DRAFTPROCEDURES for Extracurricular Drug Testing

Hair Testing-Revised 9-8-11

Lake Zurich High School students who choose to participate in an extracurricular activity, as listed in the Parent/Student Handbookor have parking privileges at Lake Zurich High School will submit to random drug testing when requested by the Student Assistance Program (SAP) Coordinator, Principal, Athletic Director or Assistant Principal for Activities/Facilities. Lake Zurich High School has adopted the following procedures pursuant to the Extracurricular/Parkers Drug Testing Program:


Basics of Testing

  1. The SAP Coordinator will coordinate and oversee the program.
  2. Hair samples will be taken and tested for common, illegal drugs including:Marijuana, Cocaine,Opiates andMethamphetamine.

If an adequate hair sample cannot be obtained from a student or if a student has previously tested positive from a hair sample, then a urine sample will be taken.

Urine samples will be taken and tested for common, illegal drugs including: Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates and Methamphetamine.

  1. Testing will occur up to 6 times throughout the school year. Testing may occur on any day, Monday through Friday.
  2. A computer programwill select a random sample of up to 15 athletes, activity participants, and parking permit recipients for each testing. The selection process will be run by the SAP Coordinator and Athletic Director. Each student participant may be selected and tested at any time during the year. All eligible students will remain in the pool during the period of their eligibility regardless of how many times as their name may be randomly drawn.
  3. Every effort will be made to test selected students during a non-academic period; however, that may not always be possible. If a student is taking a test and is selected during an academic period, that student will be allowed to finish the test prior to submitting to the drug test. Students who are drug tested during an academic period will not be penalized academically and will be allowed to make up work. Students who are tested will not be marked absent for the time they are involved in the drug testing.
  4. Any student who refuses to be tested will be judged as a positive test.
  5. Any student who cheats or tampers with the collection process will be ineligible for all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year. This action will also be reported to the parents/guardian.Only the SAP Coordinator, Principal, Athletic Director and Assistant Principal for Activities/Facilities will be aware of the date of the test. No student will be given advance notice of the testing.
  6. The SAP Coordinator will be responsible for the administration of the testing.
  7. The SAP Coordinator will be responsible for notifying the parents of students tested and results.

Basic Procedure – Hair Samples

  1. Students selected through a random drawing will be escorted one at a time by a dean, administrator or other designee to the testing site.
  2. No student will be allowed to go to his or her locker.
  3. Students are encouraged tonotify the SAP Coordinatorthat he or she is taking a prescription medicationas it may cause a positive test result.
  4. No purses, bags, jackets, cell phones, or containers may be taken into the testing area with the student. Student belongings will be safeguarded.
  5. Trained personnel will be responsible for cutting the hair. A minimal amount of hair will be collected and will not affect the appearance.
  6. Immediately after the sample is taken, the student may return to class with a pass.
  7. Hair samples will be sent to an independent testing laboratory.
  8. Results will be released to the SAP Coordinator.

Basic Procedure – Urine Samples

  1. Students selected through a random drawing will be escorted one at a time by a dean, administrator or other designee to the testing site.
  2. No student will be allowed to go to his or her locker.
  3. Students are encourages to notify the SAP Coordinatorthat he or she is taking a prescription medication as it may cause a positive test result.
  4. No purses, bags, jackets, cell phones, or containers may be taken into the testing area with the student. Student belongings will be safeguarded.
  5. Upon being selected for a urinalysis test, the student will be given a sanitized specimen bottle by the SAP Coordinator, and he/she shall provide an adequate sample. A designated bathroom will be chosen and off limits to anyone not involved in the drug testing. The SAP Coordinator will be outsidethe designated bathroom where the student is providing the sample. The commode will contain a blue dye so the water cannot be used to dilute the sample. The faucets in the restrooms will be shut off.
  6. Those who cannot produce a valid sample will wait until a sample can be produced. A dean, administrator or other designee will accompany the student until he or she produces an adequate urine specimen. If unable to produce a specimen, the student will be given up to 24 ounces of fluid.
  7. All specimens collected registering below 90.5 degrees or above 99.8 degrees Fahrenheit will be invalid. The head strip on each specimen bottle indicates the validity of the urine specimen by temperature. If a specimen is invalid, the student must provide another specimen.
  8. Immediately after the sample is taken, the student may return to class with a pass.
  9. Urine specimens will be tested by the SAP Coordinator.
  10. Specimens that resulted in a negative test will be properly disposed. Specimens that resulted in a positive test will be sent to an independent laboratory for re-testing.
  11. Results will be released tothe SAP Coordinator.


Negative Test Results

  1. Negative test results will be released from the independent laboratory to the SAP Coordinator.
  2. The SAP coordinator will notify the student and his or her parent/guardian of the negative test result via telephone and send a follow up letter.

Positive Test Results

  1. Positive test results will be released from the independent laboratory to the SAP Coordinator.
  2. The SAP Coordinatorwill notify the student and his or her parents/guardian of a positive test result via telephone and registered letter.
  3. The student or his or her parent/guardian may submit any documented prescription or explanation of a positive test result within two attendance days of notification to the SAP Coordinator.

Positive Test Results – Action Steps

After the two attendance days notification period has passed and there is not a satisfactory explanation for the positive test results:

  1. The SAP Coordinatorwill formally inform the student and parent/guardian verbally and in writing of the results of the test and the consequences to follow as defined in the Code of Conduct.
  2. Student will meet with the SAP Coordinator and an initial assessment will be conducted.
  3. Appropriate recommendations will be made to district and/or community resources.
  4. Any resulting consequences will be as defined in the Code of Conduct.


  1. Only the SAP Coordinator,Principal, Athletic Director, or Assistant Principal for Activities/Facilities will be formally aware of whom is drug tested. Every effort will be made to maintain the student’s confidentiality throughout this process. There will be no drug testing records maintained in the student’s permanent school file. Drug testing records are considered temporary and will be kept with the SAP Coordinator.
  2. Information on a positive test result will be shared on a need-to-know basis with the SAP Coordinator, Principal, Athletic Director, or Assistant Principal for Activities/Facilities. The results of negative tests will be kept confidential.

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