University of Bradford

Department of Languages and European Studies

Awarding and teaching institution: / University of Bradford
Final award: / MA
Programme titles: / European Integration
Programme accredited by: / not applicable
Duration: / 1 year full-time
UCAS code: / not applicable
Subject benchmark statement: / not applicable
Date produced: / May 2003

The Department of Languages and European Studies is a multi-disciplinary community within the School of Social and International Studies, formed in September 2002 from the former departments of Modern Languages and of European Studies, both enjoying a successful reputation at MA level. The MA in European Integration is part of a lively postgraduate programme attracting students from many different countries throughout the world. Recruitment to the degree schemes has been consistently strong, with an average of 17 students registering each year. The MA in European Integration has had ESRC recognition (with a two-studentships’ quota status) since 1989 and in September 2001 was granted 1+3 ESRC recognition. It covers areas related directly to staff research interests. The programme is fully in keeping with the University's mission statement Making Knowledge Work. It provides advanced training on the processes of European integration and enlargement currently taking place in Europe, focusing on the policy and political processes that accompany economic integration in Europe, and equips students to work and participate in the issues relating to the processes of integrating Europe and enlarging the European Union.

Learning outcomes

Having completed the MA in European Integration, students will have acquired subject specific knowledge and methodology, plus transferable skills as follows:

·  critical understanding of the different dimensions of the processes of European integration, and of the issues deriving from those processes and from the enlargement of the EU;

·  an ability to apply contemporary political and social theories to explain European societies and their integration;

·  a sound understanding of contemporary research issues and traditions, particularly in relation to Europe;

·  a professional and critical understanding of appropriate social scientific methodology;

·  An ability to research, gather, analyse, structure and present information and to apply their analytical, interpretative and research skills to any situation requiring information processing and presentation; to organise complex data; to critically discuss and present ideas in an appropriate style and register..

Admission requirements and policy

The target audience is graduates in the social sciences, humanities, area studies and related fields. The scheme is recognised by the ESRC as part of its 1+3 programme. Candidates for the degree are normally expected to be university graduates, holding at least a second class Honours degree or its equivalent in a relevant area of study. For those without such qualifications there is the possibility of entering the Programme as candidates to the Postgraduate Diploma. Students registered for the Postgraduate Diploma, whose work is of a sufficiently high standard, may be permitted to transfer to registration for the degree of Master.

The curriculum

Students study units amounting to 120 credits over two semesters, including 60 core credits, and 60 credits taken from specified options or further elective units, which may include M-level units in language (up to 20 credits), or units from the School of Social and International Studies and the School of Management.

Unit Code / Unit Title / Type / Credits / Level / Sem
GS-0002D / Data Collection Skills and Techniques / C / 20 / M / 1
GS-0004D / Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis / C / 20 / M / 2
ES-1002L / Seminar on European Integration / C / 20 / M / 1/2
ES-1007M / Europe’s Changing Relations / O / 10 / M / 2
ES-1047D / Policy Dynamics in the European Policy Process / O / 20 / M / 1
ES-1011M / The EU and the Social Dimension / O / 10 / M / 2
ES-1006M / Europe in the International System / O / 10 / M / 1
BC-5901M / European Community Law I / O / 10 / M / 1
BC-5902M / Employment Law in the European Union / O / 10 / M / 2
BC-5900L / Employment Law in the European Union / O / 20 / M / 1/2
ES-1025Z / Dissertation / C* / 60 / M

·  The Dissertation is only compulsory for MA students; it is not part of the programme for Postgraduate Diploma students.

Examples of elective modules which may be available:

ML-0561D / Media Discourse and Cultural Studies I / E / 20 / M / 1
ML-0563D / Media Discourse and Cultural Studies II / E / 20 / M / 2
ML-0560D / Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies I / E / 20 / M / 1
ML-0562D / Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies II / E / 20 / M / 2
DP-7019K / Issues in Development Theory and Policy / E / 40 / M / 1/2
DP-7008D / Economics of Development / E / 20 / M / 1
DP-7021D / Macro-Economic Analysis for Development / E / 20 / M / 1
DP-7025D / Managing Economic Policy / E / 20 / M / 2
DP-7008D / Economics of Development / E / 20 / M / 1
DP-7009D / Environmental Policy and Analysis / E / 20 / M / 2
DP-7013M / Industrial Planning and Policy / E / 10 / M / 1
PE-5003D / International Politics and Security Studies / E / 20 / M / 1
PE-5006D / Regional Security Studies / E / 20 / M / 1
PE-5012M / Politics of the Global Environment / E / 10 / M / 2
PE-5019M / The Northern Ireland Peace Process / E / 10 / M / 2

Regulations for Progression

The detailed and definitive regulations for progression are incorporated in the University Regulations. In summary, if students complete 40 credits with a mark of at least 40% and a further 20 credits with at least 35%, they are eligible for a Postgraduate Certificate. If students complete 100 credits at 40% and a further 20 credits at 35% they are eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma. For the award of an MA, students must complete 160 credits at 50% with a further 20 credits at 40%. A Distinction will be awarded if the overall average exceeds 70% and a Merit if the overall average exceeds 65%.

Teaching, learning and assessment strategies

Teaching is delivered by means of seminars, often student-led, group discussion and oral presentation. Guided and independent study and research also form a crucial part of the student learning experience, supported by the J B Priestley Library and University IT provision.

To enable students to have adequate time for a sustained research effort, to reflect critically on the topics at issue, and to meet the requirements of professional development (e.g. the cultivation of skills in report writing), assessments are carried out by means of coursework, normally by one 2500-3000 word essay per single module. To complete the modules, students normally present and discuss seminar papers, receiving feedback from staff and fellow students, which helps students prepare the essay in terms of contents, sources and structure. The dissertation is normally supervised by the staff who teach the core modules

Learning support

The University and the Department have a well-deserved reputation in this area. Students are allocated a personal tutor and the MA scheme has a co-ordinator who acts as Senior Tutor, thus providing alternative members of staff with whom to discuss academic or personal issues. Students are also be guided by the departmental student handbook and by course unit outlines. The support provided by the Department is enhanced by a strong University infrastructure, particularly including the Disabilities Office and the Careers Service, by University Library and Computing facilities and the Bradford College Law Library.

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