Application No: / 04/00986/F / Ward: / RC / Received: / 29.04.04
Case Officer: / Holly Napier
Applicant: / Bermac Properties Plc / Agent: / Glen Eldridge Architects Ltd
Address: / 18 – 22 LESBOURNE ROAD, REIGATE
Description: / Erection of 12 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed flats for residential use with associated parking (revised description)

(Drawing Numbers: 0405/P01 rev C, P02 rev C, P03 rev B & P04 rev B)

At the 2 June meeting it was resolved to refuse planning permission contrary to the officer recommendation. The decision was therefore deferred in accordance with constitutional requirements and also to enable a Committee site inspection to be held. The inspection is programmed to take place on 23 June.

The applicant has however made significant amendments to the application to address the concerns expressed at the 2 June meeting, as follows:

Concern / Amendment
The modern design of the building / The elevation to Lesbourne Road has been redesigned in a Victorian style to be more in keeping with the surrounding buildings
The rear elevation remains more modern, in keeping with the Omnibus Building to the rear, although this could easily be redesigned if required
The effect of parking in the rear of the site on adjoining properties / flats 3 and 4 have been removed and parking has been relocated to the basement in their place
Lack of amenity space / As a result of moving the parking under the building approximately 320 square metres is now given over to communal amenity space

The following report identifies the changes that have been made and their impact. A copy of the previous report is appended for reference, incorporating addendum items in italics.


This application is for residential development on previously developed land. The land was last used for employment purposes and there is a mix of uses surrounding the site.

The loss of employment land on this site is not considered to be contrary to Structure Plan policy DP10 or emerging Local Plan policy Em1A in that it is not suitably located for such use. Furthermore, the replacement of employment use would bring an improvement in terms of neighbour amenity.

The proposal is of a scale and design that is in keeping with the surrounding buildings and would provide 14 small residential units in close proximity to the town centre and public transport connections. Impact on neighbouring properties would be an improvement over the previous use of the site.


Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.

The following reasons for refusal were tabled at the previous meeting, although their relevance to the amended proposal may be limited:

1.  The proposed development would, by reason of its design, be out of keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area. This would be harmful to the visual amenities of the street scene and would therefore be contrary to policies Ho9, Ho13 and Ho16 of the adopted Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994, policy PE10 of the approved Surrey Structure Plan 1994, policy Ho9 of the Reigate and Banstead Proposed First Alterations (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000 and policy SE4 of the Surrey Structure Plan (Deposit Draft) 2002.

2.  The proposed development does not provide adequate external amenity areas. This would be contrary to policy Ho9 of the adopted Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994, and policy Ho9 of the Reigate and Banstead Proposed First Alterations Revised (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000.

3. The proposed development would, by reason of the siting of the parking area, generate unacceptable levels of noise and disturbance from vehicles manoeuvring in close proximity to the neighbouring properties and rear gardens. This would be harmful the amenities of the neighbouring properties and would therefore be contrary to policy Ho9 of the adopted Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994, and policy Ho9 of Reigate and Banstead Proposed First Alterations (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000.

Consultations and Representations:

Any additional comments relating to the amended plans will be reported at the committee meeting.

1.0 Site and Surroundings

1.1  See original report appended.

2.0  Relevant Planning History

2.1  See original report appended.

3.0 Current Proposal

3.1  This is a full application for demolition of all buildings on site and the erection of a block of 14 flats, reduced from 16 when last considered by the Committee. The block would comprise 12 x two bed flats and 2 x one-bed flats. The proposal includes associated parking and landscaping.

3.2  This proposal seeks to provide residential units in accordance with Local Plan policy requiring a mix of dwelling sizes. The proposal would also provide much-needed small residential units in close proximity to Reigate town centre and public transport nodes, again in accordance with policy requirements.

3.3  Access to the flats would be via a centrally located driveway through a carriage arch leading to a parking area underneath the western end of the building. The building would be 4 storeys in height. Due to a change in land levels on site the building would appear 3 storeys in views from Lesbourne Road, (the basement level would be largely hidden from view), but would appear four storeys in views from the rear of the site.

3.4  The proposed design would be a Victorian style on the Lesbourne Road frontage, using materials evident elsewhere in the surrounding street scene.

3.5  Further details of the development are as follows:

Site area / 0.11 hectares
Existing use / Vacant petrol filling station site and tyre fitters
Proposed Use / Residential
Existing total floor space / Approx. 422 square metres
Proposed total floor space / Approx. 1,185 square metres
Existing parking provision / Informal parking on forecourt area
Proposed parking provision / 14
Parking requirement / 21 (maximum parking standard)
Proposed number of dwellings / 14
Existing site density / 0 dwellings per hectare
Proposed site density / 127 dwellings per hectare
Density of the surrounding area / 41 - 55 dwellings per hectare
Normal density range in PPG3 / 30 - 50 dwellings per hectare

4.0  Policy Context

4.1  See original report appended.

5.0  Principal Issues

5.1 The main issues to be reconsidered in the light of the amended plans are:

·  Impact on the character and appearance of the area

·  Impact on neighbour amenity

·  Highway issues

Character and appearance of the area

5.2  The current design of the Lesbourne Road frontage of the proposed building is a Victorian style. This is in keeping with a number of existing buildings in the area. The design includes lead flashing to the dormers, brick detailing around the windows, sash windows and doors of Victorian proportions. This has improved the design of the building so that it would complement the predominant Victorian character of the area. This amended design introduces two bays to the front elevation. These are similar to the bay on the adjoining property. This minor extension in front of the building line is considered to be acceptable.

