Richard Longstreth, compiler

revised 12.1.09

This compendium offers basic data on shopping centers with two – and in a few cases, three – branch units of department stores in operation or planned by the close of 1960. This material draws from research for my book, The American Department Store Transformed, 1920-1960 (Yale University Press, 2010). In many instances one or more department stores were added to an existing shopping center. Additional data on the stores can be found in Richard Longstreth, comp., “Department Stores Branches, 1910-1960” on this website. I have included branches of the more than 180 downtown-based companies that are the focus of my study, units of local chain department stores (Goldblatt’s and Wieboldt’s in Chicago; Schuster’s in Milwaukee), and units of national chain department stores, most notably Sears and Montgomery Ward. The listings are chronologically arranged by opening of the second anchor department store. The dates set in brackets indicate those where the shopping center began functioning with two or more department stores.

Numerous sources were used in compiling this material. Women’s Wear Daily and local newspapers were especially useful. Additional data was gleaned from the Directory of Shopping Centers in the United States and Canada, 5th edition (1962) and 13th edition (1972).

Additions and corrections are welcome. Contact me at .

E. B. Smith Plaza, 1234 Abbott Road, Lackawanna, New York(ca. 10.52)

opened 10.5.51

175,000 square feet, 27 stores, 15 acres, parking 1100 cars (by 1958)

L. B. Smith and E. B. Maloney, developers

G. Morton Wolfe, architect

E. W. Edwards & Son, opened 10.5.51

Hens & Kelly, 20,000 square feet., announced 6.15.60, opened 10.17.51

Adams, Meldrum & Anderson, opened ca. 10.52

Evergreen Park Shopping Plaza, Western Avenue95th Street, Chicago(12.3.52)

announced ca. 1951, opened 8.24.52

482,000 square feet., 58 stores, 28 acres, parking 1800 cars

Abraham Rubloff & Co., developers

Holabird, Root & Burgee and Howard T. Fisher & Associates, architects

The Fair, 165,000 square feet., announced 4.23.51, opened 8.24.52

Carson Pirie Scott & Co., 44,000 square feet, announced 7.28.52, opened 12.3.52

Cross CountyCenter, Central Park Avenue & Cross County Parkway, Yonkers, New York(9.8.52)

announced 12.10.47, opened 4.28.54

1,200,000 square feet., 76 stores, 63 acres, parking 5500 cars

Sol G. Altas, developer

Lathrop Douglass, architect

John Wanamaker, 225,000 square feet, announced 12.10.47, opened 4.28.55

Gimbel Bros. , 200,000 square feet, announced 7.2.53, opened 9.8.55

Capitol Court, W. Capitol Drive, W. Fond du Lac Avenue & N. 60th Street, Milwaukee(8.28.56)

announced 1.6.53, opened 8.28.56

700,000 square feet, 52 stores, 61 acres, parking 5100 cars

Capitol Court Corp. (Schuster’s), developer

John Graham & Co., architects

Ed. Schuster & Co., 220,000 square feet, announced 1.6.53, opened 8.28.56

T. A. Chapman Co., 65,000 square feet, opened 8.28.56

EastpointShopping Center, Eastern Avenue & North Point Road, Baltimore(10.4.56)

opened 10.4.56

400,000 square feet, 41 stores, 60 acres, parking 4000 cars

Joseph Meyerhoff Co., developers

Kenneth Cameron Miller, architect

Hochschild, Kohn & Co., 100,000 square feet, announced 1.25.54, opened 10.4.56

Hutzler Bros. Co., 60,000 square feet, announced 4.17.55, opened 10.4.56

7 Corners Shopping Center, Arlington Boulevard & Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia (10.4.56)

announced 5.24.53, opened 10.4.56

600,000 square feet, 45 stores, 32 acres, parking 2800 cars

Kass Realty Co., developers-designers

Julius Garfinckel, 71,000 square feet, announced 3.10.55, opened 10.4.56

Woodward & Lothrop, 128,000 square feet, announced 10.17.54, opened 10.4.56

Southdale Center, France Avenue between 66th & 69th streets, Edina, Minnesota(10.8.56)

