Session 6: Using Protocols Purposefully

Sequence of Sessions

Overall Learning Objectives of this November 2013 Network Team Institute
New Participants Only:
  • I can describe the structure and content of the 3-8 ELA Modules.
Teacher Targets:
  • I can describe collaborative, change-focused professional cultures.
  • I can describe the relationship between students’ speaking and listening practices and vocabulary development, reading and writing.
  • I can effectively use protocols and the other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules develop students’ knowledge along with speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
  • I can evaluate the Common Core Standards related to Speaking and Listening of students’ thinking and talk and provide feedback to help them improve.
  • I can give and receive constructive feedback that supports quality module adaptation.
Leader/NTI Targets
  • I can describe collaborative, change-focused professional cultures.
  • I can provide focused feedback to support teachers in building collaborative classrooms.
  • I can support the development of a collaborative, change-focused culture schoolwide, including ways to manage counterculture behavior.
  • I can give and receive constructive feedback that supports quality module adaptation.

High-Level Purpose of this Session

●The purpose of this session is to build participants’ understanding of and capacity to implement the protocols in the 3-8 ELA Curriculum Modules.

Related Learning Experiences

●All others in this NTI.

Key Points

●Protocols enable students to have purposeful academic conversations and meet the Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening.

Session Outcomes

What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?
  • I can plan teacher moves around protocols to ensure their effectiveness.
  • I can identify contexts and purposes for specific protocols.
  • Participants will share their knowledge and ideas about protocols in a jigsaw activity with colleagues.

Session Overview

Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator Preparation
  1. Greetings and Group Grounding
/ 10minutes /
  • Participants journal in response to quote about academic conversation
  • Introduction to session targets
  • Journals
  • Zweirs quote
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • PPT
  • Review facilitation guide and powerpoint.

  1. Building Expertise in Protocol Use
/ 47
minutes /
  • Participants work in teams of 5 to jigsaw understandings about specific protocols and their purpose.
  • Appendix I from curriculum (protocols & assessment techniques)
  • Familiarize yourself with all of the protocols and techniques from Appendix 1.

  1. Reflection
/ 3 minutes /
  • Participantsjournal about effective protocol use.
  • PPT

Session Roadmap

Section1: Greetings and Group Grounding / Time: 11:00 to 11:10 a.m.
[10 minutes] In this section, you will prepare participants for the session and create a culture of achievement. / Materials used include:
Time / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
1 minute / / Ask a participant to read aloud the following quote: “Talking with others is a powerful way to learn--and is a vital life skill. In academic conversations, students explore ideas and negotiate meanings to deepen understandings and connections.” (Zweirs, 2010)
3 minutes / / Ask participants to journal about this quote: “How do you develop academic conversations so that they are meaningful and purposeful? What are the challenges to doing this well?”
5 minute / / Participants introduce themselves to their tablemate, sharing one thought from their quick-write. (A sentence, not a paragraph.)
1 minute / Facilitator introduces the learning targets for the session.
  • Journals
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • PPT
  • Academic Conversations Quick-Write

Section 2: Building Expertise in Protocol Use & Reflection / Time: 11:10-12:00
[50minutes] In this section, you will build expertise in the logistics and pedagogical purposes for five key conversational protocols from the modules. / Materials used include:
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
4 / /
  • Tell participants that they are going to choose a protocol to become an expert on, and then engage in a jigsaw to share that knowledge with their table-mates.
  • Briefly go over the jigsaw instructions: 10 minutes of reading, followed by 5 minutes of sharing for each person in the team. Inform participants that their job as anExpert in the protocol will be to:
  • Describe the protocol
  • Talk about its purpose (how will it deepen learning, in which contexts?)
  • Share ideas for logistical & instructional supports (such as anchor charts, picture cues, etc.)
  • Ask participants to form teams of 5 -- likely two teams per table. Let them know that there will not be time for them to get through the whole protocol if there team is larger than 5.

4 /
  • Direct participants to the revised appendix of protocols and assessment techniques on page ___ of their Participants Journal.
  • Ask them to briefly skim the document and pick 1-2 protocols and assessment techniques from the list of available ones. They should choose protocols that they a): don’t know well, and b): think have the potential to deepen students’ understandings and connections.

10 / /
  • Participants read silently for ten minutes (Facilitators- if necessary, remind the group that many people need silence to read and digest information and ask them to support their colleagues in this.)
  • During and after reading, participants take notes about the protocol on the Protocol Sharing Notecatcher

25 / /
  • Participants share out about their protocols to the group. Remind them to share not just the directions, but their thoughts on how to best support the protocols, and what contexts they are productive for. (5 minutes per person.)

4 /
  • Ask participants to share some of their thinking with the larger group. “What insights or ideas emerged for you from your discussion about protocols?”

3 /
  • Direct participants back to their original quick-write from the session. Ask them to add their current thinking. Ask, “How do protocol enable students to meet the Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening?What tips do you want to remember to ensure that you implement protocols effectively?”

  • Appendix 1 (Protocols & Assessment Techniques) from the ELA Modules
  • Using Protocols Purposefully notecatcher