General Assembly
Date: : Time: 18.30 -22.30
VENUE: Plenary Room A, Sheraton Hotel, Oporto, Portugal
Date of approval: TBC
Present on stage: / Antonio Palha(AP), Chiara Simonelli(CS). Kevan Wylie(KRW)
Minutes: Kim Monk
- Minutes from Rome: 15th May 2008
AP thanked everyone for their attendance. AP congratulated AIM on the efficient service. AP stated that congress had to be moved to Portugal due to the withdrawal of Greek Federation and costs had been incurred because of this. AP stated that EFS has a good relationship with WAS in spite of our negative position in relation o financial integration in WAS. EFS are establishing significant contacts with Eastern Europe and with WHO and with WPA (World Psychiatric Association). AP stated that it is important to source other avenues of revenue from European communities and some International Foundations and to try to understand why attendances are weak. AP stated that there is work to be done by the Federation in the future to ensure this, particularly a deeper involvement of Federation societies besides their intervention in the General Assembly. AP stated that it would be useful to have meetings in each country with representatives of the local societies and to develop a new model for future congresses.
KRW asked the audience if societies were receiving correspondence/emails from EFS. KRW stated that EFS are working to establish a proper liaison into Europe with WHO. KRW detailed that EFS had established a good relationship with AIM with the Rome & Oporto congresses. KRW detailed monies from Elsevier had to be determined. KRW stated that strategic meetings had been established to identify what the Federation should provide for members.
KRW detailed that the detailed societies had been successful in their applications. Elsa Almas stated that it was impossible to oppose – AP stated that the societies had already been screened and accepted
(Society for Sexual Education Treatment and Research)
– accepted and paid membership
Boris Vornyk – known to EFS (KRW) met in Kiev) and accepted as an individual member.
KRW detailed expulsion of societies who have not paid for 4 years and will be informed and offered the opportunity to pay. No voting rights issued even if a society pays. Woet Gianotten (WG)asked why EFS wait 4 years to expel. AP stated that it is 3 years. MM stated that 4 years is detailed in the statutes. KRW suggested that by laws be changed. KRW detailed the paid members by 17.00hrs of GA.
- Approval of appointment of PCO
KRW stated that GL have offered an attractive offer and are an established corporation not only in the medical field but events such as World cup/Grand Prix. GL will start from ‘scratch’, help with promotion/ keep a tight budget with PCO. GL financial incentive if delegates exceed 1000.Tommi Paalanen,a member of the Finnish audience – asked if move to GL are the terms stricter – is there some catch? KRW stated that AIM’s contract offers limited flexibility. EFS have tried to arrange further meetings with AIM but to date have been unsuccessful
- News from WAS
- Introduction of By-laws – Robert Porto
- Annual Financial Report – Kevan Wylie
- Financial proposal for subscriptions
- Incomes from the PCO
- Calendar of 2009
- Approval of 2010 budget (see tabled sheet)
KRW detailed incomes from PCO’s – reports circulated.
Report circulated for 2009 final report approved. / Action:
Action: Agreed
- Report of Webmaster – Daniel Wylie
- Gold Medal – Robert Porto
- EASM - Robert Porto
- Sexologies – Mirielle Bonierbale
- Training programmes – Osmo Kontula
- Vote for EC
- Recommendations for the EC
- Chiara Simonelli
- Kevan Wylie
- Votes for the remaining Executive Committee
The voting procedure took place with the GA but difficulties occurred due to MM counting votes before the procedure was completed. Questions around the legality of the voting. AP stated that he was managing the voting procedure in a democratic way and so the results would stand.
Results: 40 for both
1 spoilt
1 abstain
7 against CS
6 against KRW
Presentations from: Eleven candidates (votes allowed for 8 candidates accepted and detailed on voting form) All attending participants gave a 1 minute presentation
Elsa Almas
Salvatore Caruso
Audrey Gorin-Lazard
Birgitta Hulter
Osmo Kontula
Miren Larrazabal
Moshe Mock
Ursula Pasini – Absent (MB gave a short presentation on her behalf)
Hertha Richter-Appelt – Absent
Alfons Vansteenwegen
Rui Xavier-Viera
Votes were counted and there was a tie between 3 candidates and a re-vote was necessary(detailed in table).
Name / Result / Re-vote / Result
Elsa Almas / 36 / 4
Salvatore Caruso / 23 / 26
Audrey Gorin-Lazard / 23 / 36 / 8
Birgitta Hulter / 33 / 5
Osmo Kontula / 42 / 2
Miren Larrazabal Murillo / 52 / 1
Moshe Mock / 29 / 6
Ursula Pasini / 27 / 7
Hertha Richter-Appelt / 18
Alfons Vansteenwegen / 41 / 3
Rui Xavier-Vierira / 23 / 4
/ Action:
14.Presentations for 2012 venues:
-Madrid / Presentations from both societies
GA vote
GA result:
Helsinki 35
Spain - 30
15. Presentation of stated interest for 2014 venue
Netherlands/Flemish societies(Joint bid) / Amsterdam gave a presentation
Not discussed
16. AOB / CS raised the issue of proportional votes for larger societies. KRW noted that this is beingreviewed by the statutes committee
17. / The GA was finished and the compliments of the President to the new EC Board AP