Mohkampur, Haridwar Road,

Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005.

Ref No.:6-2(1)/Security/IIP/2016 Price: Rs.1500/-






TENDER DOCUMENTS: to (up to 1600 hrs)


OF TENDER: (up to 1430 hrs.)

OF TENDER: / (1500 hrs.)



Mohkampur, Haridwar Road,

Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005


For outsourcing of MANPOWER CONTRACT FOR SECURITY SERVICES in CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Mohkampur, Haridwar Road,

Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005

S. No. / Description / Page No.
1. / Notice Inviting Tender / 1-3
2. / Terms and Conditions / 4
3. / Check-list for Technical Bid / 5
4. / Rate Schedule / 6
5. / Sample of Agreement / 7-15

Note :

Tenderer should confirm that they have received all the above documents. The site of work can be seen personally. Demand Draft for Rs. 2, 50,000/- (Rs. Two Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) towards earnest money deposit (EMD) may please be attached.

DD No.______dated ______for Rs. ______

(Signature of the officer issuing tender)

Tender issued to:






Mohkampur, Haridwar Road,

Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005




Sealed Tenders are invited under Two Bid system (Part- I: Technical Bid and Part –II : Price Bid) for outsourcing of manpower contract for security services (for providing 27 Security Guards & 04 Security Supervisors) from contractors with annual turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or more for last three years, having a valid license for providing security services from the controlling authority under Private Security Agencies Act, 2005/empanelment with Director General of Resettlement, holding valid license under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, registered with EPFO, ESIC, having Service Tax registration.

The estimated annual cost of the work is about Rupees One Crore Twenty Five lakh. The contractor must have successfully executed/completed similar works for supply of manpower for security services in Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies/CSIR or its Laboratories/Institutes during the last five years. Successfully executed/completed similar works means three, two or one similar works each amounting to at least 40%, 50% or 80% respectively of the estimated cost.

Detailed tender documents can be obtained against a written request quoting Advt. No. accompanied by a demand draft for Rs. 1705.00 from any scheduled bank drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Haridwar Road, Mohkampur, Dehradun, payable at Dehradun.

i) / Sale of Tender documents / : 09.06.2016 to 30.06.2016
(Between 1000 hrs. to 1600 hrs. on all working days in General Section, CSIR-IIP)
ii) / Cost of Tender document / : Rs. 1705.00 (incl. VAT)
iii) / Last date and time for submission of Tender / : 30.06.2016 (up to 1430 hrs.)

iv)  Date & Time of Tender Opening (Only technical bid) : 30.06.2016. (1500 hrs.)

v)  Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) to be submitted along with the Technical Bid: Rs. 2, 50,000/- (Rs. Two Lakh Fifty Thousand Only)

vi)  Price Bid: date and time will be intimated at later date.

Offer by Fax/E-mail will be summarily ignored.

This advertisement and detailed tender documents are also available on CSIR-IIP website: www.iip.res.in. If the tender document is downloaded from the website, please enclose the cost of the tender document in the form of a Demand Draft.

The Director, CSIR-IIP reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.

Administrative Officer



Mohkampur , Haridwar Road

Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005


1.  CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum invites tenders from reputed licensed contractor under the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 for outsourcing of MANPOWER CONTRACT FOR SECURITY SERVICES located at Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005 on contract basis

2.  The contract will be initially for a period of two years which may be extended further with mutual consent. The estimated annual cost of the work is Rs. 1 Crore 25 Lakh.

