Eynsham Partnership Academy
Registered in England & Wales Company No. 07939655
DraftMinutes of the Meeting of the EPA Directing Board
held at Bartholomew School on Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 7pm
Present:Frances Bartlett (FB), James Bird (JB),
Tony Booer (AKB), Anne Carter (AC),Paddy Coulter (PC) (Chair), Hilary Emery (HE), Jenny Faulkner (JF),
Mike Foster (MF), Sarah Kerswell (SK)(Interim Joint CEO, EPA),
Charlie Marshall (CM), Rain Newton Smith (RNS),Jane Osborne (JO),
Pete Reynolds (PR), Michael Ryan (MR),Craig Thomas (CT) The meeting was quorate
In attendance:Beth Bedford (BVB), Company Secretary
Mike Lawes (ML), Interim Joint CEO, EPA and Chief Operating Officer EPA
Kit Howells (KH), Minutes Clerk
- Present, Apologies, Declaration of Interests in Agenda Items
There were no apologies for absence. PC welcomed Craig Thomas to the Directing Board and apologised for the failure to ensure that CT join the Board earlier in the term when he took over from Andy Hamilton as Headteacher at Bartholomew in September. The EPA Articles of Association state that a director position shall be held by the "Principal of one of the secondary academies" and as the EPA currently has only one secondary, by default Craig fills that position. EPA Members have been duly appraised of this appointment.
There were no declarations of interest.
- EPA Annual Accounts and Report for year ended 31 August 2017
Previously circulated. The Auditors’ Management Letter was tabled. ML briefed Directors on the contents of Accounts and the Auditors report and Management Letter. Directors noted the new and more robust audit programme now required for Academy Trusts. The Management Letter reports where there are risks; Directors noted one medium risk which has now been resolved and seven very low risks, some of which had already been found by the EPA’s own internal audit process and are being resolved. Overall, the Audit outcome was good.
MR reminded Directors that the Accounts and Report had been discussed in detail at the recent meeting of Finance & Resources Committee (see Item 8.2) which recommended their acceptance and sign-off.
Directors agreed that the Chair should sign the Accounts and ML will ensure they are submitted to the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)by the 31 December 2017 deadline. Directors thanked ML and the finance team for their work during the year which has resulted in this excellent outcome.
- Minutes of previous meetings on 5 October 2017 and 13 November 2017
The Minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2017 were agreed to be an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2017 were agreed to be an accurate record, subject to the following addition:
Add to bullet point list of aspects discussed (pp8-9), “The ability of any EPA school to detach itself from the MAT during a merger, or at any other time”; and will be signed by the Chair once amended.
Action: KH to amend for PC signature
- Matters Arising
-from 5 October 2017 Minutes
4.1Critical Lockdown exercise
SK confirmed that all EPA schools have lockdown plans and have held practice exercises or have plans to do so in the near future.
4.2Audit Committeereview of Accounts
The Finance & Resources Committee had reviewed the Accounts. The next Audit Committee meeting in 24 Januarywill follow up action on Auditors’ findings and confirm appropriate processes continue to be followed.
4.3 Event to name the Sixth Form Study Centre at Bartholomew
A combined EPA/Bartholomew School event had been held on 1 December to mark the retirement of Andrew Hamilton, previous CEO, and name the Study Centre in his name (The Hamilton Centre).
4.4 Audit Committee membership
Cllr Charles Mathew will join the Audit Committee.
4.5EPA Strategic Plan
Update (2nd version dated Dec 2017) previously circulated. Directors noted the key priorities under five headings: Teaching, Learning & Assessment; Finance & Central Services; Leadership & Governance; Local Impact; and MAT expansion. Directors are to forward comments to SK for consideration/inclusionand will further review the Plan at the next DB meeting.
Action: Directors to send SK comments on Plan
Directors discussed and supported the need for a MAT Handbook to ensure a robust framework for challenge and support, in which all cross-MAT policies, procedures and documentation will be referenced and through which there will be clarity about the MAT’s arrangements to ensure effective oversight of its schools. SK will bring the Handbook to the next DB meeting for information and comment. Action: SK to bring MAT Handbook to DB meeting on 27 Feb
-from 13 November 2017 Minutes
All Matters Arising were discussed under Item 9 below.
- EPA Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) update from Primary Education Director
All issues addressed by the SLG were covered by the subject of Agenda Items for this meeting.
- Interim CEO’s Report
6.1Standards Positions in each Primary School
Headline report previously circulated and noted. The current priorities and judgements for each Primary School reflect discussions with the Headteacher and outcome of recent Ofsted inspections. The EPA’s Standards Committee looks in detail at the pupil progress and attainment data for all EPA schools.
