DSCI 415 – Unsupervised Learning - Assignment 4 “An ICA Mystery“ ( pts.)
The other night my TV was acting up and the entire screen turned to static. While the video was complete scrambled, I swore I could hear maniacal laughing amongst the accompanying audio noise, that was pretty much a static also. I took several burst pictures (actually 1,000) of the screen with my iPhone and converted these pictures to pixel grayscale JPEG image files. Below are a sample of four of these images.
I suspect that multiple channels of input were coming through my cable box at the same time. Combine this with the fact that my HDMI cable was loose, which I am sure added considerable noise, and you have the static-filled images above. If I am right about the multiple input sources, independent component analysis (ICA) should prove useful in detangling these source images and finding the underlying independent source images.
Your goal is find the underlying source signals (images) that might be making up the 1,000 noisy images contained in these data. I have no idea how many channels were being mixed, so you will have to look at several choices for the number of independent components to consider, starting small (say n.comp=2) and working your way up.
The data fileTV Images.csv is linked here:
(842 MB!!)
Here are some commands to get you started.
Images = read.csv(file.choose()) # read in the file TV Images.csv (slow!)
> Images = Images[,-1] # remove the pixel count (1 – 50625). Note:.
> Results = fastICA(Images,n.comp=k) # here you pick k, starting with k = 2.
[1] "X" "K" "W" "A" "S"
The estimated sources images are contained in the columns of the matrix matrix . To view them as images, use the image command as shown below.
images(1:225, 1:225, matrix(Results$S[,j],225,225),col=gray((0:225/225))
In the command above you need to replace j by the estimated source signal you want to view (j=1,2,..,k). If the image looks like the dark and light pixels are inverted, use
1 - matrix(results$S[,j],225,225)
as the third argument to the image function. Remember if is a solution to one of the independent source components, then so is .
How many independent sources do you think are making up the massively distorted signal I was receiving? Include plots of these source images and all supporting R code! (25 pts.)