DREAM IT. DO IT. Summary

April - June, 2007

The Dream It.Do It. Northeast Ohio campaign continues to progress as evidenced by the attached report card and map. Although the grassroots efforts are the most time consuming they are also the most visible to our diverse constituent groups. The various partnerships that are being developed with community based organizations and professional groups provide additional opportunities to maximize our efforts and expand our reach throughout the region. In addition, the partnerships developed with the regional chambers of commerce offer another way to connect with Northeast Ohio manufacturers.

A part-time graduate student intern worked with us from mid-April to mid-June. He was a tremendous help in the outreach efforts.


The media buys and online messages seem to have the greatest impact on the target population. The hits on the website average about 150 a day. There was a huge spike in hits to the national DIDI website. However, DIDI Northeast Ohio has outperformedthe other DIDI sites in the country. Television appearances included the “In Good Company” show and the BereaCitySchool District’s “A Community of Learning” show. A new 30 second ad with two women involved in manufacturing has been playing on WKYC. Ongoing radio ads promoting MAGNET client services complement the DIDI campaign. The DIDI video has been run on some community college cable channels and community groups are encouraged to use it whenever possible.


We have learned that informing the staff at the one-stop centers and the schools is just as critical as informing the job seekers and emerging workers. The presentations at the one-stop centers in the region have been very beneficial and resulted in referrals of individuals for training and employment as well companies that can benefit from MAGNET client services.

MAGNET staff also made presentations to six groups including employers and labor representatives. Meetings with groups or representatives from organizations as diverse as the Ohio Math and Science Coalition, Eastern Suburban Business Advisory Council, and Workforce Committee of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce have occurred recently.


The career fairs sponsored by the one-stop centers and educational institutions offer another way to get the information out to the target audience. In this quarter, MAGNET participated in eight career fairs in eight different counties. Participation in these community based activities with DIDI partners provides an opportunity for visibility at the grassroots level.

Additionally, MAGNET had a booth at the Lego Olympiad held at LorainCountyCommunity College in April. Over 400 youth from pre-school through high school, representing a number of counties throughout Northeast Ohio competed in this event. Information about careers in manufacturing was distributed to youth and parents.

The Girl Power! Girls in Technology Career Exposponsored by the Alliance of Technology and Women Cleveland Chapter with LaurelSchool and the Great LakesScienceCenterwas another unique opportunity to spread the DIDI message.

The summer activities list continues to grow daily. WKYC Channel 3 will be promoting Dream It. Do It. at all their sponsored events throughout the region. We are working with our many partners to ensure representation at a number of regional fairs and festivals.

Contacts are being developed with school districts and regional consortia as well as educational institutions to schedule presentations and information sessions for late summer and early fall.

Employer Contacts

We are working with the Community of Smaller Manufacturers to identify common workforce skill needs. A training program customized to meet these employer needs has been developed in partnership with LorainCountyCommunity Collegeto determine if this is a viable approach to addressing short term employment and training needs.

The online job match program is being completed and will be launched July 16th. The staff has been working with the vendor to develop the portal and to ensure that the information will be accessible and meaningful to both the employer and the job seeker. This will represent the first time that all manufacturing related jobs from production to quality to engineer are included in one location.


MAGNET continues to partner with Workforce Investment Boards in support of grants and projects affecting the region. We are working with CuyahogaCounty on their Community Based Job Training Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. This grant, The Manufacturing Access to Growth and Innovation in CuyahogaCounty and Northeast Ohio (MAGICC-NEO) is focused on growing the pipeline for metal working positions through ClevelandMunicipalSchools and CuyahogaCommunity College.

In late December, MAGNET developed a proposal to secure funds to work with employers and the one-stop system to improve employer use of the public system and the transition of displaced workers back into the workforce. ODJFS suggested that MAGNET partner with a local Workforce Investment Board so that the funds could be approved and disbursed more efficiently. The City of Cleveland/Cuyahoga County Workforce Investment Board (CC/CCWIB) was in the process of resubmitting a proposal for funding and they agreed to include the MAGNETproposal as part of their submission. That proposal was approved. MAGNET is currently conducting a survey of regional manufacturers to look at workforce trends and future needs. Focus groups with the one-stop centers and some employers will be conducted with the CC/CCWIB. As a result of this work, a plan will be developed to better meet the workforce needs of manufacturers in Northeast Ohio.

The WIRED proposal submitted by LorainCounty in partnership with MAGNET was selected by the governor for submission to the U.S. Department of Labor. Although not approved by DOL, the project leadership team is working to secure some state funding for some of the work.

The Lorain County WIB team submitted another proposal to DOL in response to a solicitation for a regional innovation grant to use National Emergency Grant Funds to support regional strategic planning activities related to major economic dislocations. This grant was approved for $ 250,000 for 18 months. MAGNET is listed as a subcontractor in this grant and will assume a leadership role in connecting with employers to reduce lay-offs and quickly transition displaced workers to new jobs.

Conversations have taken place with the Stark Development Board and Regional Chamber of Commerce to develop a workforce development model that will include the P-16 continuum and be responsive to employer needs. A Career Pathway model is currently being reviewed by the Education Council for distribution throughout the region.


The attached report card and table provide additional insights into the campaign work as well as the Education Council efforts. The staff will continue to work closely with regional partners to address current and emerging workforce needs.