Jordan School District

Dual Language Immersion Core Curriculum Map

2nd Grade – FRENCH Program 2014-2015

k / FRENCH Literacy
French Language / Science/ Social Studies
French Language / Mathematics
French Language / Language Art &
English Language
1 / Back to School activities
Management / Back to School activities
Management / Back to School activities
Management, Pre Assessment / Back to School activities
Management; Pre Assessment
Textbook: Super Gafi CP
*Please teach one sequence per week. You need to complete all 30 sequences [31-60] by the end of the school year.
Literacy Essentials:
Teacher Read Aloud
Shared Reading:
Whole Group Instructions:
  • Oral Language – Listening Comprehension
  • Vocabulary Text-Based Comprehension
  • Research and Media Literacy
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Writing
Guided Reading – small group instructions based on students’ reading levels, 4 times per week
(Follow the Pacing Guide and Literacy skills suggested in Teachers Manual and Scripted Lesson Plans at French Website - USOE)
Gafi Characters
Graphic Organizers
Review: One sound or one set per day.
Séquence 7 u
Séquence 8 r
Séquence 10, 23 o, au, eau
Séquence 13 e
Séquence 15 ou
Séquence 17, 18 e, er, et
Séquence 20, 21 c, qu, k
Séquence 26 on, om
Séquence 28, 29 s, c, c
Séquence 30 ch
Lesson Plan:
Vocabulary Word Wall:
la rivière, faire la course, une pédale, un moteur, être à l'arrêt, le départ, l'arrivée, tricher, la première, crevé, faire la tete
Séquence 31 é ê
équence31 jour 1
Séquence 31 jour 2
Séquence 31 jour 3
Séquence 31 jour 3 Texte Prêts_ Partez!
Séquence 31 jour 4
Séquence 31 jour 5
Séquence 31 images -introduction du vocabulaire
Supplemental Materials:
exercices supplémentaires séquence 31
images mots référents
Cahier de mots È è
Lesson Plan:
Séquence 32 ai ei
Séquence 32 jour 1
Séquence 32 jour 2
Séquence 32 jour 3
Séquence 32 jour 4
Séquence 32 jour 5
Séquence 32 Images -introduction du vocabulaire
Séquence 32 Texte Le palais de Mélanie
Supplemental Materials:
xercices supplémentaires séquence 32
images mots référents séquence 32
Cahier de mots Ai ai
Cahier de mots Ei ei
Séquence33 et
exercices supplémentaires séquence 33
images mots référents séquence 33
Cahier de mots Et et
Séquence34 ette, erre, elle, esse
exercices supplémentaires séquence 34
images mots référents séquence 34
Séquence35 d
exercices supplémentaires séquence 35
images mots référents séquence 35
D d
Séquence36 cr, dr, vr
exercices supplémentaires séquence 36
images mots référents séquence 36
Séquence37 an, am
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 37
images mots référents séquence 37
Cahier de mots An an
Cahier de mots Am am
Séquence38 en, em
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 38
images mots référents séquence 38
Cahier de mots En en
Cahier de mots Em em
Séquence 39 en, …ent
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 39
images mots référents séquence 39
Séquence 40 an, anne, am, amme
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 40
images mots référents séquence 40
Séquence 41 f, ph
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 41
images mots référents séquence 41
Cahier de mots F f
Cahier de mots Ph ph
Séquence 42 oi
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 42
images mots référents colonnes de mots séquence 42
Cahier de mots Oi oi
Séquence 43 s, z
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 43
images mots référents colonnes de mots séquence 43
Cahier de mots S s
Séquence 44 in, ain, ein
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 44
images mots référents séquence 44
Séquence 45 im, aim, un, um
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 45
images mots référents séquence 45
Séquence 46 ien
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 46
images mots référents séquence 46
Séquence 47 eu, oeu
images mots référents séquence 47
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 47
Séquence 48 j, g
images mots référents séquence 48
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 48
Séquence 49 ge + a, o
images mots référents séquence 49
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 49
Séquence 50 g, gu
images mots référents séquence 50
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 50
Séquence 51 gn
images mots référents séquence 51
mots décodables colonnes de mots séquence 51
Sequence 52 tion, ssion
Sequence 53 ion, ieu, ian, ier
Sequence 54 uy, ay, oy
Sequence 55 ion, oin
Sequence 56 lettre muettes
Sequence 57 ill
Sequence 58 ail/aille, eil/eill
Sequence 59 euil/euill, ouill
Sequence 60 x
Review / SOURCE: JSD Website, UEN, USOE, Interconnection
Utah Education Network (UEN) K-2 Student Interactives
(spend 4 weeks per standard)
Students will recognize and describe how people within their community, state, and nation, are both similar and different.
Vocabulary Words:
community, tradition, custom, immigrant, celebration, contribution, culture, group, state, nation, place, compare, contrast