6.2Eynsham Community Primary School (Interim Executive Board)
Paper (Action on Eynsham Community Primary School) previously circulated. PC and SK briefed Directors on the issues leading to this proposal, including the Ofsted Inspection outcome and a discussion they had held with the Chair of Governors regarding the necessary skills and robust governance to support the School at this juncture. SK briefed Directors on her proposal for an Interim Executive Board of specialists to be put in place to provide intensive and focused governance(including meeting all statutory requirements) for a period of time to ensure rapid improvement to the status of the School.
Following discussion, and noting the urgent need to improve standards at the School, the Directing Board agreed to the immediate appointment of an Interim Executive Board (membership to be decided by SK), to disbanding the Local Governing Body, and to communicating this decision and the reasons for it to the current governors as soon as possible, followed by a joint letter to parents and staff from the Chair of Directors and the outgoing Chair of Governors as soon as possible to reassure them that this is part of the EPA’s continuing support for the School and is a positive move. The IEB will be accountable to the DB, which will be able to monitor progress by tracking the key priorities on the School Improvement Plan. It will be essential to ensure good regular communication with all stakeholders.
Action: SK to implement IEB & send communication of decision to all stakeholders
The School has already requested an external review in January and SK will bring the results of that back to the DB in her report to the February DB meeting.
Actions: SK to implement IEB; SK to bring results of ECPS external review to DB Feb meeting
6.3 Budgetary Positions
ML reportedthe detail of all EPA schools’ budgetary positionsto the Finance & Resources Committeemeeting held on 27 November (Item 8.2 below). All seven EPA schools finished with a surplus balance at the end of the financial year. ML has worked with all schools to revise their current budgets to build in known pupil numbers from the October 2017 census which has provided an overview of likely funding for 2018-19. This work shows that all the schools will be in surplus up to 2018-19. Plans for dealing with reduced funding due to low pupil numbers at Eynsham Primary in following years have already been agreed, including taking account of the local housing development likely to be completed within the next few years. Directors emphasised the urgent need to improve Eynsham Primary’s status to at least Good in order to help stabilise current and future pupil numbers.
6.4 Progress on EPA Central Support Service Hub / Support Staff restructure
Paper (Centralisation Consultation Document) previously circulated. The need for more efficient and focused way of providing support services to the EPA schools had already been agreed, with the intention from the outset of the creation of the MAT to have a central service.
ML briefed Directors on the proposals and associated Consultation, put together with Jane Watret, HR Manager, who has significantexperience of staff restructuring. The Consultation document sets out the reasons for the process, including the vision of how the central team will work, which staff are impacted and the protection arrangementsto which the EPA is obligated and intends to enhance. It is noted that requirements for ongoing administrative support in the schools following centralisation (if the EPA is responsible centrally for payroll, finance, health & safety, safeguarding and other support services) is being debated at the meeting of Headteachers next week.
Effective and timely communication is essential. Directors were assured that ML and SK are talking to staff individually to hear their concerns and explain the process and the upcoming Consultation. Directors emphasised the need to ensure that the process is properly explained to parents and other stakeholders to reassure them of the intention to improve EPA support to the Schools.
Noting and understanding the difficulties and sensitivitiesinvolved in such a process, and the proposals to enhance pay protection over and above statutory requirements, the Directing Board agreed that the Consultation should go ahead.
ML will bring the results back to the Directing Board’s February meeting, as well as proposals for possible location of the central hub.
Actions: ML/SK issue Consultation; ML bring results to Feb DB meeting;
ML bring proposals for central hub location to Feb DB meeting
- Verbal feedback from meeting with Regional Schools Commissioner – November 2017
This meeting was part of the newly introduced annual review of MATs being undertaken by RSCs.
SK and ML reported that the meeting had been successful. The EPA’s prepared answers to the previously submitted RSC questions were well received. Discussions had focused on plans for future MAT growth and development, including the proposed merger with the Faringdon Academy of Schools, on the EPA’s proposed actions in relation to Eynsham Primary in order to ensure rapid improvement, and on the RSC’s plans for some MATs to become ‘Academy Ambassadors’.
- Committee Reports
8.1Standards Committee meeting 23 November 2017
Minutes previously circulated.
The Committee is holding the School Improvement Officer to account through review and questioning of Primary Schools’ data dashboards and Secondary School data.
The status of Eynsham Primary had been discussed in depth and the need for action to ensure more rapid improvement agreed.
There is need for Standards Directors and Governors to be trained to read the data provided on ASP – the replacement for RaiseOnline – in order to ensure ability to monitor and question data provided by the SIO. The EPA should open up this training to all schools’ governors and other Directors who might be interested. The Committee stressed the importance of ensuring all pupil performance data is provided to EPA schools’ Governors, as well as to this Committee.
Stanton Harcourt Primary is anticipating an Ofsted Inspection; it is the only EPA Primary not to have had one recently.
