The effects of environmental quality on health…


Students will use anoles to develop an understanding of the importance that ecological factors play in an ecosystem.

National Science Education Standards:

Science as Inquiry –


As a result of activities in grades9 - 12, all students should develop

  • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
  • Understandings about scientific inquiry

Science in Personal and Social Perspectives-


As a result of activities in grades 9 - 12, all students should develop an understanding of

  • Environmental quality

MS Science Frameworks:

Inquiry Environmental Science

1. Apply inquiry-based and problem-solving processes and skills to scientific investigations.

  1. Conduct a scientific investigation demonstrating safe procedures and proper care of laboratory equipment. (DOK 2)
  2. Formulate questions that can be answered through research and experimental design. (DOK 3)
  3. Apply the components of scientific processes and methods in classroom and laboratory investigations (e.g., hypotheses, experimental design, observations, data analyses, interpretations, theory development).

(DOK 3)

  1. Construct and analyze graphs (e.g., plotting points, labeling x-and y-axis, creating appropriate titles and legends for circle, bar, and line graphs). (DOK 2)
  1. Recognize and analyze alternative explanations for experimental results and to make predictions based on observations and prior knowledge.

(DOK 3)

Earth and Space Science Environmental Science

2. Develop an understanding of the relationship of ecological factors that effect an ecosystem.

d.Develop a logical argument explaining the relationships and changes within an ecosystem. (DOK 2)

  • How changes in the environment might affect organisms


Effect of habitat quality on physiology of organisms

Experimental design

Data collection


Animal care


The effects of environmental quality on health…

Engage (Time: 15 min)

Display a tool used to catch animals in herpetology to peek curiosity. Direct students in the assembly of a noose.

Explore (Time: 60min)

After describing anole habitat and behavior, students will use their newly manufactured noose and hands to collect anoles for habitat experimentation.

Explain (Time: 25 min)

Class discussion on habitat changes in Mississippi using the gopher tortoise as an example and how habitat quality can effect organism health/physiology.

Elaborate (Time: 25 min)

Students will design an experiment looking at the effects of how environment quality can affect anole growth rates. Each lab group will set up two tanks with one tank containing plants and the other containing only sticks for anole basking. Proper UV lights, heat lamps, and food will be provided for each tank. One anole will be placed in each tank. Students will be responsible for daily feeding and watering of anoles and plant life. Initial mass will be recorded, as well as, weekly mass recordings for six weeks to determine if there is a difference in growth rates between the planted and non-planted tanks.

Evaluate (Time: 10 min)

Students will turn in completed questions and graph that support lesson and lab activity

The effects of environmental quality on health…

Lab Questions

(1)What is your predicted outcome for the anoles in the planted and non-planted tanks?

(2)If there is a significant difference in mass, what is your explanation for the difference?

(3)Why is it necessary to have UV lighting for anoles?

(4)How does not having a plant in the aquarium stress the anole?

(5)Give an example of another species affected by poor quality habitat?

(6)Plot mass recordings from data table on a graph depicting mass vs time.

Lab Activity Procedure

Materials needed:

2 Anoles

2 Aquariums with screen lids


Basking lamps

UV lighting

Crickets and cricket food

Digital scale

Sticks for basking

Substrate (leaves, pine straw, peat moss, etc)

(1)Have students collect anoles or buy them at the pet store. Smaller anoles are better because of their faster growth rates.

(2)Add substrate to each aquarium

(3)Place a plant in one aquarium

(4)Arrange large sticks in non-planted aquarium

(5)Set up fluorescent UV lighting

(6)Add a basking lamp on one end of the aquarium to allow anole to thermoregulate.

(7)Set up container to house small feeder crickets and add cricket food (available at pet stores)

(8)Record mass of the anole, add to the terrarium and quickly cover with screen top.

(9)Every day feed 5-10 crickets and mist the entire aquarium (anoles will drink water off of the glass and plants).

(10)Once per week water the plants and record masses of the anoles.

(11)At the end of the 6 weeks have students graph their growth data, determine mean mass gained amongst the groups and determine if they are statistically different using a t-test.