announced 6.17.52, opened 10.8.56

810,000 square feet, 72 stores, 83 acres, parking 5200 cars

Dayton development Co., developers

Victor Gruen Associates, architects

Dayton Co., 195,000 square feet, announced 6.17.52, opened 10.8.56

L. S. Donaldson Co., 140,000 square feet, announced 10.25.53, opened 10.8.56

HillsideShopping Center, Wolf RoadHarrison Street, Hillside, Illinois(10.22.56)

opened 10.25.56

428,000 square feet, 50-60 stores, 62 acres, parking 5000 cars

Hillside Center, Inc., developers

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

Carson Pirie Scott & Co., 125,000 square feet, opened 10.22.56

Goldblatt Bros., 67,000 square feet, announced 4.15.55, opened 9.26.56

Gulfgate Shopping City, Holmes Road, Woodbridge Drive & Gulf Freeway, Houston(10.56)

announced 3.21.54, opened 9.20.56

800,000 square feet., 71 stores, 55 acres, parking 5400 cars

Theodore W. Berensen & Associates, developers

John Graham & Company and Irving R. Klein, architects

Joske Bros. Co., 207,000 square feet, announced before 3.21.54, opened 9.20.56

Sakowitz Bros., 92,000 square feet, opened 10.56

Old Orchard Shopping Center, Skokie Highway between Golf Road & Harrison Street, Skokie, Illinois


announced 8.5.50, opened 10.22.56

1,200,000 square feet, 62 stores, 80 acres, parking 6000 cars

American Community Builders, developer

Loebl, Schlossman & Bennett, architects

Marshall Field & Co., 370,000 square feet, announced 8.7.50, new scheme announced 1.10.55,

opened 10.22.56

The Fair, 121,000 square feet, announced 1.11.55, opened 11.1.56

Saks Fifth Avenue, 58,000 square feet, announced 6.25.58, opened 11.6.58

163rd Street Shopping Center, 163rd Street between N.E. 12th & 15th avenues, Miami(4.12.57)

announced 3.14.54, opened 11.1.56

2,000,000 square feet, 55 stores, 53 acres, parking 4000 cars

Food fair Properties, developers

Abbott, Merkt & Co., architects

Burdine’s, 131,000 square feet, announced 3.14.54, opened 11.1.56

Richards Department Store, 80,000 square feet, announced 1.22.56, opened 4.12.57

Park ForestPlaza, Forest, Inwood & Lakewood boulevards, Park Forest, Illinois(3.28.58)

opened 12.15.49

45 stores (in 1958), 53 acres,

American Community Builders, developers

Loebl, Schlossman & Bennett, architects

Goldblatt Bros., 63,000 square feet, announced 8.24.52, opened 10.7.53

Marshall Field & Co., 70,000 square feet, announced 12.6.53, opened 3.28.58

North ShoreShopping Center, Routes 128 & 114, Peabody, Massachusetts(8.1.58)

announced 12.14.54, opened 8.1.58

1,200,000 square feet, 62 stores, 108 acres, parking 8000 cars

Allied Stores, developers

John Graham & Company, architects

Wm. Filene’s Sons, 112,000 square feet, announced 8.11.55, opened 9.23.57

Jordan Marsh, 244,000 square feet., announced 12.14.54, opened 8.1.58

Crestwood Plaza, U.S. Route 66 & Sappington Road, Crestwood, Missouri(8.14.58)

opened 3.21.57

550,000 square feet, 37 stores, 34 acres, parking 3000 cars

Louis I. and Milton L. Zorensky, developers

Milton Construction Co., designers

Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney, 160,000 square feet, announced 3.10.57, opened 8.14.58

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 150,000 square feet, announced 4.56, opened 3.21.57