JO will meet with EPA Schools’ Chairs of Governors January to discuss overarching EPA issues.
8.2Finance Resources Committeemeeting 27 November 2017
Minutes had been circulated and MR noted thatmost issues had been discussed at Items 6.3, 6.4 and 7 above.
Directors discussed the new General Data Protection Procedures that will come into force in May 2018, and ML confirmed that there will be significant implications. ML has drawn up plan of action and associated timelines to ensure compliance, including drawing in the necessary staff skills to undertake a period of intensive work to accomplish the task. The next meeting of the Committee on 20 February will look at all implications of this in more detail. All Directors will be invited to join the discussion if they so wish.
Action: BVB/ML for F&R 20th Feb Agenda; Directors to note
- Merger of EPA and FAoS (Faringdon Academy of Schools) - Update and next steps
Detailed Minutes of the first part of the November DB meeting (with representatives of FAoS DB) have usefully recorded the position of FAoS on some issues that had remained outstanding in previous discussions.
FAoS having also agreed to proceed with the merger, PC briefed Directors on the recent meeting with FAoS representatives to discuss and draw up a draft Consultation document, which was tabled. Directors were assured that the EPA’s concerns about the position of CEO are reflected in the Consultation document under the section on proposed leadership structure.
Directors were concerned to ensure that stakeholders have clarity of proposal and intention. To that end, it was agreed that a neutral website should be established in the name of the Proposed Merger of FAoS and EPA, with no suggested name for any new Trust, nor logos, to which responses to the Consultation can be sent. This will ensure that, while it is clear that there is commitment by both MATs to proceed towards merger, there can be no perception that it is an outcome already decided.
The Consultation document will be finalised before the Christmas holiday, in readiness for issue in January. Directors willread, and send any comments on, the document to ML by 15 December.
Action: Directors to read the Consultation document and send comments to ML by 15 Dec
To be read alongside the Consultation document, a list of FAQs is being drawn up and will be circulated for Directors’ comments. Action: PC to circulate FAQs for DB comments
Anew Merger Group will be appointed to oversee the delivery of the Consultation process alongside a similar group from FAoS and a representative of the Diocese. This Group will be smaller than the current Joint SteeringGroup(whose EPA members were thanked and will now wind down) and it was agreed to appoint the following to represent the EPA: SK, ML, PR, PC and CT. It would start working in January to finalise documentation for the Consultation.Its work will include the circulation and consideration of responses and the reporting of outcomes. The new Group could advise on thesetting up, if necessary, of a Shadow Directing Board (which might be needed in Spring 2018 with a new merged Directing Board which could operate officially from June 2018) and on the preparation of a new CEO job description should the merger proceed following Consultation The first meeting of the new Joint Merger Group will be held on 10 January in Eynsham. Action: PC,CT, PR, ML, SK to join Merger Group
- EPA Policies/Statements:
Draft EPA Statements had been previously circulated, and Directors agreed as follows:
Health Safety Statement – Approved, subject to inclusion in the Statement of what the EPA does to ensure that all necessary policies are in place in its schools and how it ensures appropriate monitoring.
Safeguarding & Child Protection Statement - Approved, subject to inclusion in the Statement of what the EPA does to ensure that all necessary policies are in place in its schools and how it ensures appropriate monitoring. Action: SK
Publication Scheme – Approved, noting that the EPA is required to have this Scheme in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, and subject to correction of typographical errors.
Terms & Conditions Statement for Use of the EPA Website – Directors suggested further review of this Statement, including changes to its presentation and font. Action: SK
- Standing Items
Directors agreed to appoint MF as named Director for Safeguarding.
SK will agree with MF a Statement on EPA Safeguarding for the MAT’s Website, and a system of ensuring that all EPA schools’ Safeguarding Annual Reports are submitted on time and any issues are addressed. Action: SK to agree systems & reporting, etc with MF
11.2New LGB Governors for DB appointment
No nominations had been received.
PC emphasised the need to ensure strengthening of the robustness of local governance when approving new candidates.
11.3 Committee Chairs Feedback
The Committee Chairs had met with the Interim CEOs on 21 November to discuss the merger consultation process, the governance of Eynsham Community Primary School and progress over the centralisation of EPA support services. All the matters discussed had been addressed in Items above.
- Items of Urgency - None.
- Date of next meeting
The meeting scheduled for Thursday 1 February 2018 has now been rescheduled in order to take account of the proposed merger Consultation and will be held instead on:
Tuesday 27 February at 7 pm, Bartholomew School Library
Close: On behalf of Directors, PC thanked SK, ML and the whole EPA team for their continued and much valued hard work.
Meeting ended at 9 pm
1 Chair’s signature……………………………………………………….. date………………..