Inaugural Meeting

Thursday, 25th August 2011


1. Welcome and introduction

Dr Alun Cooper welcomed everyone to the first Friends of Bridge Medical Centre meeting.

2. What is a Patient Representative Group?

Dr Cooper introduced Mr Peter Nicolson, a patient of BMC but also a lay member of the Crawley Practice Based Commissioning Group and member of Crawley Patient Participation Group. Dr Cooper suggested in the light of Mr Nicolson’s current involvement with Crawley Commissioning and Crawley PPG he might be the obvious choice to begin the process and be the Chairman for our new group.

Mr Nicolson then gave an overview of his current roles and some initial thoughts on our new group namely; being respectful of the feelings and views of all those who attend our meetings. We will be dealing with a wide range of opinions and views from our patients and this will surely help us all in understanding the immediate and long term needs of our practice population. We will be looking to gain 2 connected patient groups; one will be a Participation Group, beginning with a nucleus of 20 to 30 people and where we attend meetings in person and one will be a Virtual Group where we will use letter and post alongside electronic emails to a much wider number of patients say 200 to 300 patients to gather information and views. Mr Nicolson also provided a suggested Terms of Reference for the group to work to.

3. Terms of Reference

Those present at the 2 meetings held; 1pm and 6.30pm, agreed in principal to the terms as set out.

4. How can we become involved with our Practice?

Probably quite slowly to begin with but most likely to meet every 2 to 3 months. Use meetings for those associated with the Participation Group held at the surgery either during a lunch time period or for an hour after surgery is closed. It may ultimately be possible to use the surgery on a Saturday morning.

We will also look at where and how our practice fits in with the wider Crawley town projects.

5. Patients and the Clinical Commissioning Process.

Mr Nicolson talked briefly about how to become a member of the wider Crawley Participation group whereby attend wider Crawley wide meetings listen to and air opinions on wider issues such as the future of the NHS and the Commissioning processes that GP Practices are going to be taking the control of by 2013.

6. Any other Business.

For the next meeting it will be helpful for everyone to have some thoughts on ‘Things We Can Do’. Mrs Harrison explained that she would be on leave for a few weeks but would hope to be back in touch with everyone in October/November with a view to have a follow up meeting before the Christmas holidays.

It was agreed that Mrs Harrison would continue to meet with Mr Nicolson and talk about the way forward.

It was agreed that Mrs Harrison would meet with Mrs Webster to talk about our Patient Waiting Room Experiences

It was also agreed that Mrs Harrison would meet with Mr Preest to look at ways to advertise the Group on our Website and in our Newsletter

7. Date of next meeting.

To look for a date week beginning Monday 21st November 2011.

Attended by

Dr Alun Cooper – Senior Partner of BMC

Mrs Sharon Harrison – Practice Manager for BMC

Mr Peter Nicolson – Pre-elected chairman for the Group

Mr Jaswant Jhans

Mr Joe Lansdell

Mrs Rita Lansdell

Mr Bernard Clay

Mrs Georgina Hook

Mr Michael Denman

Mr Trist Woodley

Mrs Priscilla Woodley

Mrs Yolander Webster

Mr Simon Edwards

Mrs Debbie Beal

Mr Mark Jacobs

Mr Steve Preest

Mr Hamid Mahmood

Mrs Janet Brosnan

Mrs Ann Thorndike

Mr Brian Champion