GlendaleShopping Center, Keystone Avenue62nd Street, Indianapolis(8.17.58)

announced 3.23.54, opened 8.17.58

525,000 square feet, 50 stores, 55 acres, parking 3500 cars

Landau & Pearlman, developers

Victor Gruen Associates, architects

L. S. Ayres & Co., 148,000 square feet., announced 3.23.54, opened 8.17.58

Wm. H. Block Co., 118,000 square feet., announced 3.9.55, opened 8.13.58

Mayfair Shopping Center, Route 100 between W. North Avenue & Center Street, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin


announced before 4.53, opened 9.17.58

1,000,000 square feet, 70 stores, 105 acres, parking 8000 cars

Froedtert-Mayfair Co., developer

Perkins & Will and Grasshold & Johnson, architects

Gimbel Bros., 210,000 square feet, announced 4.6.53, opened 9.17.58

Marshall Field & Co., 289,000 square feet, announced 4.6.53, opened 1.5.59

Big TownShopping Center, Routes 67 & 90, Dallas(2.26.59)

opened 2.26.59

750,000 square feet, 49 stores, parking 4000 cars

Gerri von Frellick, developer

Tatum & Quade, architects

Sanger Bros., 104,000 square feet, opened 2.26.59

Montgomery Ward, 120,000 square feet, opened 2.26.59

KenwoodPlaza, Kenwood drive & Montgomery Road, Cincinnati(4.13.59)

announced 4.18.54, opened 9.30.56

32 stores, parking 3200 cars

J. R. Williams, developer

McAlpin Co., 65,000 square feet, announced 5.23.55, opened 9.20.56

H. & S. Pogue Co., 60,000 square feet, announced 5.58, opened 4.13.59

Del Amo Center, Sepulveda Boulevard, Hawthorne, Carson & Madrona avenues, Torrance, California

(ca. 7.59)

announced 3.18.57, opened 5.60

1,100,000 square feet, 100 stores, 85 acres, parking 7000 cars (o. 61)

Del Amo Estate Co., developer

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

The Broadway, 225,000 square feet, announced 3.18.57, opened 2.16.59

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 250,000 square feet, announced 3.18.57, opened ca. 7.59

Lenox Square, Peachtree & Lenox roads, Atlanta(8.3.59)

announced 5.12.57, opened 8.3.59

800,000 square feet, 53 stores, 74 acres, parking 6000 cars

Noble Foundation, developers

Toombs, Amisano & Wells, architects

M. Rich Bros. & Co., 180,000 square feet, announced 5.12.57, opened 8.3.59

Davison-Paxon, 120,000 square feet, announced 8.30.57, opened 8.3.59

MeadowdaleShopping Center, Route 25 & Lake Marion Road, Carpentersville, Illinois (ca. 11.11.59)

announced 8.25.54, opened 5.18.57

525,000 square feet, 72 stores, 80 acres, parking 7000 cars (in 1960)

Meadowdale Shopping Center, Inc., developers

L. W. Besinger & Associates, architects

Carson Pirie Scott & Co., 37,500 square feet (purchased Block & Kuhl Co. store 10.1.59, opened


W. A. Wieboldt & Co., 150,000 square feet, opened ca. 11.11.59

WheatonPlaza, Veirs Mill Road between GeorgiaConnecticut avenues, Wheaton, Maryland (2.5.60)

announced ca. 9.17.54, opened 3.31.60

1,100,000 square feet, 75 stores, 80 acres, parking 5700 cars

Isadore Gudelsky and Theodore N. Lerner, developers

Arthur L. Anderson, architect, Lathrop Douglass, consulting

Woodward & Lothrop, 160,000 square feet, announced 3.27.58, opened 2.5.60

Montgomery Ward, 235,000 square feet, announced ca. 5.8.59, opened 2.5.60

MonmouthShopping Center, State routes 35 & 36, Eatontown, New Jersey(5.17.60)

announced 2.12.56, opened 3.2.60

Feist & Feist, developers

Kahn & Jacobs and Abbott, Merkt & Co., architects

693,000 square feet, 50 stores, 64 acres, parking 5000 cars

L. Bamberger Co., 230,000 square feet, announced 5.14.56, opened 3.2.60

Montgomery Ward, 116,000 square feet, opened 5.17.60

RooseveltFieldShopping Center, Meadowbrook State Parkway, Stewart Avenue, Glen Cove and Old

