Dry Grain Pulses CRSP
Technical Management Advisory Committee (TMAC) Meeting
April 22 -24, 2009, LexingtonHotel, Romulus, MI
Wednesday (April 22)
8:30 amWelcome and introductions (J. Beaver, Chair)
Role of the Technical Management Advisory Committee (Widders)
Approval of Minutes of August 27, 2008 TMAC conference call
8:45 amOverview of Dry Grain Pulses CRSP (Widders and Maredia)
Technical Vision and Global Themes
Two Phase Program (possible extension of Phase I projects)
Selection and Implementation of Phase I and II Projects
Reporting Documents (Workplans, Budgets, Performance Indicators)
9:45 amFinancial Report and USAID Funding (Hassankhani)
10:15 amBreak
10:40 amEGAT, USAID/Washington Report (Dr. Bahiru Duguma, CTO for Pulse CRSP)
11:30 amDiscussion and approval of Operations and Policy Manual of Dry Grain Pulses CRSP
12:15 pmLunch
2:00 pmDiscussion of Process and Criteria for evaluation of FY 2010 Workplans
Criteria for Review of Workplans, Budgets, etc.
Evaluation of technical progress, and contributions to institutional capacity building
Potential for outputs and developmental impact
Compilation of TMAC Evaluation Forms for Phase I Projects
Recommendations to Project PIs
Recommendations to MO for follow up
3:00 pmReview of PI-CU-1, CornellUniversity, Dr. Julie Lauran (Lead PI)
Using Improved Pulse Crop Productivity to Reinvigorate Smallholder Mixed Farming Systems in Western Kenya
4:00 pmBreak
4:30 pmReview of PI-ISU-1, IowaStateUniversity, Dr. Robert Mazur (Lead PI)
Enhancing Nutritional Value and Marketability of Beans through Research and Strengthening Key Value Chain Stakeholders in Uganda and Rwanda
5:30 pmAdjourn (dinner on own)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
8:00 amReview of PI-MSU-1, MichiganStateUniversity, Dr. James Kelly (Lead PI)
Combining Conventional, Molecular and Farmer Participatory Breeding Approaches to Improve Andean Beans for Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Ecuador and Rwanda
9:00 amReview of PI-PSU-1, PennStateUniversity, Dr. Jonathan Lynch (Lead PI)
Improving Bean Production in Drought-Prone, Low Fertility Soils of Africa and Latin America – An Integrated Approach
10:30 amReview of PI-MSU-2, MichiganStateUniversity, Dr. Richard Bernsten (Lead PI). Expanding Pulse Supply and Demand in Africa and Latin America: Identifying Constraints and New Strategies
11:30 amReview of PI-UPR-1, University of Puerto Rico, James Beaver (Lead PI)
Development, Testing and Dissemination of Genetically Improved Bean Cultivars for Central America, the Caribbean and Angola
12:30 pmLunch
2:00 pmReview of PI-UCR-1, University of California-Riverside, Phil Roberts (Lead PI)
Modern Cowpea Breeding to Overcome Critical Production Constraints in Africa and the U.S.
3:00 pmReview of PI-UIUC-1, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dr. Barry Pittendrigh (Lead PI)
Biological Foundations for Management of Field Insect Pests of Cowpea in Africa
4:00 pmBreak
4:30 pmProcess for TMAC Review of Phase I projects for a two-year extension (Phase II)
5:00 pmCriteria for USAID Evaluation of the Dry Grain Pulses CRSP for Program Extension
6:00 pm Adjourn
7:00 pmDinner
Friday, April 24, 2009
8:00 amRFP for Institutional CapacityBuilding: Innovative Approaches and Strategic Needs of Host Country Institutions (Maredia)
8:45 amProjected Future Funding of Dry Grain Pulses CRSP
9:00 amResearch priorities of CIAT (Beebe), IITA (Coulibaly) and the USDBC (Green) relative to beans and cowpeas.
9:45 amEmerging research areas related to pulses that have potential to contribute to growth of pulse value chains in developing countries and benefit US agriculture.
10:15 amBreak
10:40 amIdentification of Focal Areas for future RFPs (resulting from an increase in USAID annual obligations and for Phase II projects)
11:45 amConcluding Remarks by Pulse CRSP Program Director
12:00 noon Adjourn