Classical Magnet Parent Senate Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.

Update from Librarian – Denise Kennedy:

Integrated Electives Highlights (See attachment)

9/22 - One School, One Author, Gordon Korman, will visit the school

4/14-4/20 Book Fair, need volunteers

Principal’s Update

Mr. Sullivan staying as our Principal

Boys basketball against Somers tomorrow at Classical; Somers brings big audience so encourage Classical community to come out and support team; Classical students free, adults $8 admission (State fee, not Classical)

Classical Originals also being held tomorrow night; great opportunity for family night – arts and sports. Classical Originals has no admission fee. These are plays written, directed and performed by Classical students, staff, and/or parents.

Fundraiser letter to be sent to parents after Spring break asking for donation. Classical does not do traditional fundraisers of selling items.

June 11 (3pm) - Senior Graduation

June 14th – last day of school for all other grades

Facebook Dilemma – recent issue with middle school girls where conflict arose between students on Facebook, prompted Mr. Sullivan to remind parents of middle-schoolers that this time for them is very social, dating begins, and unfortunately, gossip is big issue, particularly with girls. Have conversation with your children about social networking, responsible behavior, dangers of negative reputation.

New contract in district for teachers may lead to changes in the school day. Change is that teachers have to work a 7:15 hour day, up from 6:40. Classical having some autonomy has some leeway in how apply this change. Many possibilities are being looked at. Teacher and student feedback, and now parent feedback will be incorporated into decision-making of Governance Council. That decision will then go to the Superintendent and needs to be approved by HR and Union.


Vote on Proposal #3: Curriculum Specialist

  • In Favor = 3, Opposed = 8, Abstain = 6

Read Proposal #4 – Anti-Bullying/Anti-Name Calling School-wide training

  • Tricia will ask author to attend next meeting to answer questions before we vote.

Parent Senate By-Laws Amendments (change previously approved to limit terms of voting Senate officers to two terms) have been completed. Copy handed out. Revisions are in bold italic.

Old Business

Previous Proposals

  • Proposal #11 Integrated Electives – (initiated last year, Student & Staff Senates voted in September) Tim approved
  • Academic Honesty Proposal from last year was rejected – mainly because most want it to apply to the high school only and also wanted a more detailed and progressive (step) discipline plan.
  • Senate Committee Reporting – approved by all Senates for minutes to be taken. The updating of the minutes onto the site is TBD.

Beautification Day

  • April 16th, 9 am – 1 pm
  • Waiting on answers from businesses solicited for donations

HogRiver Festival

  • May 21 – Date Correction
  • Mark has received one volunteer email. When gets few more will set up meeting. Interested volunteers should contact Mark at .

All-Night Grad Party

  • 10 pm – 5 am on graduation night , 6/11
  • Need funding, food donations; solicitation letters have been sent to businesses.
  • The casino bus trip fund-raiser is scheduled for 3/18; currently have 18 seats left. Parent volunteered to pay cost of bus if we sell every seat!

Meeting adjourned at 7:35p.m.

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Classical Magnet Parent Senate Meeting Minutes March 2011