranted, step in to facilitate or intervene. Every situation is a learning experience, even asking for help. Students should, however, first attempt to solve problems directly with their group members.

All team members should agree with the entire contents of the document submitted.


  1. Review the provided Team Charter Template (.doc/.docx format).
  2. Review the evaluation rubric for this assignment (next page).
  3. Complete your Team Charter.


  1. The charter should be double-spaced (not including the title page).
  2. Formatting:
  3. 12 point Times New Roman font
  4. 1 inch document margins
  5. Numbered pages
  6. APA style is to be used consistently. For help with the APA style, visit the OWL – Purdue’s Online Writing Lab.
  7. Elect one team member to submit a copy of the final version (.doc/.docx format) to the AssignmentX Dropbox.

Please refer to the rubric at the end of this document for evaluation details.

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This assignment is marked out of 12 points using the following rubric and is worth XX% of the final grade.

Learners may receive partial scores or a zero for unacceptable work.

Criteria / Does Not Meet Expectations
1 / Partially Meets Expectations
2 / Meets
3 / Exceeds Expectations
4 / Max Points
Quality of Response / Inadequate detail provided throughout.
Charter cannot be used as-is to respond meaningfully to potential group conflict. / Inconsistentlevel of detail provided throughout.
Charter can be used effectively to address some areas of potential group conflict but not all. / Sufficientdetail provided throughout.
Charter will serve as a good resource for the group but could be more exacting. / In-depthdetail provided throughout.
Charter will serve as an excellent resource to address potential group conflict. / 4
Required Components / Response is missing/does not address required components indicated in the instructions. / Response is missing/does not address some of the required components indicated in the instructions. / Response includes all components and meets the requirements indicated in the instructions. / Response includes and exceeds the requirements indicated in the instructions. / 4
Writing / Unclear organization. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. / Some signs of logical organization. A few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. / Organization supports purpose. Well-constructed paragraphs.Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. / Organization fully and imaginatively supports purpose. Well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. / 4

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