ELD Curriculum Map
ELD-Language Arts ELD-Content
- Summarizing
- Clarifying
- Figurative and idiomatic language
- Non-fiction/Expository text
- Functional Documents
- Research
- Reflective writing
- Persuasive writing
- Writing process
Listen attentively to more complex stories and information on new topics across content areas and identify the main points and supporting details.
Make oneself understood when speaking by using consistent standard English grammatical forms, sounds, intonation, pitch, and modulation but may make random errors.
Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
Recognize appropriate ways of speaking that vary according the purpose, audience, and subject matter. / EA.LS5(EA.LS7)
Respond to messages by asking questions, challenging statements, or offering examples that affirm the message.
EA.LS6 (R1.1)(EA.LS5X)
Use simple figurative language and idiomatic expressions (e.g., “sunshine girl,”“heavy as a ton of bricks” to communicate ideas to a variety of audiences.
EA.LS7 (W1.3)(EA.LS9.2)
Prepare and deliver presentations that follow a process of organization and use varioussources.
Prepare and deliver brief oral presentations/reports on historical investigations, a problem and solution, or a cause and effect.
Apply knowledge of word relationships, such as roots and affixes, to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas (e.g., remove, extend). (CELDT)
Distinguish between cognates and false cognates in literature and texts in content areas.
Use knowledge of English morphemes, phonics, and syntax; decode and interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words. (CELDT)
Recognize that some words have multiple meanings and apply this knowledge to read literature and texts in content areas. (ES)(CELDT)
Use knowledge of affixes, root words, and increased vocabulary to interpret the meaning of words in literature and content area texts. (CELDT)
EA.RF4 (R1.1)(EA.RF6)
Use a standard dictionary to determine the meaning of unknown words (e.g., idioms and words with multiple meanings).
Use decoding skills and knowledge of academic and social vocabulary to achieve independent reading.
EA.RF6 (R1.1)(EA.RF5)
Recognize idioms, analogies, and metaphors used in literature and texts in content areas. / EA.RC1(EA.RC3)
Apply knowledge of language to achieve comprehension of informational materials, literary texts, and texts in content areas.
Identify and explain the main ideas and critical details of informational materials, literary texts, and texts in content areas.
EA.RC2 (R2.1)(EA.RC2.1)
Analyze the structure and format of workplace documents and the way in which authors use structure and format to achieve their purposes. (ES)
EA.RC3 (R2.8; W1.3)(EA.RC5)
Prepare oral and written reports that evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument or defense of a claim (include a bibliography). (ES)
Read material and analyze how clarity is affected by patterns of organization, repetition of key ideas, syntax, and word choice. (ES)
Identify and explain the differences between various categories of informational materials (e.g., textbooks, newspapers, instructional materials).
Analyze a variety of rhetorical styles found in consumer (e.g., warranties, contracts, manuals) and informational materials (e.g., newspapers, magazines, and textbooks). (ES)
Identify in writing the various elementsof discourse (e.g., purpose, speaker, audience, form). (ES)
EA.WS2 (W1.1; W2.3; W1.6)(EA.WS5.2)
Develop a clear thesis and support it by using analogies, quotations, and facts appropriately.
EA.WS3 (C1.1; C1.3; W2.3)(EA.WS6X)
Write persuasive compositions that structure ideas and arguments in a logical way with consistent use of standard grammatical forms. (CAHSEE-W)
Use appropriate language variations and genres in writing for language arts and other content areas. (ES)
Fill out job applications and prepare résumés that are clear and purposeful and address the intended audience appropriately.
EA.WS6 (W2.6)(EA.WS5.1)
Write reflective compositions that explore the significance of events. / EA.WS8 (C1.3)(EA.WS7)
Use strategies of notetaking, outlining, and summarizing to structure drafts of clear, coherent, and focused essays with consistent use of standard grammatical forms. (ES)
EA.WS9 (R2.2; W2.3)(EA.WS5.3)
Write expository compositions and reports that convey information from primary and secondary sources and use some technical terms. Use appropriate tone and voice for the purpose, audience, and subject matter.
EA.WC1 (C1.1; C1.3)
Create coherent paragraphs through effective transitions. (ES)
EA.WC2 (C1.1; C1.3; W1.9)(EA.WC3)
Revise writing for appropriate word choice, organization, consistent point of view, and transitions, with some variation in grammatical forms and spelling. (CELDT)
EA.WC3 (C1.1; C1.3)(EA.WC2)
Edit writing for grammatical structures and the mechanics of writing.
EA.R1.1 Identify & use: literal-figurative meanings
EA.R2.1 Analyze workplace documents
EA.R2.2 Prepare bibliography
EA.R2.3 Generate relevantresearch questions
EA.R2.8 Evaluate: credibility of text
EA.R3.3 Analyze character’s interactions: conflict, motivation, influences / EA.W1.1 Establish thesis, maintain tone and focus
EA.W1.3Use research questions & methods
EA.W1.9Revise writing: logic, coherence, word choice, tone
EA.W2.3 Write expository essays
EA.C1.1 Identify & use: clauses, phrases, punctuation
EA.C1.3 Demonstrate: proper usage, grammar, paragraph structure, diction, syntax Establish thesis, maintain tone and focus
* * See above ELD standards for alignment to ELA standards.
X = middle school standards
WestEd correlation in (red)