DT1N 04 (CCLD 325)Support children and young people during transitions in their lives
Elements of competence
CCLD 325.1Recognise and respond to signs of transitions
CCLD 325.2Support children and young people to manage transitions in their lives
About this Unit
This Unit is about working with children or young people to identify significant transitions that may be occurring or are about to occur in their lives and providing support to enable them to manage them in a positive manner. Transitions are defined as any significant stage or experience in the life of a child or young person that can affect behaviour and/or development. Transitions include those that are common to all children and young people, such as moving school or puberty, and those that are particular only to some, such as bereavement and divorce. Such transitions may be known and planned for, or unexpected and unplanned.
This unit is imported from the National Occupational Standards for Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools where it appears as Unit STL 49.
This Unit is for those who work with others to support children or young people to recognise and cope with significant transitions in their lives.
Evidence Requirements for the Unit
It is essential that you adhere to the Evidence Requirements for this Unit
GENERAL GUIDANCE- Evidence must be provided for ALL of the performance criteria and ALL of the knowledge.
- Work with children and families does not lend itself to a series of fragmented activities. When assessment planning it is essential that assessors and candidates identify opportunities to integrate a number of activities for assessment on any particular occasion.
- Assessment of knowledge and understanding should wherever possible be carried out during performance to ensure that theory and practice are linked.
- The evidence must reflect, at all times, the policies and procedures of your workplace as linked to current legislation and the values and the principles for good practice in children’s care, learning and development.
- All evidence must relate to your own work practice.
SPECIFIC Evidence Requirements for this unit:
The format of the evidence requirements are different for this unit which originates from the National Occupational Standards as Unit 10 in Level 3 optional pathway for Learning Mentors. You must carefully follow the evidence requirements below which state what you must provide.
- Simulation is allowed for this unit for the following:
Element 2 – PC 5
Element 3 – PC 3
Issues for consideration:
Candidates must provide performance evidence to meet the following minimum requirements:
1plan the transfer needs of 3 children or young people
2plan the transition needs of 3 children or young people
3monitor the success of the transfer or transition of 3 children and young people
4provide and seek feedback on transfer and feedback arrangements with 2 other relevant agencies
Competence of performance and knowledge could also be demonstrated using a variety of evidence from the following:
Candidates must also provide evidence to show that they possess the knowledge specified for each element across a range of situations.
Recommendations For Range
Transfer arrangements- between different learning environments
- transfer into a new learning environment
- working with children and young people
- working with families and carers
- working with other professionals in the same agency
- working with professionals from different agencies
- between different stages and phases in learning and development
- working with children and young people
- working with families and carers
- working with other professionals in the same agency
- working with professionals from different agencies
- identifying implications for children and young people
- establishing implications for families and carers
- assessing changes in expectations and activities of the new learning environment
- identifying particular needs and perceived barriers in relation to transfer or transition
- identifying information, advice and support needs of the child or young person before, during and after transfer or transition
- ensuring a full understanding of the child’s or young person’s experiences and achievements promoting improved provision by those in the new learning environment
- contributing information to assist the development of an effective induction programme
- progress of child or young person after transfer or transition
- support needs of families and carers
- effectiveness of induction programme
- information exchange arrangements between learning and development providers
Examples of assessment methods / Examples of types of evidence
Not all the assessment methods need be used: it is up to the assessor to determine a suitable mix of methods. / Not all types of evidence are required: it is up to the assessor to determine a suitable mix of evidence. Note that the same evidence can be used for any other relevant units.
performance observed by assessor /
- planning sessions with children and young people
- reviews of transfer and transition arrangements with families and carers
- planning meetings with other professionals and agencies
- review and evaluation meetings with learning and development providers
- one-to-one support sessions with children or young people
- post transfer or transition interviews with children and young people
review of relevant documents /
- transfer and transition plans
- notes/records of meetings with families and carers
- logs and internal memoranda and case notes between colleagues
- special requirements assessments
- statements of experiences and achievements of individual children and young people
- induction programmes from receiving learning and development providers
- case notes for individual children and young people at different stages of the transfer or transition process
- reviews and evaluations of effectiveness with other professionals, learning and development providers and agencies
- records of changes made to transfer and transition arrangements
review of case studies
witness testimony /
- from colleagues and other professionals involved in planning transfer and transition
- from receiving learning and development providers
- from specialists who provided additional support to children and young people
- from children and young people
oral questioning by assessor or expert witness
written questions
written or spoken reports /
- how you prepared children and young people for transfer or transition
- how you assessed the family situation of the child or young person and established the implications for transfer or transition
- how you gathered and presented relevant information about children and young people for use by others involved in transfer and transition
- how you identified additional sources of support for children and young people before, during and after transfer
- how you planned contacts with other professionals during and after transfer and transition
- how you raised problems and issues with relevant people during transfer and transition
Knowledge specification for this unit
Assessment of knowledge and understanding should wherever possible be carried out during performance to ensure theory and practice are linked.