County roads, Hempstead. New York(8.29.60)

announced 8.8.50, opened 8.29.56

1,900,000 square feet, 100 stores, 125 acres, parking 11,000 cars

Webb & Knapp, developers

I. M. Pei & Associates and Boehler & Brugnoni, architects

R. H. Macy & Co., 343,000 square feet, announced 11.10.53, opened 8.29.56

Gimbel Bros., 250,000 square feet., announced 1.15.59, opened 8.29.60

Garden State Plaza,N.J. routes 4 & 17, Paramus, New Jersey(9.12.60)

announced 7.1.51, opened 4.30.57

1,340,000 square feet, 72 stores, 150 acres, parking 8000 cars

Garden State Plaza Corp. (Macy’s), developer

Abbott, Merkt & Co., architects

L. Bamberger Co., 340,000 square feet, announced 7.1.51, opened. 4.12.57

Gimbel Bros., 240,000 square feet, announced 9.5.58, opened 9.12.60

Tri-CountyShopping Center, Kemper Road & Princeton Pike, GlendaleOhio(9.26.60)

announced 12.18.55, opened 9.26.60

500,000 square feet, 52 stores, 72 acres, parking 4000 cars

Joseph Meyerhoff Co., developers

Kenneth Cameron Miller, architect

John Shillito Co., 170,000 square feet, announced 12.18.55/5.14.57, opened 9.26.60

H. & S. Pogue Co., announced 2.1.59, opened 9.26.60

CrossroadsShopping Center, 72nd & Dodge streets, Omaha(10.10.60)

announced 9.10.59, opened 10.10.60

600,000 square feet, 24 stores, parking 3500 cars

Brandeis Investment Co., developers

Leo A. Daly, architect

J. L. Brandeis Co., 100,000 square feet, announced 9.10.59, opened 10.10.60

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 200,000 square feet, announced 9.10.59, opened 9.60

Mission Valley Shopping Center, Mission Valley Freeway & Texas Street, San Diego(2.20.61)

announced 10.9.57, opened 2.20.61

1,200,000 square feet, 75 stores, 80 acres, parking 6000 cars

May Department Stores Co., developers

Frank L. Hope & Associates, architects

May Co., 390,000 square feet, announced 10.9.57, opened 2.20.61

Montgomery Ward, 235,000 square feet, announced 8.9.60, opened 2.20.61

Panorama City Shopping Center, Van Nuys & Roscoe boulevards, Los Angeles(6.27.61)

opened 12.27.49

unintegrated shopping district, with shopping center added by The Broadway

The Broadway, 226,000 square feet, announced 4.18.54, opened 10.10.55

J. R. Robinson, 160,000 square feet, announced 4.21.60, opened 6.27.61

SharpstownCenter, Southwest Freeway & Bellaire Boulevard, Sharpstown, Texas(9.14.61)

announced. 12.20.59, opened 9.14.61

760,000 square feet, 60 stores, parking 6000 cars

Frank W. Sharp, developer

Sidney H. Morris & Associates and Claude E. Hooton, Sr., architects

Foley Bros., 170,000 square feet, announced 12.20.59, opened 9.14.61

Montgomery Ward, 132,000 square feet, opened 9.14.61

WestgateShopping Center, Center Ridge RoadW. 210th Street, Fairview Park, Ohio (10.21.61)

announced 7.27.51, opened 2.2.54

511,000 square feet, 44 stores, 49 acres, parking 3600 cars

Anthony Visconsi, developer

Raymond Loewy Corporation and Fordyce, Hamby, Strobel & Panero, architects

Halle Bros. Co., 140,000 square feet., announced 7.27.51, opened 2.2.54

Higbee Co., 170,000 square feet, announced 10.17.60, opened 10.2.61

Stanford Shopping Center, El Camino Real & Quarry Road, Palo Alto, California(10.12.61)

announced 3.24.54, opened 2.23.56

698,000 square feet, 54 stores, 55 acres, parking 5000 cars

StanfordUniversity and Emporium-Capwell, developers

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

The Emporium, 219,000 square feet, announced 10.13.55, opened 2.23.56

R. H. Macy & Co., 150,000 square feet, announced 4.5.60, opened 10.12.61

Grossmont Shopping Center, El Cajon Boulevard & Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa, California.


announced 7.31.58, opened 10.5.61

604,000 square feet, $15,000,000, 47 stores, 65 acres, parking 5000 cars

Del Webb Co., developers

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

Marston Co., 156,000 square feet, announced 7.31.58, opened 11.6.61

Montgomery Ward, opened 10.5.61

MerleHayPlaza, Merle Hay RoadDouglas Avenue, Des Moines(before 1962)

opened 8.17.59 (?)