Objective 1: Examine and identify cultural differences within the community.
I Can Statement:
  1. Explain the various cultural heritages within their community.
  1. Explain ways people respect and pass on their traditions and customs.
  1. Give examples of how families in the community borrow customs or traditions from other cultures.

Objective 2: Recognize and describe the contributions of different cultural groups in Utah and the nation.
I Can Statement..”
  1. Identify various cultural groups within the state and the nation.
  1. Describe contributions of cultural groups to our state and nation.
  1. Explain ways American Indians and immigrants have shaped both Utah’s and America’s culture (e.g., names of places, food, customs).
  1. Compare and contrast elements of two or more cultures within the state and nation (e.g., language, food, clothing, shelter, traditions).

SCIENCE: Standard I
The processes of Science, Communications of Science, and the
Nature of Science. Students will be able to apply scientific processes, communicate scientific scientific ideas and understand the nature of science.
Objective 1: Generating Evidence: Using the processes of scientific investigation (i.e, faming questions, designing investigations, conducting investigations, collecting data and drawing conclusion).
  1. Framing questions: Observe using senses, create a hypothesis, and focus a question that can lead toan investigation.
  1. Designing investigations: Consider reasons that support ideas, identify ways to gather information that could test ideas, design fair tests, share designs, input and refinement.
  1. Conducting investigations: Observe, manipulate, measure, describe.
  1. Collecting data: Deciding what data to collect and how to organize, record, and manipulate the data.
  1. Drawing conclusions: Analyzing data, making conclusions connected to the data or the evidence gathered, identifying limitations or conclusions, identifying future questions to investigate.

Objective 2: Communicating Science: Communicating effectively using science language and reasoning.
  1. Developing social interaction skills with peers.
b. Sharing ideas with peers.
  1. Connecting ideas with reasons (evidence).
  1. Using multiple methods of communicating reasons/evidence (verbal, charts, graphs).

Objective 3: Knowing in Science: Understanding the nature of science.
  1. Ideas are supported by reasons.
  1. There are limits to ideas in science: (e.g., what can be observed, measured, and verified).
  1. Differences in conclusions are best settled through additional observations and investigations.
  1. Communication of ideas in science is important for helping to check the reasons for ideas.
Students will recognize and practice civic responsibility in the community, state, and nation.
Vocabulary Words:
vote, election, recycle, holiday, respect, community, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, city hall, courthouse, state capitol, Utah State Constitution, flag, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, national capitol, national monuments
Objective 1: Examine civic responsibility and demonstrate good citizenship.
“I Can Statement…”
  1. Describe characteristics of being a good citizen through the examples of historic figures and ordinary citizens.
  1. Explain the benefits of being a U.S. citizen (e.g., responsibilities, freedoms, opportunities, and the importance of voting in free elections).
  1. Identify and participate in a local civic activity (e.g., community cleanup, recycling, walkathons, voting).
  1. Identify State and national activities (e.g., voting, Pledge of Allegiance, holidays).

Objective 2: Identify individuals within the school community and how they contribute to the school’s success.
“I Can Statement…”
  1. Identify the roles that people have in the school and explain the importance of each member.
  1. Demonstrate respect for the school and the school community.

Objective 3: Investigate and show how communities, state, and nation are united by symbols that represent citizenship in our nation.
“I Can Statement…”
  1. Explain the significance of various community, state, and national celebrations (e.g., Memorial Day. Independence Day, and Thanksgiving).
  1. Identify community and state symbols, documents, and landmarks (e.g., city hall, county courthouse. State capitol, Utah State Constitution, flag, holidays).
  1. Identify and explain the significance of various national symbols, documents, and landmarks (e.g., Declaration of Independence, Constitution, flag, Pledge of Allegiance, national monuments, national capitol building).
Earth and Space Science: Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestials movement, and weather.
Objective 1: Describe the characteristics of different rocks.
  1. Explain how similar rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks.
  1. Describe rocks in terms of their parts, (e.g., crystals, grains, cement).
  1. Sort rocks based upon color, hardness, texture, layering, particle size and type (e.g., igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary).
Supplemental Materials (pdf)

