The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth L. Laytin, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., and Paul G. Worcester. Commissioner Dennis R. Smith was absent. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Approve Minutes of October 3 and 17, 2013 Commission Meetings: Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the October 3, 2013 minutes. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion subject to changing the police request to a shooting range not a driving range. Vote was unanimous. Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2013 Special Commission Meeting as written. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was 5 in favor. Commissioner Worcester abstained due to his absence from that meeting.
DuBois & King, Inc
EA/EIR Update – Mr. Jeff Adler advised that the meeting with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in Lakeville has been changed to December 4, 2013. It is anticipated that a review of the data required for filing the variance including the 12 months ground water monitoring requirement, which returned positive results, will be the basis of the meeting. Talks will continue with Natural Heritage regarding mitigation issues. Due to the multiple requests for building sites a closer look at the existing conservation permit with Natural Heritage determined that the recently approved hangar, C3 Aero, for the south side is the last one allowable under the current permit and the grass areas by gate 3 being proposed for hangars is designated as existing habitat and therefore not buildable. Mr. Adler recommended that due to the recent interest in buildable sites it may be appropriate to do a habitat master plan so as to best coordinate future construction. Mr. Adler will work with Epsilon, our environmental consultant, to develop a plan and inquire with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the MassDOT Aeronautics for support and funding.
Driftway Realty, hangar proposal: 75 x 100 hangar. Mr. Orla, Driftway Realty, has partner with Mr. Rick Smith, New England Helicopter Academy (NEHA), and proposes to construct a 75 x 100 hangar in the treed area near gate 3. The building would be designed to look like a business office on the front and provide street frontage/visibility for customers. Mr. Smith intends to purchase another helicopter and expand his to business to include helicopter charter service and feels this location would provide the street exposure and access he needs for his customers. Mr. Smith described the helicopter procedures for the flight school with relation to his current hangar and then detailed the procedures that would be implemented when the business moved to the new location. Chairman Fosdick asked about the proximity of the helicopter operation to the street and the Federal Aviation Admin.’s (FAA) opinion. Manager Maher contacted the FAA and Mass Dot Aeronautics and FAA would not provide an opinion and the initial impression from the MassDOT inspector was both sites are appropriate. Manager Maher feels it’s a good location and certainly better than the existing location. Mr. Orla requested the Commission approve the building at this meeting in order to lock in the price and start the building plans which take approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Chairman Fosdick has concerns with helicopters operating in the area of the Gate 3 road even though it’s an established practice but otherwise feels the proposed area is well suited for the retail portion of the operation. Mr. Jeff Adler commented that while the area is designated non aviation the area is appropriate for an aviation business and that the Commission has the authority to approve the request. Commissioner Worcester said he was initially against the location but after hearing Rick's perspective he now feels it is a good location and the retail component is good for the airport. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the construction subject to obtaining all applicable permits. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. The Commission requested that there be no flying between the hangars.
New England Helicopter Academy, helicopter operation: The Commission received a letter from Peter Conner, Yankee Aviation, regarding NEHA’s negligent operation over gate 3. Mr. Smith indicated that he is considerate of his neighbors and Mr. Conner’s comments were inappropriate. Mr. Smith indicated that he was doing his best to comply and accommodate the fixed wing aircraft. Additionally, three of Mr. Smith’s neighbors submitted letters of support for his operation and considerate manner. Mr. Smith said that when there is a plane doing a run up he waits to put his helicopter away and the same is true when he is putting his helicopter away, that the plane or vehicle would have to wait. Mr. Smith has reached out to his FAA person for guidance but he was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Smith indicated that there was only one departure and arrival from the current hangar area a day because on days when they have lessons booked they park the helicopter in the grass area near RW15 for the duration and they return it to the hangar after the last lesson. The Commission was satisfied, given that there is no exclusive area for helicopters, that Mr. Smith was adequately providing a reasonable solution for this flight school.
Pilgrim Aviation, proposed hangar, update: Manager Maher indicated that Pilgrim had looked at different building configurations but had not decided on anything yet.
George Turner, proposed hangar SW side, update: Mr. Turner and Mr. Wolfson are eager to go forward but need assistance with a location. Their preferred location is on the South side next to Ben Bailey but the electric poles would have to be moved. Manager Maher indicated that the airport has in the past accommodated a tenant who made improvements to the airports’ infrastructure through rent adjustment. The issue is whether or not the poles are private and can be moved without Nstar involvement, which is both time consuming and costly. Commissioner Burke indicated that there may be space at Gate 1 to accommodate a hangar. Mr. Turner would consider a bigger hangar, if necessary, as long as he could do it in phases. The Commission will review and discuss again next meeting.
FAA obstruction survey, impacts on IFR operations: Jeannie Phillips, Airport Coordinator, briefed the Commission that the FAA survey identified 57 obstructions, most of which were on the approach to RW 24. A plan of action has been developed and submitted to FAA addressing all obstructions, on airport property and off airport property, by either removal, reduction in height or lighting the obstruction. The entire plan could take upwards of 24 months to accomplish. FAA has notam’d night restrictions to RW 15, 24 and 33 and the airport has begun the formal, technical process to request removing the night restrictions. The process is multi faceted and will involve coordination with property owners, acquiring new avigation easements, tree topping/removal on and off airport. Mr. Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, will assist with all aspects of the plan including the inclusion of as much tree clearing and topping as possible with current and future airport projects and the solicitation of funds.
Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review: None.
Other Business
AOPA, 2014 event at PYM – AOPA has approached Plymouth Airport as a possible destination for their regional event. It would be a one time event for both the flying and driving public. They would anticipate 500 to 800 attendees and would present several seminars at either Alpha One or the Professional Jet Center. Manager Maher would expect this event have less impact than Cars n Copters and the Air Show. Chairman Fosdick feels that this is just the kind of event, seminars, training and aviation topics that should be held at the airport. Vice Chairman Crociati shared the sentiment. The Commission would be supportive of an AOPA event at Plymouth if chosen.
Plymouth sign bylaw – The commission will review the Town’s sign by-law and discuss later.
The airport received a phone call from an Engineering firm regarding a land purchase at the end of RW 33 for a Church being proposed on Federal Furnace Rd. The church would have a 70 ft steeple and they wanted make sure it wouldn’t be a hazard. They were advised to go through the 7460 process with the FAA. Additionally, it was recommended that they disclose to the client, prior to buying the land, that noise could be a factor.
Associated Engineers dropped of plans, today, for the Commission’s review and requested the Commission send a letter of no objection regarding their construction of a parking lot to be used as a trucking depot for Howland Trucking. The lot would be across from the airport on Meadow Park Way. After some discussion the Commission declined to respond until there is a formal proposal.
PAC Trust, Ed Randall, is requesting that all leases for PAC Trust be amended eliminating the number system currently on the leases. The leases should simply read PAC Trust. Manager Maher advised that this was a clerical issue and no other wording would be changed. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the amended name on all leases subject to Attorney Gilmore’s approval. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 9:38 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick