Ballet Dictionary Project Packet
Due Date for the Ballet Dictionary:
You have been given a month to complete this project!You will possibly have other projects from other classes in addition to this one. Do not wait until the last minute to start and finish it!
Assigned Date: January 14-15, 2015
Due Date: February 16-17, 2015(A-Day and B-Day) –Please place this due date on your calendar!
You must turn your project in on the date that you come to class on the appropriate day! A-Day classes are due on A-Day and B-Day classes are due on B-Day.
This project counts 30% of your grade and counts as a test grade! There isn’t any make-up assignment and/or extra credit that can be done to replace this project! There will be a significant grade reduction to your dance grade if you don’t complete it! You will be graded on: Quality of Construction/ Neatness, Spelling/Grammar, Creativity, Following Directions and Time/Effort. Please see the attached grading rubric for details.
Please be aware that I will have over 200 dictionaries to grade! It will take me quite a bit of time to grade and return projects!
Late project policy-Important!
1.There will be a 20 point deduction for all late projects! I will not accept any late projects after February 23, 2015 at 3:30p.m.You will begin to lose points after 3:30p.m. on the due date. Students, please don’t bother with finding a clever excuse for late/unfinished projects. You have been given a long period of time to complete this project and in life we are all given expectations and need to learn to meet these requirements. After February 23, 2015 at 3:30p.m., you project will receive “zero” points.
2. If you are absent, you are to turn it in on the 1st day that you return to school.
Ballet Dictionary Details-Each page will require the following elements: You will need to use the internet to research the Ballet terminology.
1. The letter of the alphabet it represents
2. The word that you have chosen
3. Pronunciation of the word (if it’s a dance term)
4. A picture to illustrate the letter
5. A description of the word/person/item
Note: The dictionary cannot contain dance terms from other genres(jazz, tap, modern, etc).
How to create the Ballet Dictionary:
Your dictionary can be created in a number of ways. If you would like to do something that is not listed, please ask me so that I can approve it.Here are a few ideas (you are not limited to just these):
1. Power Point (1 slide per letter)
2. Prezi
3. Word document
4. Publisher document
5. Photo story
6. Narrated movie
7. Cut/paste from magazines/printed images (If you do this, it must be neatly done or your project will fall apart).
Note: All the pages of your Ballet dictionary must be bound together by some type of media(brads, binder, etc).
Supplies: You can be creative as to what you want to use to create the dictionary. Please use media that will not fall apart easily. Below are a few suggestions:
1. Copy paper
2. Construction paper
3. Magazines- for cut outs of different ballet terms
4. Brads/binder to hold your dictionary together
What can the pages represent?
Below are a few ideas and you are not limited to them, yet your items must be connected to Ballet.
1. Vocabulary (a Ballet step/term) – Your dictionary can be all Ballet terms if you wish to do so.
2. Famous Ballet dancer
3. Ballet Company
4. Story Ballet(Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Nutcracker, Gisselle etc).
5. Character from a Ballet story
6. Tools of the trade (items ballet dancers use)
7. Ballet movies
8. Ballet publications
Dictionary Pages(What is needed to complete your project):
You will need to have 30 pages for the dictionary.
1. Title Page- This page will contain the title of your Ballet Dictionary and is the outside cover for your dictionary. Please be creative with this page!
2. One page for all 26 letters of the alphabet (If you have trouble finding something for the harder letters, X/Z etc, find a word that has that letter even if it is not the first letter.
3. Inside cover page – This is the second page of your dictionary. Your cover page must contain your first and last name; date the project is due, class period, and Ballet Dictionary.
4. One resource page – This page must contain the resources (websites, dance dictionaries, etc.) that were used to complete the project. This page will be the last page that you create.
5. Back Cover – A back page for the back of your dictionary.
How do I turn in my project?
You may bring your project to my room on the designated due date.
1. Email
2. Flash drive(must come in and I will save it to my computer)
3. Printed/handmade
Ballet Dictionary Checklist - Please use the checklist below to make sure that you have done the following (This is for your benefit and does not need to be turned in):
_____I have the Ballet Dictionary Project Packet
_____I have read the instructions and rubric before I began the project
_____ I know when my project is due and I have placed the project due date on my calendar
_____I have read what the pages can represent and have done that.
_____If I have any questions about the project, I have asked Ms. Nesby.
_____I have turned in the project signature page to Ms. Nesby
On the due date (Morning the project is due):
_____I have written my first and last name and class period on the back of the project.
_____I checked to make sure that I grabbed my project so that I can turn it in on time.
Ballet Dictionary Grading Rubric
Criteria / Excellent / Good / Fair / PoorQuality of Construction/Neatness
20 Points / The dictionary shows considerable attention to construction and neatness. All items/pictures are carefully and securely attached. There are very few to no stray marks, smudges or glue stains.