Objective 2: Observe and record recognizable objects and patterns in the night sky.
  1. Observe, describe, and record patterns in the appearance and apparent motion of the moon in the night sky.
  1. Observe and describe the number, arrangement and color/brightness of stars in the night sky.
Supplemental Materials (pdf)
Objective 3: Observe, describe, and measure seasonal weather patterns and local variations.
  1. Compare and contrast the seasonal weather patterns during the school year.
  1. Analyze and interpret data such as temperatures in different locations and different times.
Supplemental Materials (pdf)

Student will use geographic tools and skills to locate and describe places on earth.
Vocabulary Word:
traffic sign, modify, environment, map key/legend, continent, ocean, the poles, equator, origin, river, mountain, desert, grid, Utah, United States
Objective 1. Identify common symbols and physical features of a community, and explain how they affect people’s activities in that area.
“I Can Statement…”
  1. Identify community traffic signs and symbols, and know their meanings (e.g., stop sign, hazard symbols, pedestrian crossing, bike route, recreational, child signs).
  1. Describe how geographic aspects of the area affect a community and influence culture (e.g., river, mountain, and desert).
  1. Describe ways in which people have modified the physical environment in a community (e.g., building roads, clearing land for homes, and mining).

Bicycle Safety /

Objective 2: Demonstrate geographic skills on a map and a globe
“I Can Statement …”
  1. Identify and use information on a map and on a globe (e.g., map key or legend, simple grid systems, physical features, compass rose).
  1. Compare and contrast the difference between maps and globes.
  1. Locate your city, the state of Utah, and the United States on a variety of maps or on a globe.
  1. Locate and label the following on a map or a globe: the seven continents, the five oceans, the poles, and the equator.
  1. Using a map or a globe, link cultures/nationalities within your community to their place of origin.
Physical Science: Students will gain an understanding of Physical Science through the study of the forces of motion and the properties of materials.
Objective 1: Communicate observations about falling objects.
  1. Observe falling objects and identify things that prevent them from reaching the ground.
  1. Communicate observations that similar objects of varying masses fall at the same rate.
Supplemental Materials (pdf)

Objective 2: Compare and contrast the differences in how different materials respond to change.
  1. Model physical changes of various materials.
  1. Investigate and provide evidence that matter is not destroyed or created through changes.
Supplemental Materials (pdf)

SS STANDARD IV : Financial Literacy
Students will explain how the economy meets human needs through the interaction of producers and consumers.
Vocabulary Words:
produce, consume, supply, technology, business, government, goods, services, cash, credit card, check, income, purchase, savings account
Communities - What They Provide for Us
Objective 1. Describe how producers and consumers work together in the making and using of goods and services.
“I Can Statement…”
  1. Define and explain the difference between producing and consuming.
  1. Explain ways in which people can be both consumers and producers of goods and services.
  1. Recognize that people supply goods and services based on what people want.
  1. Identify examples of technology that people use (e.g., automobiles, computers, telephones).
  1. Identify how technology affects the way people live (work and play).
Objective 2: Describe the choices people make in using goods and services.
“I Can Statement..”
  1. Explain the goods and services that businesses provide.
  1. Explain the services that government provides.
  1. Explain difference ways to pay for goods and services (e.g., cash, checks, credit cards)
  1. Explain how work provides income to purchase goods and services.
  1. Explain reasons and ways to save money (e.g., to buy a bicycle or Nintendo, piggy bank, bank, credit union, savings account).
Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 1: Tell how external features affects an animals’ ability to survive in its environment.
  1. Compare and contrast the characteristics of living things in different habitats.
  1. Develop, communicate, and justify an explanation as to why a habitat is or is not suitable for a specific organism.
  1. Create possible explanations as to why some organisms no longer exists, but similar organisms are still alive today.
Supplemental Materials (pdf)

Objective 2: Identify basic needs of living things (e.g., plants and animals) and their abilities to meet their needs).
  1. Communicate and justify how the physical characteristics of living things help them meet their basic needs.
  1. Observe, record, and compare how the behaviors and reactions of living things help them meet their basic needs.
  1. Identify behaviors and reactions of living in response to changes in the environment including seasonal changes in temperature.
Supplemental Materials (pdf)

