1. Follow Ken Dunn's instructions at under
Links/Document Libraries/Information Systems/OS-X VPN Instructions
2. Once you have successfully connected to the VPN network, in the Finder go to Go/Connect to server and type in the following substituting your user name for USERNAME and your password for PASSWORD.
Pay special attention to the colons, semicolons, etc. This has to be exact. Type it in the Sever Address: field at the top of the dialog box.
3. Click on Connect. Then click on the double arrows next to the server/share name (at this date it will probably say AOAC). Choose the server you wish to mount on your desktop and click on OK.
4. Voila! It will be mounted on your desktop and the window for that directory will automatically open. That's all there is to it!
5. Optionally, you can put a shortcut in your Dock for this volume. Do this right or it won't work.
A. In the mounted volumes directory window, choose the columns view (View/Columns)
B. Click in the preview column in left side of the directory window on the volume name you wish to add to your dock. Do NOT drag it to your Dock at this point.
C. Click on any one of the folders or files listed in the next column to the right (the first actual column that is not the sidebar
D. Go up to the title icon at the top of the directory window and Command (Apple Key) click on the title. You will see a hierarchical popup of the directory path.
E. Choose the Volume you wish to put in your Dock. (Crucial step.)
F. Now you can click and drag the second iteration of the volume icon in the second column and drag it to your dock to the left end of the Dock. The illustration below shows the two mounted volume icons side by side in the directory window. It is the icon to the right (in the case, CRC, which you must drag to the dock.
G. Now at any time you can go back and get your volume much faster by simply clicking on icon on the dock. You will get a dialog box that looks like the one below.
H. Fill in your user name and password, store the password in your keychain if you like and you are good to go.