Handwritten dictionaries are very neat and easy read. Type written dictionaries fonts are easy to read. Student went the extra mile with neatness and the quality of construction of the dictionary. / The dictionary shows attention to construction. All items/pictures are securely attached. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present.Handwritten dictionaries are neat and easy read. Type written dictionaries fonts are easy to read. The dictionary was very neat and had good quality of construction. / The dictionary shows some attention to construction. Items/ pictures are not securely attached. There are noticeable stray marks, smudges, or glue stains. Quite a few noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Handwritten dictionaries are not very neat and hard to read. Type written dictionaries fonts are hard to read. The dictionary was somewhat was satisfactory with an acceptable quality of construction. / The dictionary was put together sloppily. Items appear to be “slapped on." Items/pictures are loose or hanging over the edges. Smudges, stains, rips, uneven edges, and/or stray marks are evident. When the dictionary is turned in, it falls apart and did not stay together and it is turned in with stains. Handwritten dictionaries are not neat and hard to read. Type written dictionaries fonts are hard to read. Project was turned in but it is evident that no care was taken with the quality of construction and neatness when completing the project.
Spelling and Grammar/
Definition accuracy
20 Points / The student was very careful with the spelling/grammar of the dictionary. The student took the time to research the ballet terms and put accents where needed and spell the words correctly. The definitions/information about a ballet term or dancer and were correct and very accurate. / The student was careful with the spelling/grammar of the dictionary. The student had very few grammar/spelling mistakes. Very few accents are missing on ballet terms where needed. The definitions/information about a ballet term or dancer and were correct and accurate. / The student was not very careful with the spelling/grammar of the dictionary. The student had major grammar/spelling mistakes. Accents are missing on ballet terms where needed. The definitions/information about a ballet term or dancer wasdone but not correct and accurate. / The student was not careful with the spelling/grammar of the dictionary. The student had several major grammar/spelling mistakes. The student did not take the time to research the correct spelling for their dictionary.Accents are missing on ballet terms where needed. The definitions/information about a ballet term or dancer wasdone but notcorrect and accurate. Project was turned in but spelling, grammar, and definition accuracy were not a focus for this project.
20 Points / Student was very creative with the project. Student used a plethora of creative media to complete the dictionary. Student went the extra mile! / Student was creative with the project. Student used creative media to complete the dictionary. / Student was somewhat creative with the project. Student used some creative media to complete the dictionary but student did the bare minimum with a basic design. Student may not have used the best media to complete the project. / Student was not creative with the project. Student did complete the project but there was very little to no creativity. Student did not use the best media to complete the project. There wasn’t any thought into the creative process with a very basic design or none at all.
Followed Directions
20 Points / Student followed all of the directions regarding the dictionary. Dictionary includes the following: Title page, cover page, 26 letters with (ballet terms, dancers, dance companies, etc), resource page, and back page.
No pages are missing from the dictionary. / Student followed most of the directions regarding the dictionary. Dictionary includes most of the following: Title page, cover page, 26 letters with (ballet terms, dancers, dance companies, etc), resource page, and back page.
Only a couple of pages may be missing from the dictionary. / Dictionary includes some of the following but many items are missing: Title page, cover page, 26 letters with (ballet terms, dancers, dance companies, etc), resource page, and back page. Quite a few pages are missing from the dictionary. / Dictionary includes very little to none of the following: Title page, cover page, 26 letters with (ballet terms, dancers, dance companies, etc), resource page, and back page. Several pages are missing but project is turned in.
Time and Effort
20 Points / Plenty of time and effort went into the planning and design of the dictionary. It is clear the student worked and put plenty of time and effort into the project. Student went the extra mile. / Time and effort went into the planning and design of the dictionary. It is clear the student worked hard and put time and effort into the project. / Student completed the dictionary. There was some time and effort but it was the bare minimum for the dictionary. / Student did turn in the project. There wasn’t much time or effort on the dictionary. Dictionary appears to be a rushed and/or over night jobto get the project turned in. There was very little to no effort placed into the dictionary.
Ballet Dictionary Example- Below is an example of how you should do your dictionary pages: This is just a sample and not a page for you to use.
A body position in which a dancer stands on one leg (the supporting leg) with the other leg (the working leg) turned out and extended behind the body, with both legs held straight.
Ballet Dictionary Project Signature Page
I have read and understand everything in this packet. I also understand that the project is due on February 16-17, 2015 and it must be turned in on the day that my child attends class. Late projects will receive a 20 point deduction and will not be accepted after February 23, 2015 at 3:30p.m.
Parent Signature Date
I have read and understand everything in this packet. I also understand that the project is due on February 16-17, 2015 and it must be turned in on the day that I attend class. Late projects will receive a 20 point deduction and will not be accepted after February 23, 2015 at 3:30p.m.
Student Signature Date