Data Security and Stewardship Committee
Cordelia Camp 101a
Friday, October 22, 2010
Present / Shea Browning, Steve Christison, Craig Fowler, Lisa Gaetano, LarryHammer, Debbie Justice, ScottKoger, Zeta Smith, ScottSwartzentruber, and Kay Turpin
Absent / Pam Buchanan and Mike Stewart
Guests / Barry Bidwell, Andy Dalton, Brandy Henning, and Tuval Foguel
Recorder / Jenny Owen
Approval of Minutes / · Craig Fowler made a motion to approve the minutes from the Data Security and Stewardship Committee (DSSC) meeting that was held on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. There was no opposition, and the motion carried unanimously.
Request for WebWorks / · Tuval Foguel and Andy Dalton attended this meeting to present their request to have WebWorks (online math homework grader) software installed on Math & Computer Sciences’ server located in Stillwell. Dalton explained that this server was currently powered off. If WebWorks were to be installed on this server, it will be used exclusively for WebWorks. They also asked if they could be responsible for managing WebWorks on this server.
Action Items / · After a lengthy discussion about security of the server and the cost of the software (about $1,000), the following decision was made:
o DSSC members approved of Anna McFadden’s recommendation to take this request for WebWorks to the ITCouncil so they can review the request and make a recommendation to the Executive Council.
o For security purposes, DSSC members recommended that the WebWorks server be moved from Stillwell to the data center in Forsyth.
Policy 95 Update / · State auditors have determined that accounts must be terminated when the following conditions apply:
o Non-fixed term employees: on the last day of work.
o Fixed term employees: at the end of the day on the last day of their contracts.
· Early access (prior to the start of a contract) will not be allowed.
· A new, automated account termination process has been created and will go into effect at the end of November.
Action Item / · Shea Browning was asked to follow up with Mary Ann Lochner about who will be responsible for modifying Policy 95 to reflect these updated guidelines.
Action Items - Cloud Computing / · Koger was asked to find out what is being done with the data for Cleary Disclosure Reporting that is being uploaded using Google Doc Forms. Is the data being encrypted and, if so, who is doing it and how is it being done?
· If the data isn’t encrypted, DSSC members agreed the Google Doc Form should be taken down, and data will go back to being submitted by email.
· Fowler will notify Sam Miller of the outcome.
Update - MCD / · Fowler updated the group on the status of the Mobile Communication Device (MCD) Policy:
o Automatic email forwarding for students, faculty, and staff was turned off on October 14.
o On January 17, IMAP and nonregistered ActiveSync users will be turned off.
o A pilot is under way with approximately 39 staff from IT, StudentAffairs, and Athletics.
o Additional information can be found at:
Misc. Action Items / · Scott Swartzentruber asked Scott Koger to remember that a number of old tapes need to be destroyed along with some hard drives that Koger is making arrangements to have destroyed. Koger said he had heard about a vendor that has a UNC contract that provides this type of service.
· Larry Hammer asked that the following item be added to the agenda for November’s DSSC meeting: personal data retrieval.
· Formal adoption of the CIRTS Policy will also be added to November’s agenda.