3.  Contractor/Agency may submit their tenders with following details in Part- I (Technical Bid):-

a.  Bid security (EMD) of Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs Two Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun.

b.  Attested registration certificate of agency issued by the appropriate authority.

c.  Attested copy of valid labour license from the Regional Labour commissioner for specific number required for the contract under contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.

d.  Attested copy of valid Service Tax Registration certificate.

e.  Attested copy of registration under EPFO.

f.  Attested copy of registration under ESI.

g.  Status: whether Proprietor/Firm/Company.

viii) The contractor must have successfully executed/completed similar works for supply of manpower for security services in Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies/CSIR or its Laboratories/ Institute during the last five years. Successfully executed/completed similar works means three, two or one similar works each amounting to at least 40%, 50% or 80% respectively of the estimated cost.

ix)  Annual Turn Over of the contractor of Rs.1.5 crore or more for the last three years (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16)

x)  List of Clients.

xi)  Customer’s satisfaction proof.

xii)  Copy of PAN Card & ITR for the last three years.

xiii)  An undertaking that the agency has not been blacklisted by any Government Department/Autonomous bodies/ CSIR or any of its laboratories as on the date of submission of the bid.

4. Tender document is to be submitted in two parts comprising Part-I: Technical Bid & Part-II: Price Bid. The Part-I (Technical Bid) should contain the EMD and statement showing compliance with the criteria /detailed technical specifications as per NIT. The Part-II (Price Bid) should contain the price offered. Both the parts should be properly marked and enclosed in separate sealed envelopes for their proper identification. The envelope superscribed TECHNICAL BID and PRICE BID should again be sealed in a third bigger envelope superscribing the tender No. and “Tender for outsourcing of Manpower for Security Services”. The Part-I (Technical Bid) will be opened in presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives on the date of tender opening and the Part-II (Price Bid) after evaluations of Part-I. The Part-II of only those tenders shall be opened who are found technically competent to carry out the work, for which prior intimation will be given indicating the date and time of price bid opening.

5.  Tender along with detailed terms and conditions can be obtained by the contractors fulfilling the above mentioned conditions on payment of Rs. 1705/- (non refundable/non-transferable) in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, payable at Dehradun on all working days from ……….. to ……….between 1000 hrs. and 1600 hrs. from General Section, CSIR-IIP.

6.  Contractor may submit their tender in sealed cover super scribed with “Tender for outsourcing of

Manpower for Security Services” addressed to the Controller of Administration, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Haridwar Road, Mohkampur, Dehradun along with EMD of Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs Two Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun up to 1430 hrs on ………., which will be opened on the same day at 1500 hrs. in the presence of the contractor or their authorized representative, if any.

7.  Tenders received after due date/time and without EMD shall be rejected.

8.  The Director, CSIR-IIP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason.

9.  Canvassing in any form is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor who resort to canvassing is liable for rejection.

10.  The tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works in CSIR-IIP, if his relative is posted in the grade of Controller of Admn. / Admin. Offficer/SO or Junior Engineer. He shall also intimate the name of the person(s) who are working with him in any capacity and are relatives as mentioned above.

11.  Note : A person shall be deemed to be relative of another if, and only if, (a) they are members of a Hindu undivided family, or (b) they are husband and wife, or (c) the one is related to the other in the following manner : father, mother (including step mother), son (including step son), son’s wife, daughter

(including step daughter), Father’s father, Son’s son, Son’s Son’s wife, Son’s daughter, Son’s daughter’s husband, Daughter’s husband, Daughter’s son, Daughter’s son’s wife, Daughter’s daughter, Daughter’s daughter’s husband, Brother (including step brother), Brother’s wife, Sister (including step sister), Sister’s husband.

12.  The tenderer shall quote rates both in figures and words. He shall also work out the amount for each item of work and write in both figures and words. On checking if there are difference between the rates quoted by the tenderer in words and in figures or in the amount worked out by him, the following procedure shall be followed :

a.  When there is difference between the rates in figures and in words, the rates, which correspond to the amount worked out by the tenderer, shall be taken as correct.

b.  When the amount of an item is not worked out by the tenderer or it does not correspond with the rate written either in figure or in words the rate quoted by the tenderer in words shall be taken as correct.

c.  When the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and in words tallies but the amount is not worked out correctly the rate quoted by the tenderer shall be taken as correct and not the amount.