665,000 square feet, 30 stores, 40 acres, parking 4000 cars

Robert Greenbaum & Associates, developers-architects

Younker Bros., 100,000 square feet, opened 8.17.59

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 265,000 square feet, opened by 1962

SouthlandShopping Center,6807 Pearl Road, Middleburg Heights, Ohio (before 1962)

opened 1950

655,000 square feet, 70 stores (in 1962)

A. Visconti & Associates, developers

Halle Bros. Co., opened 1958

Sears, Roebuck & Co., opened by 1962

Cherry HillShopping Center, Route 38 & Haddonfield road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey (9.26.62)

announced 1.11.55, opened 10.11.61

1,000,000 square feet, 93 stores, parking 6000 cars

Community Research & Development, Inc., developers

Victor Gruen Associates, architects

Strawbridge & Clothier, 215,000 square feet, announced 1.15.55, opened 10.11.61

L. Bamberger Co., 215,000 square feet, announced 3.7.61, opened 9.26.62

Brookdale Shopping Center, State Route 100, Brooklyn Avenue & Bass Lake Road, Brooklyn,


announced 9.28.60, opened 3.1.62

862,000 square feet, 75 stores, parking 5400 cars

Dayton Development Co., developers

Victor Gruen Associates, architects

Dayton Co., 195,000 square feet, announced 9.28.60, opened 8.1.66

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 183,000 square feet, announced 9.28.60, opened 3.1.62

OakBrookShopping Center, Route 83 & Cermak Road, Oak Brook, Illinois(3.5.62)

opened 3.5.62

1,200,000 square feet, 56 stores, 110 acres, parking 6900 cars

Philip Klutznick, developer

Loebl, Schlossman & Bennett, architects

Marshall Field & Co., ca. 285,000 square feet, announced before 7.56, opened 3.5.62

Sears, Roebuck & Co., announced 7.1.56, opened 3.5.62

ReisterstownRoadPlaza, Reisterstown Road between Patterson AvenueBrookhill Road, Baltimore


announced 10.7.58, opened 3.14.62

50 stores, 60 acres, parking 4000 cars

Food Fair Properties, developer

Abbott, Merkt & Co., architects

Hecht Co., 185,000 square feet, announced 10.7.58, opened 3.14.62

Stewart & Co., 160,000 square feet, announced 10.7.58, opened

RandhurstCenter, Rand, EuclidElmhurst roads, Mount Prospect, Illinois(8.16.62)

announced 2.25.59, opened 8.16.62

1,200,000 square feet, 86 stores, 100 acres, parking 7500 cars

Randhurst Corp., developers

Victor Gruen Associates, architects

Carson Pirie Scott & Co., 200,000 square feet, announced 2.25.59, opened 8.16.62

The Fair, 154,000 square feet, announced 2.25.59, opened 8.16.62

W. A. Wieboldt & Co., announced 2.25.59, opened 8.16.62

Hillsdale Shopping Center, El Camino Real, 31st Avenue & Hillsdale Boulevard, San Mateo, California


announced 7.11.51, opened 11.19.54

1,100,000 square feet, 124 stores, 55 acres, parking 6000 cars

David B. Bohannon Organization, developers

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

R. H. Macy & Co., 185,000 square feet, announced 5.28.52, opened 11.19.54

The Emporium, 200,000 square feet, announced 10.12.60, opened 9.12.62

WaltWhitmanShopping Center, Route 110, Huntington, New York(9.18.62)

