Choose 2 of the following projects to complete

Projects are 25% of your grade

Operant Conditioning Project

For this project you will use the techniques of operant conditioning to train a pet, or animal to person a “new behavior”, or trick. Your efforts should be reflected in a typed, double spaced report that is 3-5 pages long.

The report will have 8 parts, all of which should be discussed in your report

  1. Pick the behavior, or trick, you will guide the animal into performing. It should be a behavior beyond simple command behaviors, such as sit or speak. The more complex the better. The animal should respond to odd an stimulus that is paired to a behavior. Such as a certain song, or a certain behavior you might do will elicit a response from the animal.
  2. Watch the animal to see if it performs any behaviors which mimic or approximate the targeted behavior.
  3. Pick a reinforcer which will encourage the animal to learn the trick, treats, praise.
  4. Teach the trick through use of Skinner’s Shaping techniques. Detail how long this takes, and how you built to the desired behavior through successive approximations.
  5. Once the behavior has been acquired, fade the reinforcement by only delivering it every four or five times the trick is performed.
  6. Put the behavior through extinction by no longer reinforcing it; count how many trials it takes before the animal stops responding, if it stops at all.
  7. Wait two days and see if the animal will again respond, then try a different reinforce, praise of affection and see if that will maintain the behavior.
  8. Summarize the entire process and describe what this exercise taught you about the power (and frustrations) of behavior modification through operant conditioning.
  9. Attach a photo of your animal performing the trick. Extra credit will be given to any videos provided.


Students in Psych 1000 have the option of compiling a Dream Diary as one of their two required projects. It will consist of the following:

  1. A minimum of 15 dreams – any less will reduce the grade for this assignment.
  1. The dreams will be assessed in light of the three approaches/theories of dreaming discussed in class, namely:

a)Activation-Synthesis – dreams as random neuronal firings our cerebral cortex does its best to place into a coherent narrative,

b)Neurocognitive – dreams as a special type of consciousness that largely mirrors our current concerns, or

c)Freudian – dreams as the crucial means to uncover the state and content of our mysterious and elusive subconscious.

  1. Dreams should be assessed individually with regard to these three theories.
  1. A brief description of current and past events, concerns, and goals relative to the dreams will often be necessary, as appropriate under the circumstances.
  1. At the diary’s conclusion, a brief analysis of which theory, in the student’s opinion, best explains the majority of the dreams.
  1. A brief discussion of common themes which emerge from viewing the dreams as a whole.
  1. The diaries will be kept confidential.
  1. The diaries will be graded on their thoroughness, detail and the quality of the analysis as described in #2.
  1. The diary must be legible.
  1. Tips to completing the diary, and remembering dreams, are available in Mr. Brolley’s lecture notes, in the Dreams and Dreaming portion.
  1. Diaries are due on the last scheduled class session the week of


Students in Psych 1000 have the option of writing a Mental Disorder paper as partial completion of their project requirement. The paper of 3-5 pages, for full credit, must include:

1)A description of the disorder taken from DSM IV TR with regard to symptoms, functional effects, and duration;

2)A case study, or detailed profile, of someone who has or continues to suffer from the disorder;

3)Two explanations, from varying theoretical perspectives (psychodynamic, behavioral, biological, or cognitive) as to what causes the disorder; and

4) Two distinct treatment strategies that help people overcome or mange its effects.

5)A Reference page which lists 5 sources, no Wikipedia.

The paper must be typed and legible. A paper’s style, use of proper grammar will account for approximately 20% of its assigned grade.

With regard to the specific disorder a student will describe, only three students per class can use the same disorder. Students should email me at with their selection or tell me in class by January 31st – first come, first served. Once three students have selected a particular disorder, that disorder will no longer be available.

Papers are due at the class meeting of

Students are STRONGLY advised to do their own work and comply with IVCC’s rules concerning plagiarism. Violations of said policy will result in harsh penalties, up to and including failure of this course.