/ This is the recommended instructional schedule. It was designed so that content contained in each Interim could be covered prior to taking the benchmark. Teachers can adjust the schedule to meet the needs of their students. However, be aware that the benchmark due date is solid.
(Math Department)
Textbooks: Math EnVision
Topic 1 – Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Critical Area: Extending understanding of base-ten notation
Domain: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Vocabulary: part, whole, add, sum, addition sentence, plus +, equals =, more, fewer, subtract, difference, subtraction sentence, minus –
Lesson 1 - Writing Addition Number Sentences
Lesson 2 – Stories about Joining
Lesson 3 – Writing Subtraction Number Sentences
Lesson 4 – Stories about Separating
Lesson 5 – Stories about Comparing
Lesson 6 - Connecting Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 7 – Problem Solving: Use Objects
Assessment: Topic 1 Test
Performance Assessment
Basic Facts Timed Test
Math Core: 2.OA.1, 2NBT.5
Topic 2 – Addition Strategies
Critical Area: Extending understanding of base-ten notation
Domain: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
Lesson 1 – Adding 0, 1, 2
Lesson 2 – Doubles
Lesson 3 – Near Doubles
Lesson 4 – Adding in Any Order
Lesson 5 – Adding Three Numbers
Lesson 6 – Making 10 to add
Lesson 7 – Problem Solving: Draw a picture and write a number sentence
Topic 2 Test
Performance Test
Basic Facts Timed Test
Math Core: 2OA.1, 2OA.2, 2NBT.5, 9
Topic 3: Subtraction Strategies
Critical Area: Extending understanding of base-ten notation
Domain: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
- Add and subtract within 20
Lesson 1 – Subtraction 0, 1, 2
Lesson 2 – Thinking Addition to Subtract Doubles
Lesson 3 – Thinking Addition to 10 to Subtract
Lesson 4 – Thinking Addition to 18 to subtract
Lesson 5 – Making 10 to subtract
Lesson 6 – Problem Solving: Two-Question Problems
Topic 3 Test
Performance Test
Math Facts Test
Math Core: 2OA1, 2 2NBT.5
Track A, B – Sept. 9
Tracks C, D - Oct. 3
Traditional – Oct. 3
Topic 4: Working with Equal Groups
Critical Area: Extending understanding of base-ten notation
Cluster: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
- Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
Lesson 1 – Repeated Addition
Lesson 2 – Building Arrays
Lesson 3 – Practicing Repeated Addition
Lesson 4 – Problem Solving: Draw a picture and write a number sentence
Topic 4 Test
Performance Test
Math Facts Test
Math Core: 2OA.1, 2OA.2
Topic 5: Place Value to 100
Critical Area: Building fluency with addition and subtraction
Cluster: Understand place value
- Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract
Lesson 1 – Models for tens and ones
Lesson 2 – Reading and writing numbers
Lesson 3 – Using symbols to compare numbers
Lesson 4 – Counting to 100
Lesson 5 – 10 more or 10 less
Lesson 6 – Even and odd numbers
Lesson 7 - Problem Solving: Use Data from a chart
Topic 5 Test
Performance Test
Math Facts Test
Math Core: 2NBT.1, 1a, 2NBT.3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 2OA.1, 3
Topic 6: Mental Addition
Critical Area: Building fluency with addition and subtraction
Cluster: Understand place value
- Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract
Lesson 1 – Adding Tens
Lesson 2 – Adding Ones
Lesson 3 - Adding Tens and Ones
Lesson 4 – Adding on a Hundred Chart
Lesson 5 – Adding multiples of 10
Lesson 6 – Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern
Topic 6 Test
Performance Test
Math Facts Test
Math Core: 2NBT.2, 5, 8, 9, 2OA.1
TOPIC 7: Mental Subtraction
Critical Area: Building fluency with Addition and subtraction
Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Lesson 1 – Subtracting Tens
Lesson 2 – Finding Parts of 100
Lesson 3 – Subtracting on a Hundred Chart
Lesson 4 – Subtracting Multiples of 10
Lesson 5 – Problem Solving: Missing extra information
Topic 7 Test
Performance Test
Math Facts Test
Math Core: 2NBT.5, 7, 8, 9, 2OA.1
Tracks A, B, C, - Nov. 7
Traditional – Nov. 25
TOPIC 8: Adding Two-Digit numbers
Critical Area: Building fluency with addition and subtraction
Cluster: Use place value and properties of operations to add and subtract
Lesson 1 – Regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten
Lesson 2 – Models to add Two- and One-Digit numbers