AS471Quiz 3 Name______Section _____
Due at Beginning of Classduringthe Week of 24 September
First complete the assigned reading and related work. Then with your textbook and course notes closed,TYPEyour answers into the MSWord file in the space provided. Use books and notes to correct your answers as necessary, then print a SINGLE-SIDE hardcopy for submission in class. Staple pages together before you submit the quiz. Please do not reformat the file or change the font size. Your responses should fit inside the outlined tables provided, which provide adequate space for a complete answer.
- If an airplane with positive dihedral yaws, it will roll in the direction of the yaw. Explain why.
- If a swept-wing airplane yaws, it will roll in the direction of the yaw. Explain why.
- Putting an aileron down increases lift on the wing with the down aileron unless the aileron stalls when it goes down. How does putting an aileron down affect the stall speed of the wing in the vicinity of the down aileron?
- In a left bank while maneuvering near available G, you move the stick right to roll right. The airplane yaws and rolls to the left, just the opposite of what you commanded. Explain why.
- You are in an approach turn to a short runway with 45o of turn remaining to final. Airspeed is VS + 5 KIAS. You want to roll wings levelwithout increasing airspeed. Describe the control input(s) you should use.
- Why should rudder not be used to roll a swept-wind air transport airplane?
- You are descending in the ERAU Decathlon(VS = 53 MPH) 20onose down ina 30o bankat 60MPH. Vertical speed is -1000 feet/minute. How many Gs can you put on the airplane? Answer with a number and explain how you got your answer. Note: this maneuver isn’t a constant altitude left turn; it’s a descending left spiral at 60 MPH.
- Why is it impossible to exceed available G?
- In the ERAU Decathlon (VS = 53 MPH), how many Gs are available at 125 MPH? Your answer should be accurate to one decimal place and you should show how you calculated it.
- You are executing a rolling dive pullout (right with¾ aileron input) at 6.0 Gs in the ERAU Decathlon (allowable G = +6.0). Have you exceeded the airplane’s G limit? Explain your answer.