Hungary Creek Middle School

Cell Phone Acceptable Use Policy

Students are permitted to bring cell phones to school. We are proud of our Cougars because they have handled this privilege responsibly. However, we would like to clarify our policy each year for our families. The purpose of allowing students to bring cell phones to school is to ensure they are available for after school use only. Students may only use cell phones after school in two situations: (1) in order to call a parent for a ride; and (2) in an emergency situation. However, they should ALWAYS OBTAIN THE PERMISSION OF AN ADULT PRIOR TO USING A CELL PHONE. Please know that we have plenty of phones available for student use in the front office for these same cases, so there is no true need for a child to have a cell phone unless this is a family preference. HCMS is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged cell phones. The following guidelines are provided in order to clarify expectations and provide guidance for appropriate use of cell phones.

  • Cell phones may not be on, visible or used at any time while at the bus stop, on the school bus, or during the school day.
  • Cell phones must remain OFF & in a child’s locker during school hours.
  • If a cell phone rings prior to 3:15 p.m. on school grounds, the phone will be confiscated and returned only to the child’s parent/guardian.
  • Following the final bell at 3:15 p.m., students may not use their phones unless the child has gained permission from the administrator/adult employee on duty first.
  • Students may not use cell phones after school for social reasons.
  • Students may not use cell phones while attending after-school activities (dances, games, intramurals, etc.).
  • Camera, Internet, text messaging, or any other function available on a cell phone is expressly prohibited on school grounds at any time.

Discipline Policy

For students violating the Cell Phone Acceptable Use Policy, the following consequences will apply:

First Offense: Parent contact, confiscation of phone, return phone to parent, detention.

Second Offense: Parent contact, confiscation of phone, return phone to parent, 1 day of pathways.

Third Offense:Parent contact, confiscation of phone, return phone to parent, 2 or more days of pathways, cell phone privileges revoked for the remainder of the school year.

  • If a cell phone is used while violating the Student Code of Conduct (i.e. integrity violation, use of camera function or internet function, text messaging, etc.), the administration will apply disciplinary measures on a case-by-case basis.

We thank you in advance for your support in allowing this privilege for our students.