announced 12.15.55, opened 11.23.62

700,000 square feet, 65 stores, 68 acres, parking 5000 cars

N. K. Winston-Muss Co., developers

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

Abraham & Straus, 220,000 square feet, announced 5.3.56, o. 4.5.62

R. H. Macy & Co., 230,000 square feet, announced 10.6.60, opened 9.18.62

NorthlineShopping Center, North Freeway, Fulton Street & Cross Timbers Road, Houston (2.6.64)

announced 8.8.60, opened 3.14.63

850,000 square feet, 40 stores, 80 acres, parking 6000 cars

Theodore W. Berenson, developer

Sumner Schein & Associates, architects

Joske Bros. Co., 200,000 square feet, announced 8.8.60, opened 2.6.64

Montgomery Ward, opened 10.60

Severence Center, Mayfield & Taylor roads, Cleveland Heights, Ohio(8.5.63)

announced ca. 5.7.60, opened 10.17.63

900,000 square feet 60 stores, 64 acres, parking 500 cars

Winmar Realty Co., developers

John Graham & Co. and Austin Co., associated architects

Halle Bros. Co., 150,00-200,000 square feet, announced ca. 1958, opened 8.5.63

Higbee Co., 200,000-250,000 square feet, announced 2.22.59, opened 8.5.63

Broadway-AnaheimShopping Center, Santa Ana Freeway, Crenshaw drive, Euclid & Laura streets,

Anaheim, California(1963)

announced 7.7.54, opened 11.18.57

675,000 square feet, $12,500,000, 35 stores, parking 5000 cars

Broadway Department Stores, developers

Welton Becket & Associates, architects

The Broadway, 208,000 square feet, announced 7.7.54, opened 10.4.55

J. W. Robinson, opened 1963

NorthlandShopping Center, Morse & Karl roads, Columbus, Ohio(8.13.64)

announced 8.1.60, opened 8.13.64

710,000 square feet, 43 stores, 71 acres, parking 5500 cars

F. & R. Lazarus and Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., developers

Grossel & Jensen, architects

F. & R. Lazarus Co., 200,000 square feet, announced 8.1.60, opened 8.13.64

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 246,000 square feet, announced 8.1.60, opened 8.13.64

SouthHillsVillage, Fort Couch & Washington roads, Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania(7.28.65)

announced 10.4.59, opened 7,28.65

1,000,000 square feet, 110 stores, 102 acres, parking 6500 cars

Welton Becket & Associates and Hoffman, Loeffler & Wolfe, architects

Gimbel Bros., 200,000 square feet, announced 10.4.59, opened 7.28.65

Joseph Horne Co., announced 10.4.59, opened 7.28.65

GreenwoodShopping Center, 1251 S. U.S. 31, Greenwood, Indiana

announced 5.12.60, opened 9.29.65

715,000 square feet, 55 stores, 87 acres, parking 5000 cars

Warren Atkinson, developer

James Associates, architects

L. S. Ayers & Co., 125,000 square feet, announced, opened 9.29.65

Sears, Roebuck & Co., opened later


Valley Plaza, Laurel Canyon & Victory boulevards, Los Angeles(9.12.55)

opened 9.13.51

150 stores, parking 7000 cars (by 1961)

Bob Symmonds, developer

Stiles Clements and others, architects

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 180,000 square ft., announced 1.15.49, opened 9.13.51

* May Co., 452,000 square feet, announced 1.26.54, opened 9.12.55

EdmondsonVillage, Edmondson Avenue between Old Frederick RoadHilton Street, Baltimore


opened 5.47

250,000 square feet., 28 stores (in 1958), 1500 cars (by 1956)

Joseph Meyerhoff Co., developer

Kenneth Cameron Miller, architect

Hochschild, Kohn & Co., 30,000 square feet announced 2.24.46, opened 6.3.47

* Hecht Co., 150,000 square feet, announced before 5.24.55, opened 10.25.56

Cedar Center, Warrensville Center & Cedar roads, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.(8.23.60)

opened before 8.50

Anthony Visconsi, developer

Halle Bros. Co., 25,000 square feet, opened 8.3.50

* May Co., 300,000 square feet, announced 5.13.56, opened 8.23.60