Drake Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
Wednesday, Dec 12, 6:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn Express Meeting Room
Board members present (X), term expires as notedX / Deb Austin (12/31/08) / X / Bonnie Hall (12/31/07)
X / Dean Blum (12/31/08) / X / Bill LaHay (12/31/07) / Jennifer Sayers (12/31/07)
X / Bill Cappuccio (12/31/08) / Eldon McAfee (12/31/07) / X / Marty Schmitt (12/31/08)
X / Trish Davis (12/31/08) / X / Dolph Pulliam / X / Kevin VenHaus (12/31/08)
Lori Fenton (12/31/08) / X / Betsey Qualley (12/31/08) / X / Bruce Wilson (12/31/07)
X / Bonita Crowe / X / Claudia Schabel / X / Barb Freeman
Ed Leedom, NBSD / X / Officer Laura Pascuzzi / X / Vince Rubino
- Call to Order
Marty called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
- Welcome and Introductions
Todd Dykstra with Des Moines Police Dept. was present to inform the board of the Des Moines Police Departments new initiatives in the neighborhood. Officer Pascuzzi will be out for surgery for at least the month of January, Officer Joe Frentress will be covering for her during this time. DMPD wants to make sure that they are keeping in touch with the neighborhoods, soon we will be able to access crimes in our neighborhood on a monthly basis via the web.
- Approval of Agenda and Previous Meeting’s Minutes
There was no meeting agenda, the primary focus of this meeting will be for 2008 planning. Approval of minutes was motioned by Dean and seconded Dolph. One typo under 9E should read “in 2007”. Carried with aye vote.
- Neighborhood Based Service Delivery/Nest Update
Officer Pascuzzi & Frentress reported on the Roosevelt meeting. Also Drake is experiencing a lot of vandalism to cars on lots and streets, no suspects at this time. Officer Frentress will be filling in Sgt. Pascuzzi during her leave.
Ed Leedom has been reassigned as of January 1, 2008 to the area of 35th to 63rd Streets. Eric Moore will be handling everything west of 35th Street in the Drake Neighborhood. Marty and Bill have requested that the reassignment not happen because of the knowledge Ed has of the neighborhood, but no change as of this point. The NBSD has decided to cut down on the number of meetings attended and therefore our NBSD representative will only be attending DNA meetings on a quarterly basis.
- Treasurers Report
Trish reported on what we spent on all major activities in 2007.
- Annual Meeting Report
Four new board members were elected and three current board members were reelected. The board members for 2008 will be:
Deb Austin, Dean Blum, Bill Cappuccio, Bonita Crowe, Trish Davis, Barb Freeman, Bill LaHay, Eldon McAfee, Dolph Pullium, Betsey Qualley, Vince Rubino, Claudia Schabel, Marty Schmitt, Kevin VenHaus, and Bruce Wilson.
Officers for 2008 are:
President- Marty Schmitt
Vice President- Bill LaHay
Secretary- Betsey Qualley (with help from Barb Freeman)
Treasurer- Trish Davis (with help from Deb Austin & Dean Blum)
- Recap of 2007 DNA Activities
Thresholds in March
Sponsored Farmers Market
Water Station for Relays
National Night Out
House Tour in June
After Hours Social
Scrub Day
1000 flowers planted
History Alive and Garden talk for first two quarterly meetings
Planted in Carpenters Square
Streetscape Plan- Still in the works
Kingman Island Cruise
Water Station for Des Moines Marathon
Jazz in July
- Planning for 2008:
Jan. 9, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
Jan. 31, 2008 6:30 PM DNA Quarterly meeting, Hear about the new expanded Neighborhood BasedServicesDelivery for police in the DNA areaand also about what to do aboutgraffiti.At St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church
Feb, 13, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
March 12, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
April 9, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
April 12, 2008 Scrub Day
April 19, 2008 Drake Relays Parade (Save the Date details to follow at a later date)
April 23-26, 2008 Drake Relays
May 8, 2008 7:30 PM DNAQuarterly meeting, (Save the date details to follow at a later date)
May 14, 20087:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
June 7-8, 2008 Drake Neighborhood Tour of Historic Homes and Greek Food Fair
June11, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
July 11, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
Aug. 5, 2008National Night Out, Drake Park
Aug. 14, 2008 7:30 PM DNA Board Meeting, Drake Holiday Inn Express Drake meeting room
Oct. 13, 2008 Des Moines Marathon
- National Night Out
- Claudia, Trish, Bonnie & Debra
- House Tour
- Carol Venhaus & Dean heading up committee
- Meetings
- Bonita, Betsey & Bill Cappuccio
- Relays Parade Float
- Bill LaHay
- Beautification
- Kevin
- Website
- Claudia volunteered to help Lyle with the website to make it more user friendly
- Volunteer book
- Trish
- Membership Committee
- Denise McAfee, Trish, Bonita, Betsey, Bill (technology)
- Newsletter
- Betsey, Barb & Denise
- Dates for Newsletter: Deadline for turn-in will be the 15th and date to the printer will be the 20th.
Quarterly Meetings:
- Thursday night seems to be the best night to have the meeting
- 1st quarterly meeting will be about graffiti & the new ideas from the police and will be January 31st, 2008 @ 6:30pm @ the St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church
- 2nd quarterly meeting will be in conjunction with DSM Rehabbers Club on house items to promote the home tour and will be May 8th & talk about the farmers market
- 3rd quarterly meeting will be about the habitat house build & Drake activity tickets & National Night Out and will be July 31st
- Annual Meeting will be a potluck and will be November 13th
- Java Lava
- Tailgate social for a Drake football game at the parking area by the tennis area
- October- help Drake with a Halloween party
- Goals for 2008
Neighborhood Designation for NRB
- Next Meeting 1/9/08
- Adjourn
Marty adjourned the meeting at 9:06 p.m.