5.3  The rear elevation remains of a modern design. It would not be visible from Lesbourne Road and is considered acceptable in the setting, facing onto the modern façade of the Omnibus Building.

Neighbour amenity

5.4  The rear of the site would no longer be utilised as a parking and turning area. The parking is instead accommodated in the basement. A semi-circular access/turning area is required to provide access to the underground parking area. However the removal of the parking to the rear has provided more amenity space and an opportunity to provide landscape planting to promote greater neighbour amenity. As noted in the previous report, at present there are areas of hardstanding adjacent to adjacent rear gardens that were used to access the filling station and tyre fitter’s buildings, for jet washing and other vehicle related services. Therefore the proposed access would be an improvement on the existing situation.

5.5  Amenity space provision has been made for future occupants of the proposed flats in this revised proposal. The flats at basement and first floor level have a large private patio area and all of the remaining flats have a balcony. There is now a large communal amenity area to the rear of the site.

Highway Issues

5.6  The underground provision of 14 parking spaces meets with adopted maximum parking standards. Parking for 14 cycles would be in a secure area in the centre of the turning area.


See attached report.


The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan polices PE10, MT2, MT5, DP6, DP10, Ho2, Ho3, Ho9, Ho13, Ho16, Mo5 and Mo7 and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.

Previous report from 2nd June Planning Committee. Addendum items have been added in italics.

Application No: / 04/00986/F / Ward: / RC / Received: / 29/04/04
Case Officer: / Holly Napier
Applicant: / Bermac Properties Plc / Agent: / Glen Eldridge Architects Ltd
Address: / 18 – 22 LESBOURNE ROAD, REIGATE
Description: / Erection of 14 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed flats for residential use with associated parking

(Drawing Numbers: 0405/P01 rev B, P02 rev B, P03 rev A & P04 rev A)


This application is for residential development on previously developed land. The land was last used for employment purposes and there is a mix of uses surrounding the site.

The loss of employment land on this site is not considered to be contrary to Structure Plan policy DP10 or emerging Local Plan policy Em1A in that it is not suitably located for such use. Furthermore, the replacement of employment use would bring an improvement in terms of neighbour amenity.

The proposal would not harm the visual amenities of the street scene in terms of bulk, scale or design and would provide 16 small residential units in close proximity to the town centre and public transport. Impact on neighbouring properties would not be so significant as to merit a reason for refusal.


Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.


Highway Authority: a 2 metre x 2 metres visibility splay should be provided. Cycle parking for 16 bicycles should also be provided.

Surrey Police Crime Reduction and Liaison Office: The installation of gates is recommended to restrict parking to residents only and more secure on ground level.

Sutton and East Surrey Water Company: no comments received

Head of Environmental Health Services: in order to allow for a fuller review of all existing contamination reports and to retain control through the development control process, it is recommended that land contamination conditions be attached to any planning permission granted in respect of this latest application.

The Close Residents Association as follows: No objection was raised to the previous application for 6 houses however the design of the 16 flats is out of keeping with the Victorian character of the area. The proposed density is too high. There would be loss of privacy to properties in The Close. There is inadequate parking provision, which would lead to further on street parking in a busy road.

The Reigate Society: Objection raised on the following grounds:

·  The proposed density of 145 dwellings per hectare is excessive and this is proved by the lack of amenity space for residents.

·  Residents on the lower ground floor will have no outlook and no amenity contrary to policy Ho9.

·  This area should be an Area of Special Character.

·  The design is too extreme to fit in with the character of the area.


Neighbours were notified by letter dated 30/04/04 and 10/05/04, and site notice posted on 06/05/04. No comments have been received, as of yet, however any representations received during the remainder of the consultation period will be reported to committee.

Under the representations heading at the start of the report it states that no neighbour representations had been received at that time. However one representation had been received from the neighbour. This supported the development and is referred to in paragraph 5.10.

Paragraph 5.11 of the report refers to another neighbour letter. This was, however, one that was received for the previous application, ref: 04/00176/F, from the other immediate neighbour. Although this neighbour did not submit any representation for this current application, it was considered that their previous comments should still be taken into account as the size and location of the building is similar.

1 letter has been received raising the following issues:

Issue / Response
Any proposed flats should fit in with the character of the road, which is a conservation area. This proposal does not / The area is not designated a conservation area. See paragraphs 5.4 - 5.8
Loss of privacy from rear balconies and windows to neighbouring properties / See paragraph 5.9
The roof should be no higher than those either side and the proposed roof is higher on one side / See paragraphs 5.4 - 5.8
The proposed building should be in line with existing properties / See paragraphs 5.4 - 5.8

1.0 Site and Surroundings

1.2  The application site is located within the urban area to the south east of Reigate town centre. The site is currently vacant but was previously occupied by a petrol filling station and tyre fitters. The majority of the buildings remain on site, although some, including the canopy, have been demolished and the petrol tanks removed. There is a change in levels on site with a slope down from the frontage to the rear boundary of approximately 1.5m. There is also a slope down of approximately 2m from east to west.

1.3  There are residential properties abutting both the eastern and western side boundaries of the site. These are two storey semi-detached Victorian dwelling houses. Situated to the rear of the site are the Omnibus building (former bus depot) and a heavily landscaped area adjacent to the car park serving the Omnibus Building.

1.4  Lesbourne Road comprises a mix of uses including residential, retail and offices. The character and appearance is also mixed with varying building types, heights and styles present in Lesbourne Road. There are examples of Edwardian, Victorian and recently built dwellings within Lesbourne Road.