13.  The tenderer should quote the rates after assessing the work requirement.

14.  Earnest Money will be forfeited if the contractor fails to commence the work as per the award letter for the work.

15.  Except writing rates and amount, the tenderer should not write any conditions or make any changes, additions, alterations and modifications in the printed form of tenders. Tenderers who are desirous to offer rebate, should mention it separately in the covering letter submitted along with the tender.


Tender for supply of manpower for security services are invited from contractors holding valid license under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, registered with EPF, ESIC authorities, having Service Tax registration and successfully carried out at least three similar works for supply of manpower of 30 or more persons under a single contract during the last 5 years in Govt./Semi-Govt./Central Autonomous bodies and /or for CSIR or its Laboratories/Institutes on contract basis.


1)  Period of Contract: The contract will be initially for a period of two years which may be extended further with mutual consent.

2)  Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) : The EMD of Rs. 2,50,,000/- in the form of Demand Draft from any scheduled bank drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, must accompany Part-I (Technical Bid). The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful tenderer, after finalization of the tender. The EMD shall be forfeited if any tenderer withdraws his offer before finalization of the tender or fails to submit the acceptance within 15 days from the date of award of contract.

3)  Bank Guarantee: A bank guarantee of 10% of the total order value should be furnished by the successful bidder from any scheduled bank. The bank Guarantee shall be kept with Director, CSIR-IIP for a period of two years & 60 days and shall be released after the successful completion of the contract.

4)  The offers submitted by downloading from CSIR-IIP website www.iip.res.in shall be considered valid only when accompanied by a demand draft for Rs.1705.00 drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun payable at Dehradun towards the cost of tender documents indicated in the NIT.

5)  The cost of tender document is indicated in the NIT.

6)  The number of security supervisors and security guards will be purely need based. Therefore, the number of Contractor’s workers may increase or decrease as per requirement. The Director, CSIR-IIP will be under no obligation to engage any specific number of contractor’s worker during the period of contract.

7)  The Contractor shall intimate the name(s) of near relatives posted anywhere in CSIR & its sister laboratories.

8)  The Director, CSIR-IIP reserves the right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason at any stage of the tender process.

9)  The Director, CSIR-IIP reserves the right to alter/ modify any or all conditions of this tender notice.



Haridwar Road, Mohkampur

Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005


The documents are to be placed one below the other, strictly as per the serial number (S.No. 1 on top and subsequent documents below it) and the page number must be mentioned on all the pages.

(The submitted technical bids may preferably be spiral bound as a single entity having all documents)

Name & address of the firm :

S.No. / Documents to be attached ( All documents must be duly signed) / Yes / NO / If Yes
Page No.
1. / Duly signed tender document on all the pages.
2. / Bid Security (EMD) of Rs.2, 50, 000/-(Rs. Two Lakh Fifty thousand only)
in the form of DD in favour of “The Director, CSIR – IIP, Dehradun”
3. / Attested copy of PAN Card & ITR for the last three years
4. / Attested copy of valid Service Tax Registration Certificate
5. / Attested copy of registration under EPFO
6. / Attested copy of registration under ESI
7. / Status : whether Proprietor/Firm/Company
8. / Annual turnover of the contractor of Rs.1.5 crore or more for the last
three years (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16).
9. / Satisfactory Performance Certificate & other documentary proof of successfully executed/completed similar works for supply of manpower for security services in Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies/CSIR or its Laboratories/Institutes during last five years. Successfully executed/completed similar works means three, two or one work similar works each amounting to at least 40%, 50% or 80% respectively of the estimated cost.
10. / Attested copy of registration certificate of agency issued by appropriate
11. / Attested copy of Valid Labour License issued from Regional Labour
Commissioner for specific number required for the contract under
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition ) Act, 1970
12. / An Undertaking that the agency has not been blacklisted by and Govt.
Department/Autonomous Bodies, CSIR or its laboratories as on the date
submission of the bid.
13. / Proof of Experience ( in years)
14. / Authority letter for signing of Tender document on behalf of firm

Signature of Tenderer with date & seal