You need to provide evidence for ALL knowledge points listed below:
To be competent in this Unit, you must know and understand the following: / Enter Evidence Numbers1Transitions can be:
a)emotional, affected by personal experiences, e.g. bereavement
b)physical, e.g. moving to a new educational establishment, a new home/ locality
c)intellectual, e.g. moving from nursery to primary, or primary to secondary school
d)physiological, e.g. puberty, long-term medical condition
2The effects that transitions can have on the development of children and young people
3The signs and indications that a child or young person is going through a particular transition
4The importance of building and maintaining trusting relationships with children and young people during transitions and how to do this
5Transitions can be a positive as well as a negative experience in the lives of children and young people
6How the impact of culture, religion, personal beliefs, gender, stage of development and previous experiences may affect a child or young person’s approach to transitions
7The importance of providing appropriate support to children and young people during key transitions in their lives and mechanisms for doing this
8The kind of support that can be offered by your own organisation and by other agencies
9The nature and boundaries of your role in supporting children or young people experiencing transitions and how this relates to the role of others within and outside of the setting
10The importance of working within the boundaries of your role and competence and when you should refer to others
11How to enable children or young people to explore their concerns about transitions in a positive and non-threatening manner
12The importance of respecting the rights of individual children and young people in all interactions with them
13How you recognise and manage your own negative feelings, e.g. helplessness and feelings of inadequacy
14The kind of information that may be appropriate to exchange with other agencies (e.g. educational records)
15Why it is important to observe confidentiality protocols when exchanging information and why it is important that the child or young person is made aware of those protocols
16The kind of situation when confidentiality protocols must be breached
17Legal, organisational and ethical requirements relating to information gathering, storage and exchange, including:
a)the Data Protection Act
b)confidentiality protocols and procedures
CCLD 325.1 Recognise and respond to signs of transitions
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
1Build open and honest relationships with children or young people using language appropriate to their age and stage of development
2Provide opportunities for children or young people to explore and discuss significant events and experiences that may impact on them
3Identify signs of concern or distress in children or young people which may relate to a transitional experience
4Recognise and take account of any signs of change in the attitude and behaviour of individual children or young people
5Explain clearly to children or young people what information you may have to share with others and why
6Share information and concerns about children or young people with the appropriate person
7Contribute to planning how to support children or young people to manage transitions in a positive way
8Confirm with the appropriate person the boundaries and protocols that govern your role in supporting children or young people through transitions
CCLD 325.2 Support children or young people to manage transitions in their lives
Performance criteriaEnter Evidence Numbers
DO / RA / EW / Q / P / WT
1Provide structured opportunities for children or young people to explore the effects of transitional experiences on their lives
2Listen actively and respond constructively to any concerns
3Explain situations fully and accurately, setting out what is happening and, if possible and appropriate, the reasons for the changes
4Encourage questions and check for understanding
5Provide support in a timely way to help children or young people to manage the transition and reach a positive outcome
6Support children or young people to find ways to manage change positively and encourage them to recognise and build on their strengths
7Make effective links with others within your own or other organisations, according to your role, should further support be necessary
8Record any actions taken using agreed organisational procedures
9Comply with legal, organisational and ethical requirements relating to the exchange of information
DO = Direct ObservationRA = Reflective AccountQ = Questions
EW = Expert Witness P = Product (Work)WT = Witness Testimony
To be completed by the CandidateI SUBMIT THIS AS A COMPLETE UNIT
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………
Candidate’s signature: ………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………..
To be completed by the Assessor
It is a shared responsibility of both the candidate and assessor to claim evidence, however, it is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure the accuracy/validity of each evidence claim and make the final decision.
I certify that sufficient evidence has been produced to meet all the elements, pcS AND KNOWLEDGE OF THIS UNIT and that the candidate has demonstrated the application of the princIples and values.
Assessor’s name: …………………………………………….
Assessor’s signature: ………………………………………....
Date: …………………………………………………………..
Assessor/Internal Verifier Feedback
To be completed by the Internal Verifier if applicable
This section only needs to be completed if the Unit is sampled by the Internal Verifier
Internal Verifier’s name: ……………………………………………
Internal Verifier’s signature: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………………..…………………………..
Unit: DT1N 04 (CCLD 325) Support children and young people during transitions in their lives