This information will be held in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act (DPA) and will not be disclosed to others outside First Ecology (FE) and Somerset Wildlife Trust (SWT). Please fill out this form to let us know why you would like to work or volunteer. Your interests and availability will enable FE to match you to the right volunteer role for you as well as keep you up to date on any new opportunities. Thank you!
1. Profile *
Surname / First name
Gender / Male / Female / Mr Miss Ms Mrs Dr other
Post code
Telephone / Home / Work
Mobile / Best time to call
Preferred communication / Email / Telephone
Email address:
please note that we appreciate email correspondence where possible
2. Application Information
How often are you able to work/volunteer? (approximately)
Weekly / Occasionally / Monthly / Other
□ / □ / □ / □
What days are you usually able to work/ volunteer?
Mon / Tues / Weds / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun
□ / □ / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
Why do you want to volunteer?
What skills and experience can you bring to the role(s) (please include any relevant qualifications and training)?
continue on another page if necessary
Do you have your own transport? / Yes / No
3. IT Skills*
please tick and state level of skill as little experience, adequate, good, very good
Microsoft Word / □
Microsoft Excel / □
Microsoft PowerPoint / □
Microsoft Outlook / □
Recorder 6 / □
GIS - ArcGIS / □
GIS - MapInfo / □
Web design / □
Other: / □
4. Further Interests
(we will keep in touch about future opportunities if requested)
Interest / Experience
Education/children’s activities / □ / □
Phase 1 habitat surveys and NVC / □ / □
Badger surveys and reporting / □ / □
Bat surveys, sonogram analysis and reporting / □ / □
Bird surveys and reporting / □ / □
Dormouse surveys and reporting / □ / □
Great crested newt surveys and reporting / □ / □
Invertebrate surveys / □ / □
Reptile surveys and reporting / □ / □
Otter and water vole surveys and reporting / □ / □
Website updating / □ / □
Article writing for blogs / □ / □
Guidance and advice sheet preparation / □ / □
Social media (facebook and twitter) updating / □ / □
Equipment maintenance (vehicle checks etc) / □ / □
Other (please state) / □ / □
5. Equal Opportunities Information
Date of birth / Retired? / Yes/ No
What do you consider is your ethnic background?
Do you have a disability or impairment that could affect your work? (explain)
Do you have any special needs we need to know of in order to facilitate your volunteer work? (explain)
6. Emergency Contact Details * (please provide a day contact in case of emergencies)
Post code / Relationship
Telephone / Day / Mobile
7. Other Information(This information is to help us understand where our volunteers are recruited from and will help towards funding bids. It will remain confidential and anonymous for reporting purposes)
SWT member? / Yes / No / Number (if known)
Are you a member of other environmental organisations? (please list)
How did you find out about volunteering for FE (if an advert please name publication)?
Can we use photos of you for publicity and media purposes where appropriate? / Yes/ No
Please tick here if you DO NOT wish to receive updates by email on new volunteering opportunities
Please sign and date (bysigning this form you agree to us keeping your details on our database in accordance with the Data Protection Act). This data is collected for administrative and insurance purposes and for reporting and statistical analysis. This information will not be used for any other purpose. Please keep our files up-to-date by informing us of any changes. Thank you.
Signed *: / Date *:
Parent/guardian’s signature if under 18:
* Indicates sections we need you to fill out for legal reasons, the rest is optional